After the two-minute warning of a half, the following shall apply:
- If a team has not used its three charged team timeouts, the team of the injured player will be charged a team timeout, unless:
- the injury is the result of a foul by an opponent
- the injury occurs during a down in which there is a change of possession, a touchdown, a safety, a successful field goal, or an attempted Try
- If a team has used its three charged team timeouts, an excess team timeout shall be called by the Referee, unless:
- the injury is the result of a foul by an opponent
- the injury occurs during a down in which there is a change of possession, a touchdown, a safety, a successful field goal, or an attempted Try
- The player must leave the game for the completion of one down, unless:
- the injury is the result of a foul by an opponent
- either team calls a charged team timeout.
Penalty: For the second and each subsequent excess team timeout after the two-minute warning: Loss of five yards from the succeeding spot for delay of the game.
Note 1: No yardage penalty will be assessed for the first excess team timeout, but a 10-second runoff of the game clock may be applicable pursuant to Note 3 below. At the conclusion of an excess timeout taken while time is in, the game clock shall start with the ready-for-play signal. For any excess timeout charged to the defense, the play clock is reset to 40 seconds.
Note 2: If the Referee has already called an excess team timeout in that half for a team, any subsequent excess timeout for that team will result in a five-yard penalty. (Such penalty shall be considered a foul between downs and will not offset a foul or be part of a multiple foul.)
Note 3: If an excess team timeout is charged against a team in possession of the ball, and time is in when the excess timeout is called, the ball shall not be put in play until the time on the game clock has been reduced by 10 seconds, if the defense so chooses.