So, late to the party, but...
-Packers fans in LA
-CROSBY on a deep 3
-Every packer fan who watched until the 00:00
-Online. Oline. Oline.
-Our zone coverage scheme. We have a lot of draft equity tied up in the back 5. Pettine needs to give these guys the chance to play man up. Our zone D is a problem, and mediocre offenses are scheming around it for chunks of field.
- effort on offense. I saw JG standing around several times when he should be blocking upfield. Saw WR stopping on routes when they thought play was dead. Just a lot of flat footed play today.
-did I mention oline? Bulaga continues to confound as to why announcers think he is elite. He's a turnstile. He can barely protect without injury against mediocre talent or scheme blitzing. He is absolutely OVERWHELMED by good players.
-lastly... Aaron. This was a stinker, but some of its on oline. More is on Aaron. He has the ability to get the ball out, he just gets locked up for games sometimes. He was off target, late, and just out of sync today.
That's why they call em "Trap" games. Good news is that the rest of division lost, so nothing lost/gained today.