On D Jimmy Graham is going to be a challenge (if he's not in significant decline) no matter who may be covering him. The best power runner in the game is going up against one of the NFL's perennial weak-sisters against the run, Matthews in the middle not withstanding. Wilson is a very good QB. The record doesn't lie. He's led his team to more SBs than Rodgers has and also won as many in a narrower time frame. He may not be as gifted a QB as Rodgers but he's been a winner, nonetheless. Respect your foe.
On O the Packers have to attack every player, including what's-his-name, the DB. He's not a speedy guy and he is anchored to only one spot, apparently for a reason(s). He muscles WRs and disrupts the timing along the entire route, and he uses his length and ball skills very effectively when the ball is in the air. He can tackle. But he doesn't have to be speedy if he's not thrown at whatsoever. He's not Deion Sanders or Charles Woodson in their primes. No submissive white flag-waving this game, please. Dictate not submit.