I think Kirksey and lowry and Wagner are easy cuts, I don't think there production will be hard to replace. Kirksey was ok, but hurt and not available. Not difficult to replace that. Lowry peaked 2 years ago I think and Wagner,oof, not a good showing yesterday, but we'll see going forward.
But those are 3 guys we can probably save on, without much drop off. But Preston Smith? I know he's not having a season like last year, he's back in coverage more etc, but that is a bonafide edge rusher you're needing to replace and Turner, though not my favorite FA signing, has proven a valuable person to have. I don't think his savings would justify the cut at this point.
and they weren't going to back off if Jones was on the other side. They knew they could play up and aggressive, nobody is better in those first 2 steps than devante and they were up on him all game long. that was my point with the INT. They could play that way because they didn't have to worry about anything else and it wasn't because of who we had on the other side, they knew we weren't going to have time to deliver it.
Our oline needed to be better. We also should have helped them a bit and did some more attacking in the run game right at them.