TT should be fired


Jun 2, 2005
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I don't need Havel to point that out -- I said that the scapegoating of Donatell was one of Sherman's worst sins and biggest mistakes. On the other hand, there is quite a difference between a guy who got his opportunity directly from Sherman being let go by Sherman and what happened to a Head Coach upon having his Gm job taken from him.

Coordinator often take unfair heat. Donatell's defenses led the league in take aways. The last two seasons (including the one under Bates) have been the worst in Packer history. He did not call the wrong defense -- his players failed to execute the call. They had shut Philly down all day and did again in overtime on a three and out -- putting the Packers in a position to win the game before Favre's unexplanable brain fart and duck toss to end the game.

Relax 66 I am not trashing Brett -- he played his heart out after losing his father, but that was a play that I will never understand a first ballot Hall of fame player making.

Zero2Cool said:
Greg C. said:
That is a very good point, zero. In the NFL, what goes around comes around. Chris Havel made that same comparison.

That's where I got it from :)


Jun 6, 2005
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First of all..I never called him..."******"...(that's a rumour being spread by DePack...)

Secondly...I think TT did the RIGHT THING by firing Sherman...He's just not a good coach...You say he was over his head as a GM...and I say he was WAAAYY over his head as the HC....(HE just didn't have the knack...and he stunk bigtime on game day..)

Thirdly...Talk about brain farts...Your buddy SherRossley had a slew of them in that Eagle game (and in many others..), and it shouldn't have come down to that last play that you speak of to begin with...and regarding that play anyway..Ferguson..(another Sherman bust..) was supposed to break up field because of the blitz..but misread it...because he is a rookie and he stinks...If Sherman the GM would have signed a damn veteran receiver, then perhaps there would have been a different outcome...But this is what happens when you depend on rookies because you are really too far in over your head to see the big Sherman certainly was.....

It's interesting how you re-write Packer history Bruce to fit your own Shermanite agenda...but so be it...but that game was lost by not kicking a FG on the 1 yard line...not going for it on 4 and 1 on the Eagles 43 yard line, and over-ruling Donnetell's blitz call on 4th and 26...

You Sherman supporters certainly give him alot of rope, Bruce...Unfortunately, he hung himself with it...and quite possibly hung Favre's chances at going out as the greatest of all time...and hung all of us....

out to dry.......


Jun 2, 2005
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P@ck66 said:

First of all..I never called him..."******"...(that's a rumour being spread by DePack...)

Secondly...I think TT did the RIGHT THING by firing Sherman...He's just not a good coach...You say he was over his head as a GM...and I say he was WAAAYY over his head as the HC....(HE just didn't have the knack...and he stunk bigtime on game day..)

Thirdly...Talk about brain farts...Your buddy SherRossley had a slew of them in that Eagle game (and in many others..), and it shouldn't have come down to that last play that you speak of to begin with...and regarding that play anyway..Ferguson..(another Sherman bust..) was supposed to break up field because of the blitz..but misread it...because he is a rookie and he stinks...If Sherman the GM would have signed a damn veteran receiver, then perhaps there would have been a different outcome...But this is what happens when you depend on rookies because you are really too far in over your head to see the big Sherman certainly was.....

It's interesting how you re-write Packer history Bruce to fit your own Shermanite agenda...but so be it...but that game was lost by not kicking a FG on the 1 yard line...not going for it on 4 and 1 on the Eagles 43 yard line, and over-ruling Donnetell's blitz call on 4th and 26...

You Sherman supporters certainly give him alot of rope, Bruce...Unfortunately, he hung himself with it...and quite possibly hung Favre's chances at going out as the greatest of all time...and hung all of us....

out to dry.......

Try getting at least a few facts correct before spewing such ignorance. Ferguson was not a rookie and the ball was thrown (I use the word thrown lightly) to Walker (who was a rookie) and to blame him for Favre's mistake is quite a joke. Favre panicked when blitz, instead of taking the sack or throwing the ball out of bounds he heaved it up like a wounded duck, hoping against hope that Walker would bail him out with a miracle catch in triple coverage

Second, your ego is incredible. I have no doubt you called him a fat-*** and worse, however, the post was written as an editorial for Packer Chatters where I regularly write as editorial staff and was not referring to you.

Finally, I never offered an opinion on whether or not Sherman should or should not have been fired in the piece I wrote. I know you like to play fast and loose, but how about trying to read the piece before you embarrass yourself with such a weak response.
Jun 6, 2005
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Toronto, Canada
Look 66, can you provide a link to where it says, EITHER BY SHERMAN OR DONATELL, that Sherman over-rode the call?

Look, all those in favour of Sherman getting his walking papers got his wish. But the fact is this. Can you name three good canidates, besides one of them being Bates, that would be qualified to take over the Packers? No one person has the proven track record of taking a team to the Super Bowl after in their first season (Bates included). Simply put, there are no canidates that stand out at you this off-season. But there certainly are some up and commers that, in a year or two, could be great HC. If TT waited to fire MS, he could have had better "talent pool" to pick HC from.

For example, assistants such as Rivera or Eric Magini could greatly benefit from another year of experience as co-ordinators. And if the Packers had another poor year next year, many of us would have said that Sherman got fired fairly. He was given an adequate chance of leading a team to succes, and he couldn't. However, with all the injuries, no amount of coaching was going to help the Packers get to the playoffs this year.


Jun 6, 2005
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Newark, Delaware
Pack66...first of all, I don't spread rumors. You know me nothing but the truth.

BTW....hate to do this to you buddy but since you brought me into it:

Conference MVP
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:02 pm Post subject: Re: Why I hate Mike Sherman.... Reply with quote

if you want to be really fair..they just played a team that laid down on them...and the GB defense did play well...

But prior to the second half in the Panther game..SherRosley was still exhibiting his pig-ignorant playcalling in the face of the obvious...3rd and 3..RUN..against a 5 man DL with a weak, rookie Packer O-Line...

let Favre be Favre...

he will carry this team..and ****** Sherman on his back...pen stuck in his mouth and all....
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Jun 7, 2005
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Guadalajara, Mexico
Hello all of you this has been a looooooong issue so I will put it in other peoples words :

“History is the lie that we all agree uponâ€


Sep 23, 2005
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Bruce said:
I can tell you that the ability to not only have vision but also the ability to sufficiently articulate said vision is a prerequisite to effective strong leadership. Perhaps now that he is putting together his team he will begin to do so – I hope so, as I greatly want him to succeed. But thus far he seems pretty tight lipped and much more like a secret agent man than a leader.

Although the whole post that this paragraph was taken from was very insightful, I could not agree more with the above. The "Articulation of a Vision" as being a prerequisite to effective strong leadership is being taught in every basic management course as being one of the skills that is necessary to become a good motivational leader.

This also means being able to say the what,when,where and whys. Please think of this basic leadership skill, then think of TT's interviews when you might ask why is that is Ted being questioned about his motives.


Jun 6, 2005
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Worst cosching decision in a long Slowik the controls without even sniffing around other candidates.


Jun 7, 2005
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Lima, Ohio
Wow, 10 pages of respones on "Should TT be fired?"
Wait a minute I haven't seen TT mentioned for awhile, somehow every topic that gets started on this forum somehow always turns into"Why Mike Sheman deserved to be fired"
I can't wait to hear how it is Mike Sherman's fault after the Packers go 4-12 next year without Brett Favre.

I'll just start a thread asking "Why did Brett leave?"
Then we can all start calling Mike Sherman names, and re-hash old losses that don't mean squat now!!!!!


Jan 31, 2005
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the Northpole
the reason for this is because the poster believes TT should be fired because he fired Sherman, it's natural for those that disagree to give arguments for Sherman being fired. You missed it buckeye


Jun 6, 2005
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Newark, Delaware have it backwards.....go back and read the thread. Not alot of people are saying TT should be fired just because he fired Sherman. I think it is the perceived disrespect for Favre. In fact your love for TT is ONLY because he fired Sherman. I noticed your avatar changed right after the firing.


Sep 23, 2005
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GakkofNorway said:
the reason for this is because the poster believes TT should be fired because he fired Sherman, it's natural for those that disagree to give arguments for Sherman being fired. You missed it buckeye

Gakk, for the record "My posts on this thread had nothing to Sherman".


I own a website
Dec 12, 2004
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Green Bay, WI
DePack said:
Dude this thread is too long as it is. I think most people know why I started it. Go back 10 pages.

Agreed. People seem to be throwing out there comments on TT bein fired on what their FEARING instead of what is factually written and known to us.

I won't be hurt if the mods locked it or deleted it.


Sep 23, 2005
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Whether alot of this information is speculation or not is not an issue but to banish the most controversial subject on this forum would accomplish what ?

As a writer yourself, I am really surprised you would ask for this as Freedom of Speech is something I would always want YOU to have whether I agreed with you or not.

Just my thought on this friend, no offence intended.


I own a website
Dec 12, 2004
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Green Bay, WI
WinnipegPackFan said:

Whether alot of this information is speculation or not is not an issue but to banish the most controversial subject on this forum would accomplish what ?

As a writer yourself, I am really surprised you would ask for this as Freedom of Speech is something I would always want YOU to have whether I agreed with you or not.

Just my thought on this friend, no offence intended.

Just adding my two pennies :)

It don't really bother me, but some are easily influenced. Example, once you're accused, its always on your plate. if you get charged with ****** assault and found innocent, its always going to be tied to you that you were charged, even though you were proven innocent. Some will always wonder 'did he or didnt he?'

That's extreme of course, but I feel the same is being done with TT. Speculation is great, but to this degree? Nah its not right. Take a guys meal plate because of what you speculate? When it concerns firing someone I think it should be on solid facts, not speculation atleast not to this degree.

It's a fine line for sure.

As for takin away peoples freedom of speech. I never said that. I simply said I myself ME would not be hurt if it was locked or deleted.

So basically after further review you just put words in my mouth and twisted things around when it wasn't needed. :)

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