The Packers have my endorsement for the Giants game.


Jan 8, 2012
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You've shown, on more than one occasion, signs of illiteracy. When I point out flaws in your posts you:
A) Claim you were being sarcastic, yet your post shows no clear syntax to prove that you were sarcastic.
B) When I've pointed out an error in your understanding of what I said you basically dodged the claim by saying "Oh I'm talking to a wall".
C) When I offered an alternative argument that better suits the discussion (in your favor mind you) earlier in this very thread you ignored it and then went on to banter with me about my avatar instead.

OMG lol.

A) Who the hell doesn't recognize Thor. I was doing it to get under ur skin seeing as how ur a PACKER fan and Thor's helmet is A VIKING HELMET. Not to mention that everytime I click on the thread after u respond I SEE YOUR NAME WHICH HAS THOR IN IT.

B) No, the error was on your part which is why its like talking to a wall.

C) So its like all the evidence you have is me breaking your balls, but u just refuse to accept that conclusion.

whatever helps u get through the ragnar


Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
OMG lol.

A) Who the hell doesn't recognize Thor. I was doing it to get under ur skin seeing as how ur a PACKER fan and Thor's helmet is A VIKING HELMET. Not to mention that everytime I click on the thread after u respond I SEE YOUR NAME WHICH HAS THOR IN IT.

B) No, the error was on your part which is why its like talking to a wall.

C) So its like all the evidence you have is me breaking your balls, but u just refuse to accept that conclusion.

whatever helps u get through the ragnar
A) Not talking about that, we've established the Thor thing sir. I'm talking about the in the other thread where you contradict your self and I ask you which is it, to which you claim you were being sarcastic. Now re-read the original A).

B) No, you claim that I was being serious as opposed to seriously thinking you didn't know it was Thor, again we've established that I would be hard-pressed to believe such a thing. In the same post I say that I'm mad that you guys seriously don't know it's Thor. (albeit worded differently.) I highlighted it and you ignored it.

C) I don't understand this final point on your behalf, you completely ignored that I brought up that the X, Y, Z argument is stupid and that what you should be arguing is, is that the Packers had a similar task last year in that they had to win to get in, just like the Giants this year.

D) You keep claiming that you've busted my balls and you haven't you keep referring to me being a closet Viking fan and you keep calling me Ragnar and it has had 0 effect on me, have I lashed out on it? I don't believe I have.

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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What was the original topic of this thread?
Oh yeah.
A Cowboys fan wants the Packers to win.
Go Pack Go!!


Jan 10, 2012
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Looks like you will have to gut wrenchingly watch Big Blue for at least one more week huh? Dallas sucks. In the past 8 days, Eli just doubled the Cowboys playoff wins in 16 years. Be Gone Cowgirl fan. Be gone.


Jan 8, 2012
Reaction score
Packers beat themselves.
look on the birght side if the refs didnt give you guys 14pts the score would have been even worse...this packer team would do better if they played their home games in a dome...well of to the SF....go blue.........................

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