Packers vs 49ers Preseason Game 1: Game-Thread

Aug 16, 2014
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Cap is right. The upcoming draft is loaded at the QB position. Even if Love plays lights-out in the next two games, it's unlikely he'll have much trade value. And IMO until he plays like a 1st round pick, there's not a lot of value in debating what he might become.

For now he's a solid backup to Rodgers. If he someday soon shows he's capable of more than that, it will be a pleasant surprise for all.
I disagree. Not with it being a good QB class I agree with that part. I disagree because you’re not looking at the full picture. Have you even considered what’s in the pipeline as far as QB? Maybe 2-3 this season that could make it? That’s optimistic. It’s a shortage right now and you’ll need to cover 2 years of NFL teams needy at QB.

1. Give me a list of names here from the 2023 draft You’ll need at least 7-8 to cover the QB needy teams (because only a couple QB drafted in 2022 will make it). You’ll need a few extra to be serviceable backups for several teams with potential to become starters.

2. Next to each one list the season they will be successful starters. Rookie, Sophomore, 1st, 2nd 3rd etc..
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Apr 30, 2018
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I disagree. Not with it being a good QB class I agree with that part. I disagree because you’re not looking at the full picture. Have you even considered what’s in the pipeline as far as QB? Maybe 2-3 this season that could make it? That’s optimistic. It’s a shortage right now and you’ll need to cover 2 years of NFL teams needy at QB.

1. Give me a list of names here from the 2023 draft You’ll need at least 7-8 to cover the QB needy teams (because only a couple in 2022 will make it). You’ll need a few extra to be serviceable backups for those teams.

2. Next to each one list the season they will be successful starters. Rookie, Sophomore, 1st, 2nd 3rd etc..
I don't understand how any of this is relevant to Love's value. I thought that's what you were commenting on when you said he might be worth a top 40 draft pick. My reply was that his highest value now is as a backup to Rodgers.

So in response to that, and to be clear, as of today and with what he's done since being drafted, I think Love has little to no value to the Packers except as a backup. I don't see that changing in the next two PS games, maybe that's wrong. I suppose if everything went well, he might be worth a 6th or 7th round pick, but who cares? He has more value to GB as a backup in that situation.

Finally, I don't know how listing draftees from 2023 and guessing when they would be "successful" (whatever that means) is part of this discussion. It's not a discussion I would participate in anyway.


Nov 10, 2021
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I don't believe the Packers have any intention in the world of entertaining the idea of trading Love. There is just no avenue through the draft or free agency, that would indicate that they could do better over the next two years.

Of course that could change at the end of this coming season. But not now.
Aug 16, 2014
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I don't believe the Packers have any intention in the world of entertaining the idea of trading Love. There is just no avenue through the draft or free agency, that would indicate that they could do better over the next two years.

Of course that could change at the end of this coming season. But not now.
Now that I agree with overall. Although we were just tossing around the idea of a trade after this season. Hence the 1 year of remaining rookie contract.

The smart thing to do is hold on to him as long as he’s showing growth over time. Unless someone offers stupid collateral, which likely won’t happen. Spending #26 overall to groom and trade for basically nothing is not too smart imo.


Nov 10, 2021
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Now that I agree with overall. Although we were just tossing around the idea of a trade after this season. Hence the 1 year of remaining rookie contract.

The smart thing to do is hold on to him as long as he’s showing growth over time. Unless someone offers stupid collateral, which likely won’t happen.
After this year, I don't think even the Packers have an inkling as to where things will go. It's kind of one day at a time as of now.
Aug 16, 2014
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After this year, I don't think even the Packers have an inkling as to where things will go. It's kind of one day at a time as of now.
Also let’s face the inevitable. There’s still an outside chance that Rodgers isn’t here in a few years. It would be nice to have a guy in your system for 5 seasons who can step right in.

That does not imply Love is our only option or we wouldn’t sign a FA or Draft QB in order to bring in competition. It happens all the time.


Nov 10, 2021
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Also let’s face the inevitable. There’s still an outside chance that Rodgers isn’t here in a few years. It would be nice to have a guy in your system for 5 seasons who can step right in.

That does not imply Love is our only option or we wouldn’t sign a FA or Draft QB in order to bring in competition. It happens all the time.
I totally agree. It's all a question of money. Where does it go beyond this year? I haven't got a clue. Love's contract is through 2023. 2024 could be a franchise tag, if the chose. 2025 he'd be a free agent. I'm clueless as to where this goes to be honest.


Apr 30, 2018
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I don't believe the Packers have any intention in the world of entertaining the idea of trading Love. There is just no avenue through the draft or free agency, that would indicate that they could do better over the next two years.

Of course that could change at the end of this coming season. But not now.
That sounds right. He's a solid backup for the Packers. Whether that's the role he keeps, who knows? And they can't do better through the draft because of their likely draft position and that the good QBs go early, and there's no real trade value in Love. There's nothing wrong with being a backup QB in the NFL if that's where talent takes someone. It's a few $ million a year, better than most college grads......

Now if Rodgers decides to retire after this season, well Gluten's job is gonna get a whole lot harder.


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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That sounds right. He's a solid backup for the Packers. Whether that's the role he keeps, who knows? And they can't do better through the draft because of their likely draft position and that the good QBs go early, and there's no real trade value in Love. There's nothing wrong with being a backup QB in the NFL if that's where talent takes someone. It's a few $ million a year, better than most college grads......

Now if Rodgers decides to retire after this season, well Gluten's job is gonna get a whole lot harder.
Why do you think defense has been stacking up???

like it or not ..Love will be the qb, def will be top 7, ST will be good

get ready as this is the plan

prove me wrong


Apr 30, 2018
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Why do you think defense has been stacking up???

like it or not ..Love will be the qb, def will be top 7, ST will be good

get ready as this is the plan

prove me wrong
You're probably right. Nothing to prove really. Love was Gluten's guy all along, just like Wolf brought in Favre and TT brought in Rodgers. They all had rough starts. I hope Love can overcome his and be the next franchise QB in GB. Personally, just don't see it. Hope I'm wrong.


Apr 30, 2018
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There was a nice play made by Love last night that first looked like a bad throw. Even JSOnline reported it that way.

It was late in Q1 and the Packers were 2nd or 3rd and goal from the 6. Love rolled to his left and Deguarra was wide open around the 5 and very likely would have scored. But a Saints' ILB or maybe an OLB read the play and was right between Love and DeGuarra. Love threw wide of the defender and DeGuarra for an incompletion, but DeGuarra ran the right route. If Love had thrown the ball straight to DeGuarra as the play was designed it likely would have been tipped or intercepted. And an interception probably would have been a pic 6.

So Love threw wide on purpose IMO rather than risk the INT. At least that's how I saw it. He might have been able to loft it over the defender, but then he would have overthrown DeGuarra. Anyway it ended up saving a FG for the Packers and a TO. It was a good example of presence by Love. Yeah, just one play, but that's how games are won or lost.

He played better than his stat line last night. At this point I feel good about him as a backup. If he keeps progressing and keeps a cool head, he just might have a chance to start in another year. Will that be in Green Bay? Who knows.

And I disagree with the commenters who are saying Love should be playing much better. After all, Gluten gave up a fourth rounder to trade up and get him in the first round. After 2 plus years he should be better. Well he might be better - but we aren't necessarily going to see that in PS games. Who knows what combination of starters and subs are on the field at any point? I'd rely more on what he does in practice, especially against an improved GB D.

And I still have doubts about Love. But he is playing better and that's important to note.
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Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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There was a nice play made by Love last night that first looked like a bad throw. Even JSOnline reported it that way.

It was late in Q1 and the Packers were 2nd or 3rd and goal from the 6. Love rolled to his left and Deguarra was wide open around the 5 and very likely would have scored. But a Saints' ILB or maybe an OLB read the play and was right between Love and DeGuarra. Love threw wide of the defender and DeGuarra for an incompletion, but DeGuarra ran the right route. If Love had thrown the ball straight to DeGuarra as the play was designed it likely would have been tipped or intercepted. And an interception probably would have been a pic 6.

So Love threw wide on purpose IMO rather than risk the INT. At least that's how I saw it. He might have been able to loft it over the defender, but then he would have overthrown DeGuarra. Anyway it ended up saving a FG for the Packers and a TO. It was a good example of presence by Love. Yeah, just one play, but that's how games are won or lost.

He played better than his stat line last night. At this point I feel good about him as a backup. If he keeps progressing and keeps a cool head, he just might have a chance to start in another year. Will that be in Green Bay? Who knows.

And I disagree with the commenters who are saying Love should be playing much better. After all, Gluten gave up a fourth rounder to trade up and get him in the first round. After 2 plus years he should be better. Well he might be better - but we aren't necessarily going to see that in PS games. Who knows what combination of starters and subs are on the field at any point? I'd rely more on what he does in practice, especially against an improved GB D.

And I still have doubts about Love. But he is playing better and that's important to note.
Starting to think rationally