Fiber deprived old guy.
The Commanders and the Chiefs almost suck as much as the saints.

It was almost like Referee: "Holy cow, the Texans had a substantial gain here... I better call something here." Now, I'm not the type who buys into conspiracy around every corner stuff but it just got to the point where I couldn't watch that crap anymore. THEN, you realize that the Chiefs have played marginally this year (as the NFL's Super Bowl Champion), yet are a one loss team that has won some extremely close games that they should not have won - by all accounts anyway.
The counter point to that statement is that "Champions find a way to win", right? That may have been exclusively true prior to The Shield getting into bed with gambling interests, up until a couple of years ago, I would have dismissed such an inference with a hearty "TAKE YOUR MEDS fella, your team lost. They need to play more disciplined football."
I'm slowly coming to the realization that NFL Football is no longer a live Chess game - a bonafide mano-e-mano battle between two teams that are on equal footing and the best man (team) wins. The NFL just is not passing the eye test anymore. It's like they don't even care how obvious the slanted officiating has become. The NFL games, in my eyes are becoming more of a high priced reality show. I'm not going to compare an NFL game to Professional Wrestling, that comparison has become almost passe ... I'm comparing it to, like, The Emmys or the Oscars ... pure and simple choreographed like the Rockettes - now, every outcome can't be rigged, but the flow of the game sure could be and probably is.
I watched as much as my sensitive gut could take ... then, shut it off and went to fix a friend's plumbing issue.
Truly guys ... I WANT to believe in the NFL much the same way I wanted to believe in Santa Claus up to certain age. Then ... it begins to click.