It’s very naive to think that #12 just woke up one Spring morning in 2021 and became upset. Like nearly every controversy or soured relationship in life, the stuff had been brewing for years. Gluten hiring Love and Rodgers holding out was only the culmination of a near decade of singular events. Its obvious you feel compelled to choose years and years of selective amnesia to defend your position though.

(I’ve been waiting 3 years to use that sleepy emoticon so thank you?!)
I noticed something interesting about you. You play both sides of an argument to fit your narrative.
You say on 1 side essentially.. “Rookies can’t help a team, we need PROOF!” You do it to a fault also.
However, when it supports your narrative? you imply a 2020 Rookie WR will turn the tide to Win a Super Bowl?? (See your above comment)
Which one is it? I’d really like to know
1. Do rookie WR’s push a team to Super Bowl levels? Correct me but didn’t we just choose one at #34 overall??
It’s easy to criticize a person (or in this case and entire personnel staff) without having any knowledge whatsoever of the circumstances involved. As casual fans we have a minuscule amount of knowledge of the events leading up to the draft. But I suppose it’s fun to try to act like we knew better than them on some virtual level.
PS. I’m glad you’re done discussing it so I have one less person to wrestle!