longtimefan said:
Sherman had a team primed for a SB...
Rb that had the most yards in a span of 4 years, a QB that could will a team to win more often then not...An oline that put fear in to the hearts of other teams...
And how far did they go? one and done most of the time..
To me something was broke and needed to be fixed...Sherman had 5 years or more to fix it and it never happened..
It was Shermans GM moves that helped bring this team down..
Maybe something could have been salvaged from last year, but TT could not have replaced or added eveything that was truly needed..
You keep saying they made the playoffs, that is awesome and NO ONE will ever say they hated that!!!
but answer me this...
Do you think that they won those division crowns because they were far superior then the other 3 teams??? maybe one time yes...
Or did the other 3 teams really suck and the Pack were just a little better then average??? look back on the records of the other teams before answering this...
Or did one team ( vikings) really blow up at end of some season to allow the Packers to take it? IMO they were slightly better than avg, and needed Vikings to blow up...
That is why when they played the top tier teams in the playoffs they got SMOKED..Cuz they could not compete with the big boys..And what or who is to blame for that?? Sherman the GM...
ike it it or not, the team was going downhill after that Falcon playoff loss..
Pyle I can see EXACTLY what you are saying and it does make some sense..But I think you are not even trying to understand anyone elses view points..
Just cuz you hire an extermionator does not mean your roaches go away that 1st treatment, it takes time for it to fully work..
Longtime I respect your post and your opinion but this is simply opinion.
The same thing you said about the Packers can be applied to other teams. Everyone likes to Compare what TT is trying to do to the Steelers, so lets look at this debate a little closer. They played in a relatively WEAK division with the Browns and Bengals. They made the playoffs and choked TIME after TIME. Instead of uprooting the whole plan, they added key guys to push for a Super Bowl. Are you saying they should have stopped after thier 6-10 season and just unloaded Bettis,Faneca,Randle El,Ward,etc?
This could be said about the Seahawks as well as a ton of other teams. Trying to put an asterik besides a Coaches or GM's record is ludacris. They beat who was on the schedule, who's to say if those teams were better we still wouldn't had won? They went to the playoffs and loss to better teams as did 10 other teams every year.
The problem lies in the fact that you want to constantly talk about how poor MS's draft picks, FA's etc were but if they were really that poor how do you explain making the playoffs every year. Sure we picked up a few easy Division wins but so did the Steelers, the Patriots, The Rams and every other playoff team. We must have beaten some pretty good teams outside the division as well.
It's not rocket science, Ted Thompson inherited a Playoff team from Mike Sherman. Ted IMMEDIATELY began to implant his gameplan on this team. He let Wahle walk when HE HAD THE MONEY to resign him. He let Sharper go, he blew money on David Martin, Earl Little,Matt O'Dwyer, Arturo Freeman, etc.
So what are you left with? TT inherited a team at least capable of 10-6 and because of HIS moves left us at 4-12. How can this be pinned on Sherman? Those same guys minus TT's moves were 10-6 the year before. Then he gives MS the boot, and hires a rookie head coach, let's go even more of the players that were part of 10-6, and sits on Millions of dollars after he told Brett he wasn't rebuilding. He then throws the bank at Woodson who is old and injury prone. Are you REBUILDING or not Ted?
The team is uninspired, flat and devoid of talent. Brett has to spend half of the game scrambling or getting put on his backside while Ted sits up there fiddling with the 8 million dollars of left over cap space. Then we hear CLOWNS talk about why Brett is so inaccurate and how he has lost his skill. Brett takes the blame for TT's failures. This is the same thing that happened to MS. TT is a damn snake, plain and simple. He can't admit that it's his doing.
You want to rebuild Teddy? Maybe you should have let Brett know when he was deciding to come back. Instead he says "we are not rebuilding" and scours the waiver wire for the cheapest trash around while he slides the leftover millions around in his hand. He lets the GB faithful walk in and out of Lambeau paying there inflated tickets prices and buying up 10.00 beers and 5.00 hot dogs only to watch his bargain basement, untalented team get smashed at home by thier hated rivals.
It's unacceptable to me and to others. If you are happy with it and just want to give it time, so be it. You will see where that gets us. It's time for TT to be held ACCOUNTABLE for his errors. Don't deflect his shortcomings on MS and let the Weasel that is Ted Thompson slip back into his hole!