after two injury plagued seasons? you don't know that...but maybe considering how the Packers rolled over for him.
thankful isn't quite the word but sure, now...after you see what's happened since. he's still too high a percentage of the cap.
so you admit he stuck it to them. yup...and during his signing presser he insinuated he did them a favor by only signing for 33.5m per (which turned my stomach at the time, but that takes us into another alley i don't have the energy for lol).
You’re still being stubborn and failing to acknowledge that the Packers DID NOT KNOW AT THE TIME THAT RODGERS WOULD GET HURT PRIOR TO 2018. So what if the Packers and Rodgers didn’t come to an agreement prior to the start of the 2018 season and he balled out and had another 40+ touchdown season. Then you’re looking at paying him even more one year later with the cap number having gone up. You can’t look at the end result and say “SEE!!!! SEE!!!!” It’s easy to babble the way that you do with the benefit of hindsight, but that’s not the way things work in reality.
Additionally, I could argue that Rodgers getting hurt actually helped his case because it magnified the glaring weaknesses with the Packers. Him being out proved that the Packers were an absolute dumpster fire without him. The Packers knew they had to sign him, and it worked out for both parties. Rodgers got the financial security that he wanted, and the Packers got it done to wear they could lock him in and plan for the future. It’s to the Packers benefit to know what the cap numbers are going to be moving forward. And the cap is going to continue to go up. The deal Rodgers signed in 2013 every one thought oh **** what is he doing he’s crippling the Packers. And what happened? The deal ended up being an absolute bargain.
This deal is more team friendly then you are willing to realize. And Rodgers deserves every last penny of his money.
My wording was poor on sticking it to the Packers. The deal he signed for wasn’t sticking it to them. If it was, the Packers could have continued to franchise him, or trade him, or whatever. The Packers were clearly good with the deal otherwise they wouldn’t have agreed to a deal so soon.
I’m sorry that Rodgers doesn’t have a wife that has a net worth that’s nearly double what his is. Like the laughably absurd example you used with Brady. If Brady wasn’t married to her, you cannot tell me he would have kept taking those discounts. Just wouldn’t have happened.