I'm with ya, because I think that's what it's going to take, and / or empty seats in Lambeau and less Packers merchandise sold. This will be the first year in over 25 years that zero Packer products are being purchased for Xmas at my house.
I don't have a lot of Packers gear, mostly T-shirts, but I'm still going to wear my green and yellow winter hat with the G logo on the front.
Yeah, I know we have been terrible lately but there is no shame at all in still being a fan of this team.
And if you want to sorta boycott them, you might be able to find and buy Packers stuff at your local thrift store where your money goes to charity instead of the Packers while saving tons of money.
That is where I have gotten two of my T-shirts which were in good shape and still look nice.
In any case, a boycott is not going to hurt them at all. There are just way too many fans who will keep on spending the money to have any kind of impact.
If it's a personal boycott, well, that could make you feel better but I really doubt the team will feel any impact.