They have reached their peak because MLF & BG hitched their wagon to Love.
Now, going into year six of Love's career, Love still has wonky mechanics, inexplicably isn't a great runner when the need arises, can't 'dance' in the pocket well, is inaccurate with an extremely low completion % and throws INT's in big games (which is what he showed at Utah St.)
Clements & MLF deserve credit for getting Love way beyond where I thought possible, but, this is it, he's maxed out.
Fans keep comparing him to Favre/Rodgers, but, that is laughable. True comparison is Cousins, Mayfield, Cutler, Darnold, etc., guys that put up respectable regular seasons and get hot occasionally, but, will break your heart in the playoffs.
MLF & BG were high fiving when they drafted Love. They made their bed that day, and a SB is something they can only dream about now.