I had This Nightmare


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Jan 19, 2013
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Averaged 18.6 %
I looked for Rodgers but couldn’t find it in the 5 min I spent looking. I wonder if you’d be able to enlighten me?

As for the DL decap situation….my guy gets the ball out wicked fast so….
And there’s Tevin Jenkins and a few other fellas on the OL who might have something to say bout that .
We didn't (and neither did anyone else) have any problems getting to Fields. This year's crop of 1st round QB's were abysmal at handling blitzes. That doesn't bode well for what they're going to see in the men's league.

Calebs Revenge

Mar 21, 2024
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We didn't (and neither did anyone else) have any problems getting to Fields. This year's crop of 1st round QB's were abysmal at handling blitzes. That doesn't bode well for what they're going to see in the men's league.
Dang….if only the league let you get better players every year so the worst line in the NFL that “protected” JF didn’t also have to “protect” Caleb. If only……..

Seriously though. I was over JF when two plays happened. Missed a TE seem to the end zone where he literally only had to look up but we ruined him and he’ll hear footsteps the rest of his career. Another was 6 blitzers 5 linemen. Do the math… free runner…..JF never looked at the blindside rusher when counting to 6 was enough to figure out what’s gonna happen.
Everybody struggles with blitzes when done right. That’s why it’s still in the game. New day, new protectors… hopefully new outcome.

Poppa San

* Team Owner *
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Aug 29, 2010
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20 miles from Lambeau
Dang….if only the league let you get better players every year so the worst line in the NFL that “protected” JF didn’t also have to “protect” Caleb. If only……..
Everybody struggles with blitzes when done right. That’s why it’s still in the game. New day, new protectors… hopefully new outcome.
Um, their 4th round pick was spent on a punter? -- possibly the best move they could have made to help the defense.
Their only new protector
"Round 3 (75) — Kiran Amegadjie, OT, Yale: Don't count the Ivy League background against him. He's got the athleticism to play in the NFL, but may need a redshirt year in order to calibrate to the competition."

Calebs Revenge

Mar 21, 2024
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Kiran is also a hometown kid so Da extra fire and Da passions will be there. He wasn’t drafted to start. He’ll be the swing tackle and may be starting LT next year.

Even you guys have to admit the Bears offense is in position(nothing guaranteed in life except death and my hatred of y’all’s team) to be the most potent it’s ever been. We know we’ve been the laughing stock of the league on offense for 50 years. Poles was brought in to change that. I can’t wait for the season. I honestly don’t know who will win our division. We outplayed Detroit for 118 of 120 minutes of game time last year. Detroit might come out the gates on fire or have letdown.
J love could keep getting better(God No!!!!!) or could go the Daniel Jones route.
Min might be good but I think Darnold is who we think he is and…..meh.
I just hope everyone stays healthy so no excuses and let’s f#+%€ing do this!!!!!!


Sep 9, 2017
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I don’t understand how anybody could have watched Love last season and be worried he’s not the guy. He didn’t just have good tape, he had some really special moments. Of course he’s going to have some hiccups, but Daniel Jones has never had moments like Love did.

Calebs Revenge

Mar 21, 2024
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Bc there have been tons of one-year wonders in the league. There was basically no tape on Love before last year. Now there is a seasons worth. How’s he react to this, what did he do in this situation…..
No guarantee he’ll take a step back but have to see 2 years in a row before really start to crown him but y’all definitely have a system of sitting these guys for years to get acclimated and up to speed and I can’t believe no other team has tried to duplicate yalls game plan for QB position.

Thirteen Below

Jan 15, 2022
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I don’t understand how anybody could have watched Love last season and be worried he’s not the guy. He didn’t just have good tape, he had some really special moments. Of course he’s going to have some hiccups, but Daniel Jones has never had moments like Love did.

Bc there have been tons of one-year wonders in the league. There was basically no tape on Love before last year. Now there is a seasons worth. How’s he react to this, what did he do in this situation…..
I think you completely missed the point of what Gleeful Gary said, because your reply doesn't have anything at all to do with anything he said. You're talking about two totally different things.

What he's trying to explain is that if you know what you're looking at when you watch a quarterback play, you'll see things in the really good ones that you just don't ever see in the Dan Jones-types. You'll see the really special quarterbacks (even when they're young and inexperienced) do really special things that most quarterbacks simply can not do. This is what tells you you're seeing a quarterback who's going to be very good or even great as he gets more experience.

I understand that most Chicago fans don't know about this, because they're never seen it in their lifetimes (well.... except those who watched the Bears play the Packers in Brett Favre's first year or two, and then Aaron Rodgers' first year or two, and now Jordan Love). So of course Bear fans would not know it when they see it; they have no way of knowing what it looks like.

But Green Bay fans know what it looks like. We've been watching it happen for over 30 years, and we damned well know when we see it again.

Calebs Revenge

Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
Carson Wentz, J. Winston, RGIII, Mac Jones and even Trubs all had arrows pointing up after rookie years. Tua has had ups and downs and many more examples.
Jared Goff took team to SuperBowl, was booed out of town and has had success in his new team but is far from Hall of Fame.

As far as who knows QB’s better(chuckles) it is Bears fans. We’ve seen every kind of bad bc it was wearing our jersey. Y’all have seen what 5…..maybe 6 diff starters in 30 years? Y’all have blinders on. Even D. Jones has won a playoff game. Love had a decent season but, much like a Bears QB of the past, he rode his defense and running game as far as he could till ultimately betraying everyone with an ill timed interception.
So…let’s talk about your new “golden boy” you know…..the future “HofFamer” according to you…..
To start the game he missed a throw in the end zone. Was well covered but hey…the great ones find a way right.

Then really did a Bears QB impersonation by failing to convert a 4th n 1 from the 10 yard line….ouch.

Did have nice throw to the 8 later in half but couldn’t punch it in. Another FG.

D stops 49ers and gives ball back to start 2cnd half. Y’all score but the defender falls down and Love is very close to throwing it out back of the end zone. Later has a nice TD throw and better 2pnt convo throw. The best of the game.

But up 7, has layup throw that’s high and behind the TE and it causes a pick. D only gives up 3. Could be a 2 score game but another throw behind #33 and D bails them out again. Jones then has the 50 yard run but the kicker chokes after another bad throw almost pick.

San Fran takes lead and another bad pass across body and behind the WR seals game with another pick. Womp womp wooooooomp.

The team is young but saying Love is destined for HoF just cause y’all have had good picks and some luck well……..I guess we’ll see.


Feb 8, 2017
Reaction score
Then really did a Bears QB impersonation by failing to convert a 4th n 1 from the 10 yard line….ouch.
Nah, losing to the 49ers is more of a Rodgers impersonation. They've had our number in recent years, and this is about as close as we've come to beating them.

As for Love, I don't know if he's headed for the HoF, but I have confidence he's going to play at a high level, and good enough to lead the team for a long time to come.

Thirteen Below

Jan 15, 2022
Reaction score
Nah, losing to the 49ers is more of a Rodgers impersonation. They've had our number in recent years, and this is about as close as we've come to beating them.

As for Love, I don't know if he's headed for the HoF, but I have confidence he's going to play at a high level, and good enough to lead the team for a long time to come.
Yep. Love may never make the hall of fame, but there are a lot of quarterbacks who weren't Top 20 all time and still led their teams to Super Bowl victories. I am convinced that Love is one of those who can and will do exactly that.

Personally, I do believe he has a good chance of atttaining HOF status, but if he doesn't that's fine. Whole lotta games need to be played over a whole lotta years before we can even start seriously discussing that, and there's no point in even trying to frame the conversation in those terms at this stage.

I'd rather just stick to a point that (at this stage) is totally defensible - the man is quite likely going to be an excellent franchise quarterback for a decade or more, and will have us in contention for the Super Bowl for almost every year he's on the Packers; assuming they are able to continue surrounding him with the tools he needs. And I am completely fine with that, because that's more thsn any Bears fan can ever say about any Chicago quarterback

And I don't give a rat's *** about RGIII, Mac Jones, Carson Wentz, Trubitsky or whatever the hell his name was, or any other flash in the pan one-year wonder. Because none of them have any traits to compare with what we have already seen from Love. And anyone who is so totally incapable of comprehending that is in totally over his head arguing about what makes a good quarterback.

Especially kids from Chicago. Because the only thing they know about good quarterbacks is that they have never, ever seen one in their entire lifetimes.

Except twice a year when they play Green Bay.


Fiber deprived old guy.
Dec 10, 2004
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Oshkosh, WI
You’re absolutely right to be afraid. There’s a freight train coming down the track and it’s got a Bears C on the front and Caleb is the conductor.
Back in the day, I used to create Bears fan trolls just to agitate and irritate - once created a character named WellHungBearsFan for the Troll Train at Rome's old (now, long collapsed) forum. It was a blast...so, I GET IT! Have at it.

On the outside shot that you're not really Pokerbrat or BuggyBill causing trouble (sorry if I outted you guys), all I care to add is that this Bears freight train of which you speak has managed to jump the proverbial tracks to take a dirt road soooo many times, that you're just going to have work a little harder to irritate this crew. Just sayin'. Welcome aboard by the way....


Feb 8, 2017
Reaction score
Yep. Love may never make the hall of fame, but there are a lot of quarterbacks who weren't Top 20 all time and still led their teams to Super Bowl victories. I am convinced that Love is one of those who can and will do exactly that
Yeah, I mean I don't see any reason why Love can't make the HoF, it's just that after two in a row, I feel like I'd be pushing it expecting that out of him. And honestly, with the last couple QBs, there was so much focus on them being HoF QBs, it kind of overshadowed the team sometimes. And they both got a big head by the end. What I'd rather get out of Love is wins. And championships. Of course, if he does that, the HoF will come anyway. I'd just rather the focus be on the team.


Go Pack Go!
Mar 25, 2017
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Way you early to talk about HOF. Love has 1 season starting in this league. The next 5 years, and the success of this team in that timeframe, will give us a little more projection on that course. Until then, just start stacking wins, playoff appearances, and hopefully Lombardi Trophy's at 1265.

Calebs Revenge

Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
Back in the day, I used to create Bears fan trolls just to agitate and irritate - once created a character named WellHungBearsFan for the Troll Train at Rome's old (now, long collapsed) forum. It was a blast...so, I GET IT! Have at it.

On the outside shot that you're not really Pokerbrat or BuggyBill causing trouble (sorry if I outted you guys), all I care to add is that this Bears freight train of which you speak has managed to jump the proverbial tracks to take a dirt road soooo many times, that you're just going to have work a little harder to irritate this crew. Just sayin'. Welcome aboard by the way....
Thanks for the welcome.
I really am a lifelong Bears fan. 43yro so just old enough to remember my Pops and everyone freak out over the 85’ win and the resulting horrific years that have followed but I’m hoping our long nightmare is over and we finally have our HoF quarterback.

Life is funny. If Texans don’t make that Hail Mary pass and 2 pnt conversion we don’t have the team we have now. What if Cutler isn’t injured and we win the Super Bowl in 10’….how different is his career. What if Urlacher gets away from Rodgers on that pick and takes it to the house. It can’t last forever as the Cubbies proved (thank you God) so we’ll have a great QB someday and I think Caleb is it.

Yes I’m here for healthy debate and jokes but no over the line stuff…. That’s just not my bag baby!! I hope we kick the s*#t out of you guys this season and hope y’all ready bc you can delude yourselves all you want but this is the best TEAM a first picked QB has ever gone to and if he’s what everyone advertised….well it’s gonna be fun to watch Da “lowly” Bearsss offense not looking so offensive.

Calebs Revenge

Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
Way you early to talk about HOF. Love has 1 season starting in this league. The next 5 years, and the success of this team in that timeframe, will give us a little more projection on that course. Until then, just start stacking wins, playoff appearances, and hopefully Lombardi Trophy's at 1265.
That’s all I was saying too. It’s a bit ridiculous to talk HoF now. I think he’ll be decent but last year the D and run game bailed the young QB out a lot. We’ll see how year 2 goes.

I can definitely admit he looked a lot better than I would have liked him too. There was a pit in my stomach going “here we go again” after y’all crushed Dallas. He came back down to Earth against the 49ers and even dare say….cost the team the win.


Feb 8, 2017
Reaction score
Way you early to talk about HOF. Love has 1 season starting in this league.
You're absolutely right. But I do want to point out that for whatever reason, both Favre and Rodgers were mentioned as sure fire HoF QBs very early in their careers.


Feb 8, 2017
Reaction score
I really am a lifelong Bears fan. 43yro so just old enough to remember my Pops and everyone freak out over the 85’ win and the resulting horrific years that have followed but I’m hoping our long nightmare is over and we finally have our HoF quarterback.
Worst night of my life. I live in Indiana, and most people were Bears fans around here until the Colts came. After the Super Bowl, I went to a bar, and it was just crawling with people in Bears jerseys running around yelling "Whoo!". I kept thinking I should have stayed home lol.

And by the way, if it's too early to call Jordan Love a Hall of Famer, that is definitely true for Caleb Williams, who has not played a down yet in the NFL.

Calebs Revenge

Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
Yeah….. can’t wait to watch more Taylor Swi…..errrr I meant Kansas City football games.

But back to trash talking…I know on paper doesn’t mean Jack shiiite but CBS just ranked Bears as second best WR room in NFL. Hey it’s better than them ranking us as the worst like we were 2 years ago.


Staff member
Jan 19, 2013
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Carson Wentz, J. Winston, RGIII, Mac Jones and even Trubs all had arrows pointing up after rookie years. Tua has had ups and downs and many more examples.
Jared Goff took team to SuperBowl, was booed out of town and has had success in his new team but is far from Hall of Fame.

As far as who knows QB’s better(chuckles) it is Bears fans. We’ve seen every kind of bad bc it was wearing our jersey. Y’all have seen what 5…..maybe 6 diff starters in 30 years? Y’all have blinders on. Even D. Jones has won a playoff game. Love had a decent season but, much like a Bears QB of the past, he rode his defense and running game as far as he could till ultimately betraying everyone with an ill timed interception.
So…let’s talk about your new “golden boy” you know…..the future “HofFamer” according to you…..
To start the game he missed a throw in the end zone. Was well covered but hey…the great ones find a way right.

Then really did a Bears QB impersonation by failing to convert a 4th n 1 from the 10 yard line….ouch.

Did have nice throw to the 8 later in half but couldn’t punch it in. Another FG.

D stops 49ers and gives ball back to start 2cnd half. Y’all score but the defender falls down and Love is very close to throwing it out back of the end zone. Later has a nice TD throw and better 2pnt convo throw. The best of the game.

But up 7, has layup throw that’s high and behind the TE and it causes a pick. D only gives up 3. Could be a 2 score game but another throw behind #33 and D bails them out again. Jones then has the 50 yard run but the kicker chokes after another bad throw almost pick.

San Fran takes lead and another bad pass across body and behind the WR seals game with another pick. Womp womp wooooooomp.

The team is young but saying Love is destined for HoF just cause y’all have had good picks and some luck well……..I guess we’ll see.
Ok, please tell us all about this "luck" we've had.


Staff member
Jan 19, 2013
Reaction score
Back in the day, I used to create Bears fan trolls just to agitate and irritate - once created a character named WellHungBearsFan for the Troll Train at Rome's old (now, long collapsed) forum. It was a blast...so, I GET IT! Have at it.

On the outside shot that you're not really Pokerbrat or BuggyBill causing trouble (sorry if I outted you guys), all I care to add is that this Bears freight train of which you speak has managed to jump the proverbial tracks to take a dirt road soooo many times, that you're just going to have work a little harder to irritate this crew. Just sayin'. Welcome aboard by the way....
Gasp, that's despicable! I wish I had thought of doing that.
Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
That’s all I was saying too. It’s a bit ridiculous to talk HoF now. I think he’ll be decent but last year the D and run game bailed the young QB out a lot. We’ll see how year 2 goes.

I can definitely admit he looked a lot better than I would have liked him too. There was a pit in my stomach going “here we go again” after y’all crushed Dallas. He came back down to Earth against the 49ers and even dare say….cost the team the win.
Jordan also put us squarely in position to beat a very good 49ers team. Not only that but Jordan Love dominated Dallas in THEIR house. Dallas hadn’t lost a home game in a year and a half. Not only that but Jordan did it with the youngest Offense by games experience in SB history and did it in embarrassing fashion. Ask Dallas fans if they think Jordan lost games for the Packers and at least they’ve gur the g o ads to tell the truth. Even with a few years on the bench watching? It’s almost inconceivable. To take anything away from Jordan in a first starting season is bordering egregious. He literally tore teams up down the stretch and I mean stunned them. So what he made a bad throw he had 1 season under his belt did you expect perfection and a SB? With a D barely in the top half of the league? Cmon that’s why Bears fans will always be Bears fans.

If Jordan Love was reselected in the 2024 draft he’d go top 3. I’d take a proven QB with heart over a Trevor Lawrence type with “accolades” any day and 2X on Sunday. You’re severely deceiving yourself if you think Love did that by accident. 2023 will not be Jordan’s best season and if that’s what you’re implying you’ll be set for disappointment. Your QB hadn’t even had a snap in the NFL and you’re acting like he’s the next Joe Montana. In this league you’ve got to prove yourself and I’d time it until that happens before talking big time smack. The Packers are a clear favorite in the NFC and it takes more than a first year QB to get it done. In this league it’s takes 53 to get her done and the
The Bears 53 > Packers at talking
The Packers 53 > Bears 53 on the field. You’d have to Win 5 in a row just to turn the tide that’s how bad the Bears have been.
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