pyledriver80 said:
trippster said:
You are well known for your negatives regarding TT and everyone else at 1265 Lombardi. Could you please give me some positives going on in your mind regarding the Pack?
Tripp, I am negative toward the team because I think the moves made are bad. Should I just lie and state everything is rosey? I make points on here on WHY I think moves are bad. Have you seen this team play.
Just for a second try to consider this. Perhaps I am not just HATING but the concerns I have are valid.
Perhaps go back to the Woodson signing where I stated that he was lazy and overrated and his play was on the decline. Was I way off base here now that we've seen him play?
Perhaps go back to my comments on Poppinga where I stated that he is not a legit LB in this league and best use was on special teams only. Was I way off base here after watching him get torched 4 games straight?
Perhaps go back to my HATING of the Colledge pick where I said he used TERRIBLE technique and played to straight up while everyone was stating how he would be an instant force. I suppose I was just hating there as well.
Perhaps go back and read my comments on Tony Moll, where I stated he was the most NFL ready O-Lineman we drafted while everyone was stating how he was our "worse pick" and would not make the team.
Perhaps go back to when GB cut Leach and I stated it was a dumb move. Since then Green has not sniffed 100 yards against lesser competition and TT is scrambling to find a capable FB. Didn't I just state that 2 weeks earlier?
Isn't it just possible that I don't like the direction of this team for VALID reasons? Perhaps I don't like going 4-12. Perhaps I refuse to get excited over squeaking one out over the Lions. Perhaps I don't look at the positives of games we lose. Perhaps I think had it been handled differently we could still be a playoff team.
If you want to look at the bright side by all means do so but until this team gets dedicated to winning and not just "having cap space" I will complain.
No one likes to lose. And yes, I have watched them play. Every game, and every preseason game. I have been to two preseason games and one regular season game. I also have been to a few practices.
You have quickly made judgements on rookies and first year "active" players" after 3 games. You are also ready to can the GM after less than 2 years. What do you see as a reasonable time to ***** their ability to improve? How long does it take to reach "NFL maturity"? My guess is more than a couple of games. Keep in mind a few that turned out pretty decent. Javon was no great thing his rookie year...nor was Brett. Were you around when he first came to GB? I am sure you were screaming for his departure.
All but Poppinga and Woodson are rookies if I am not mistaken. While they may not be pro bowl material yet, they are the best we have at the moment. In the eyes of all that matter (least of all us) these guys have the potential to be good players. That is why they are on the team.
When Favre first started playing, in amongst all those boneheaded plays he showed flashes of brilliance. That is why I was firmly entrenched in him remaining with us, and us painfully going through his growing pains. I saw this in him as did Homgren and Reggie White. I see that in some of the rookies too. Unfortunately for us fans, we don't have the luxuory of having them learn while backing up a top notch player. They have to learn it whil being thrown in the fire. This usually means a faster learning curve but more mistakes that are evident for all.
Poppinga, I think will be a good linebacker. Does he have weaknesses? Absolutely. His pass coverage is horrible at the least. But I do look for it to improve because of how he approaches the game and getting better (from what I have read about his personality and work ethic) once again....excellent upside potential.
Woodson? I agree with you to a point. I was expecting him to provide better coverage than Carroll. He may have done that at least in the penalties catagory, however, his laziness is unacceptable. The other side of the story is who else do we put there? Would Law been better? Maybe.
Not every veteran FA is a lock. As a matter of fact, from recent memory, I would say just the opposite. TT does not have a crystal ball, nor do we. Your suggestions could just as easily have blown up in our faces too.
TT has just started to rebuild. It is not something that could be done in one year. or two, or maybe even three. But he has to be given time. You are certianly on the rampage to fire him. Go in a different direction, etc. Who would you choose to succeed him? Harlan (whom I think you have respect for considering his track record) had everyone in the league to choose from. He chose TT. Why? Because he believes that he is the one to be successful in the long run to return us to glory.
I am not a football professional. However, I know enough to know that you have to work within your limits to improve things. Sherman left him severly limited. He needs to cast off salaries...not increase them (Wahle & Reviera). his first order was to decide what type of team he felt could compete from a style standpoint. Then he had to get the players to fit that style. that meant getting rid of some of the "favorites".
If, in five years we are no better than I will agree with you that we should get rid of him. Until then, I will have faith in what I don't know and hope that the direction we are taking is the correct one. After all, wouldn't Harlan and TT know the compass better than us?
Pyle, I asked for a positive from you and you preceeded to give me more negatives. Do you ever see the cup half full?