Gilbert Brown


Dec 5, 2004
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Michigans Upper Peninsula
Interviewed on The Locker Room Show says he would come back and play for a dollar. He'd love to dust off old #93.
He also says Brett would never go out on a 3-10 season and he will be back.
Hell bring em both back for next season.


Jun 4, 2005
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Ashland, WI
yooperfan said:
Interviewed on The Locker Room Show says he would come back and play for a dollar. He'd love to dust off old #93.
He also says Brett would never go out on a 3-10 season and he will be back.
Hell bring em both back for next season.

I met that guy too last spring. Got his autograph too.


Dec 3, 2004
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Omaha, NE
yooperfan said:
he would come back and play for a dollar
That's cool right there... very cool. Guys that are finally getting over the money and playing because they love the game.


Mar 24, 2005
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Boston, MA
Ryan said:
yooperfan said:
he would come back and play for a dollar
That's cool right there... very cool. Guys that are finally getting over the money and playing because they love the game.

That would be great to see him back. I'm sure he is just as effective as Grady Jackson if not more.


Dec 15, 2004
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Lambeau Midwest
PackerChick said:
yooperfan said:
Interviewed on The Locker Room Show says he would come back and play for a dollar. He'd love to dust off old #93.
He also says Brett would never go out on a 3-10 season and he will be back.
Hell bring em both back for next season.

I met that guy too last spring. Got his autograph too.

Alright, girl - fess up.. where did this great event happen?
I would luv to meet with Gilbert - even getting him to show up at our Club for a Charity Event would be damn right amazing.... It'd probably be the first time the WHOLE CLUB ever had real time to show up... (life always gets in the way).

Ryan said:
yooperfan said:
he would come back and play for a dollar
That's cool right there... very cool. Guys that are finally getting over the money and playing because they love the game.

I wouldn't go that far -- All I see is Gilbert Brown making that statement...

Now, it would be nice to re-institute that line of thinking back to Green Bay, ala Reggie White, etc., etc.! But, if Gilbert's not in the Locker Room (and he won't be, while MS is around) then, that attitude will be long in coming anywhere near the Frozen Tundra!


Jun 4, 2005
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Ashland, WI
IPBprez said:
PackerChick said:
yooperfan said:
Interviewed on The Locker Room Show says he would come back and play for a dollar. He'd love to dust off old #93.
He also says Brett would never go out on a 3-10 season and he will be back.
Hell bring em both back for next season.

I met that guy too last spring. Got his autograph too.

Alright, girl - fess up.. where did this great event happen?
I would luv to meet with Gilbert - even getting him to show up at our Club for a Charity Event would be damn right amazing.... It'd probably be the first time the WHOLE CLUB ever had real time to show up... (life always gets in the way).

Ryan said:
yooperfan said:
he would come back and play for a dollar
That's cool right there... very cool. Guys that are finally getting over the money and playing because they love the game.

I wouldn't go that far -- All I see if Gilbert Brown making that statement...

Now, it would be nice to re-institute that line of thinking back to Green Bay, ala Reggie White, etc., etc.! But, if Gilbert's not in the Locker Room (and he won't be, while MS is around) then, that attitude will be long in coming anywhere near the Frozen Tundra!

I met him at my local pizza place last spring. he was there to meet the fans and sign autographs. Pretty cool. Met my first packer.


Dec 15, 2004
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Lambeau Midwest
PackerChick said:
IPBprez said:
PackerChick said:
yooperfan said:
Interviewed on The Locker Room Show says he would come back and play for a dollar. He'd love to dust off old #93.
He also says Brett would never go out on a 3-10 season and he will be back.
Hell bring em both back for next season.

I met that guy too last spring. Got his autograph too.

Alright, girl - fess up.. where did this great event happen?
I would luv to meet with Gilbert - even getting him to show up at our Club for a Charity Event would be damn right amazing.... It'd probably be the first time the WHOLE CLUB ever had real time to show up... (life always gets in the way).
I met him at my local pizza place last spring. he was there to meet the fans and sign autographs. Pretty cool. Met my first packer.
You "do" have pictures to upload...correct?


Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Ashland, WI
IPBprez said:
PackerChick said:
IPBprez said:
PackerChick said:
yooperfan said:
Interviewed on The Locker Room Show says he would come back and play for a dollar. He'd love to dust off old #93.
He also says Brett would never go out on a 3-10 season and he will be back.
Hell bring em both back for next season.

I met that guy too last spring. Got his autograph too.

Alright, girl - fess up.. where did this great event happen?
I would luv to meet with Gilbert - even getting him to show up at our Club for a Charity Event would be damn right amazing.... It'd probably be the first time the WHOLE CLUB ever had real time to show up... (life always gets in the way).
I met him at my local pizza place last spring. he was there to meet the fans and sign autographs. Pretty cool. Met my first packer.
You "do" have pictures to upload...correct?

I wish I did.


Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
Michigans Upper Peninsula
If you want to meet "The Gravedigger" go to the Milwaukee Mile race track.
He just bought into it and he is in charge of marketing and community relations.
I bet you could talk him into speaking to your club, he's that kind of guy.


Dec 9, 2004
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Toronto, Ontario
Guys, if Gilbert had anything left he'd be playing somewhere. 350 lb. guys who can still play are not working at the Milwaukee Mile racetrack, they're plugging the middle on Sunday.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Lambeau Midwest
TOPackerFan said:
Guys, if Gilbert had anything left he'd be playing somewhere. 350 lb. guys who can still play are not working at the Milwaukee Mile racetrack, they're plugging the middle on Sunday.

I would offer -- that politics is involved somewhere here. GB petitions Lambeau for a re-hire, which is declined (I have no idea why, when Grady got hurt- doh). But, even moreso, let's revisit the final day...

Mike Sherman calls Gilbert into his Office after the 2003 Season (which was amazing) and doesn't exactly say why, other than he wanted to have a chat ... With me so far..? As Gilbert comes into the Office, all smiles, after having played an outstanding season (all season, at that) with a torn bicep, which would keep most guys off the field. Sherman says: Gotta let ya go, Gilbert - right outta the blue.. he blindsides Gravedigger.

GB had NO IDEA whatsoever that Sherman was out to fire him. (And, pending the amount of money he's spent on other players (after this) with similar oil changes necessary in the offseason - tell me again what his reasons were?)

So, after 11 amazing seasons and two visits to the Big Dance... this is how Gravedigger was rewarded by Mike Sherman. Was something said in the Locker Room which got back to Mikey? One wonders......... And, what would that have been?

I can tell ya this - that firing was a vendetta move. You simply do not blindside one of your most loyal players...... ever! And that's exactly what Mike Sherman did.

ON TOP OF THAT, the next year (2004) when the Packers played the Home Opener against da Bears --- "all" of the old-time greats were in town; even Frankie Winters was there, along with Lynn ****ey, etc. There was a big breakfast courtesy of Lombardi Legends at Favre's Steakhouse - at $300 a pop, too.... ****Butkus was there. etc., etc.

YET, GET THIS... NO GILBERT BROWN. HE didn't get an invite!

He had asked in print, with the JS people, I think - that all he wanted was a chance to walk out on the field at halftime during this Home Opener to say goodbye to all the fans he loved so much.... and since Mike Sherman was the GM.... the word was "NO"..!

I even wrote to Bob Harlan about several issues earlier in 2004, pending we knew the Pack were comin' to Indy and I wanted to give Bob a chance to mingle with the Club --- in the letter, I wrote that it would be the biggest honor Green Bay had given to anyone in a long time if they would let Gravedigger have his wish --- Harlan avoided my conversation about Gilbert, totally.

So - yes - I think this issue with Grave digger is political in nature, especially since there's almost no mention of Gravedigger in any press releases since then. And on top of that, when Gilbert petitioned the Ravens for a spot, they almost immediately declined. You wanna tell me how it would be that guys like Ray Lewis woudn't want to have a big guy like Gravedigger on their Team? Billick would look like a genius even today and the Ravens, right now, would most likely look like SuperBowl contenders...

No, this smells real fishy... and I think it's a dis-service to Gilbert Brown thru & thru.

Thanks for the update on where he has moved his life these days - when I head up that way, I'm gonna try and get an interview with him. We're hoping to create a 1st ever Pool Charity Tournament at our Hangout next year... in the offseason with the "two" No.36's and maybe I can cement it with a discussion about Gilbert Brown wanting to join in, as well. Ya never know how far this will go after that....


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Lambeau Midwest
rabidgopher04 said:
Well, why do you think other teams are turning him down, IPB?

If I had an inkling of the reason(s) - I'd have posted them already.

But, TOP seems to have something to say about it - maybe he has some inside info, we're not privvy to.....

He's posting with sudden clarity and confidence that I'm completely wrong.
I'd like to see him back it up.

Remember, I was being specific and not making a generalized statement of the world being flat..... I focused on what exactly happened and how I came to my conclusion(s)

- TOP has yet to do that.....


Nov 28, 2005
Reaction score
i know he went to the chifes but didnt say how it panned out,he is a great guy,i met him a couple of times,at romines when they have their pool ternament,they get a couple of guys,you pay to go and see them but you get their autos too.brown is very up on the fans he wont leave untill everyone gets his auto,and he takes the time to chat and take picks.i dont think he will be back in football but he will always be remembered by fans who like him.


Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
Your post was a total red herring and, as usual, reflected your dislike of Mike Sherman, but really did not address the point of why Gilbert is not playing. There may be politics involved in why he's no longer in Green Bay, but I think it stands to reason that if Gilbert had anything left he'd be out there somewhere. I'll say it again, if you weigh 350 lbs. and are as athletic as Gilbert once was, you aren't out of football. Those guys are so rare that if they are able to play someone will give them the opportunity.

There are 32 teams with personnel departments much more knowledgeable than either you or I who have passed on this guy. It has to be for a reason, a reason which I will submit is that the guy has nothing left.

Gilbert was a great Packer, but his career is over and it's time for everyone to accept it.


Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Hey IPB....I hope this is specific enough.

The NFL has 32 teams. By its very nature it is highly competitive and, as such, all of those teams would kill to have a productive 350 pounder clogging up the middle if he were available. Not one of those GMs has given him a call.

I do not know that I can be more clear on this matter.

Are you suggesting that there is a coach out there who would be willing to lose games or the season if they could fix their problem with the signing of Gilbert? If any coach could make his team better by signing him, the Digger would be on the field right now.

His time has passes....I understand the emotional attachment to certain players (he and Butler were/are my favorites from that period), but the reality is that 32 GMs and head coaches have decided he could not help a phone call from Sherman would dissuade any of them from improving their team signing by #93.


Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Ashland, WI
yooperfan said:
Interviewed on The Locker Room Show says he would come back and play for a dollar. He'd love to dust off old #93.
He also says Brett would never go out on a 3-10 season and he will be back.
Hell bring em both back for next season.

Surely this guy wants to play, money dosent matter.


Oct 26, 2005
Reaction score
i never met Gilbert Brown in person but always loved his enthusiasm for football and the Packers. I especially loved the fact that the Vikings cut him and he became a star for us. I am like many who believe Gilberts PT is over but I tell you he is MONEY with the fans and I would have him at every event he wanted to attend. I have heard 1000 stories about GIlbert visiting with fans ALWAYS giving autographs and just being a great human being. Why he isn't working in the PR dept of the Packers I have NFI. The post about Sherman and his curt dismissal of Brown is sad and tragic. Sad because it shows a side of Sherman that is not good for either him or the Packers and tragic because Gilbert has much to offer off the field. Anyway I'm still a big fan of both GB and Brown and I hope the two can be reunited after Sherman is gone.


Mar 8, 2005
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I questioned MS when he was trying to replace Henderson, another good and loyal player. That was millions on spent o Luchey for nothing. I lost respect when he fired Donatell as a scapegoat for the Philly debacle. Now what he has done to Brown, who gave up millions in his prime to stay with GB, spent a year losing weight and getting in shape for a comeback, and playing with a torn bicep all season; makes me believe he is not even a decent person. It seems he puts on a good front but is really a backstabbing dirty politico wielding his power to serve his own little whims which don't amount to much.

Some teams win because of the coach, some teams win in spite of the coach, but sooner or later it catches up.


Sep 22, 2005
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phoenix AZ
I could never understand why Big Gil hasn't been given the respect he deserves from the Packers even if he's not a player. It seems to me that Butler has not been treated well either. Both have been total Packers all these years and have been treated as non-existant now. Shameful.


Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Boston, MA
retiredgrampa said:
I could never understand why Big Gil hasn't been given the respect he deserves from the Packers even if he's not a player. It seems to me that Butler has not been treated well either. Both have been total Packers all these years and have been treated as non-existant now. Shameful.

Isn't Butler a secondary coach?


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Lambeau Midwest
rabidgopher04 said:
retiredgrampa said:
I could never understand why Big Gil hasn't been given the respect he deserves from the Packers even if he's not a player. It seems to me that Butler has not been treated well either. Both have been total Packers all these years and have been treated as non-existant now. Shameful.

Isn't Butler a secondary coach?

Yes - he is ..... But, these days, the only way you truly hear mention of him, seems to be when someone mentions his Charity Foundation.

Retired Grampa is correct - TOP, please tell us why Gravedigger doesn't get the same reverance and honorary treatment at Lambeau that all others get.. even going back 20 years.... Why no respect?

Some people can take offense and "twist this thread all they like, just to get out of mentioning specific reasoning - a generalization is definitely a scapegoat response..... Red Herring, my backside - Let's take this as a real and reasonable question back at this new superior intellect we seem to have found....

Is Gilbert Brown to be considered as invaluable, or used up, or as insignificant, as Jeff George? (That's just one example of players who definitely deserve such treatment)

Personally, I wouldn't think so - but it strikes at my distinct point....

Jeff George is considered a pariah, of sorts - because of his attitude towards many Coaching Staff(s).... Just the same, he still has a rocket arm and can probably throw the ball at least 80 yards without much effort, even to this day.

Gilbert Brown was dismissed by Mike Sherman for what we were told were reasons of medical expenses... Yet, the very next year, Mike Sherman goes out of his way and gives Gravy the exact opposite treatment, and Gravy then returns the respect by DEMANDING a pay raise equal to that of several other Players who are not injured nearly as much as Grady has been in his tenure with Green Bay. Yet, as we have seen mentioned right here - Gilbert would play practically for free - he loves Green Bay that much.

So, knowing this fact TOP --- why is Sherman extending the hand of hypocrisy towards an eleven year SuperBowl winning veteran, in Gilbert Brown, as opposed to a malcontent (with the Saints), who finally caved in to go ahead and play this year, but only to alert everyone that he intends to demand that money anyway....? Meaning, of course, Grady Jackson.

Fact is - several people on this thread have gone out of their way to avoid measuring this very fact when it comes to discussing Gravedigger. In 2003, Gilbert plays all year long with a torn bicep - Grady would never have the balls. Gravy has sat down several times when he could have played. Gilbert adores the very idea of Green Bay - Gravy can only see the dollar signs he considers (demands) the Packers "owe" him.

If I were to test Gravedigger against Gravy Jackson on the scrimmage line and both were just coming off six game stints in real season play - I would take Gilbert Brown, right now. But, in real fact, I also realize that Gravedigger has been away from the NFL for a couple of years and he isn't going to be the 1996 player he once was - BUT, TOP, that doesn't explain away "the why" of how Gilbert was let go, when Gravy got the "oil change" that Gilbert could have gotten and come back. This disparity is too glaring and deserves explanation - which is (I htink) directly related to the "why" of how Gravedigger isn't being invited back to Green Bay and making appearances at Fuzzy's 63, StadiumView, etc., etc.! Let's hear the rant on that notion - I can bet it'll be a goodun.....

And, once and for all - I am NOT a sherman-hater... I disagree with his Marty-ball tactics which I think are a real relation to him wearing that headset... a straight pipeline to ol' college boy, Tom Rossley.

Rossley may have great stats from his early years commanding a Ron Wolf created Offensive Front Line - but by his lonesome he is the very reason we're losing games - it's his old go-back to the college tactics he was trained to use before coming to the NFL.

Rossley has never made a true adjustment.. and while Players can and do often times make the adjustments necessary, once the play unfolds (a totally unique conversation all by itself) - the format for winning is not NFL caliber coming from Rossley - that's who I have felt whould have been let go several years ago ... all the way back to the 2nd half of 2002 - and the beginning of 2003 three was dire proof of that fact, totally.

If you give Sherman the reins without that OC - I can bet you dimes to donuts, he will twist and turn into the wind until the sails set straight, meaning he'll figure it out ala Detroit 2004, in Ford Field --- or he would just plain quit. He can, and often times does, call a pretty good game - it's when he pulls the reins back, like in this year's Carolina game (was that Rossley? I think it was).. and when Rossley sticks his Marty-ball-isms in his ear, we do not win the game!

The part that totally mystifies me, is that he's a TightEnds Coach, or at least had the titel - yet with Mike Sherman at the helm, we have never (NEVER) seen the Tiger Set used like it had been when were heading to the SuperBowl, year after year. THAT situation certainly demands an explanation. Is it a lack of vision or clarity with knowing how to fully implment it? GM Sherman certainly could have drafted several TightEnds, but always seemed to avoid it.

If anyone at all can explain to me why Gravedigger didn't deserve that oil change, but Gravy did - then I'll lay off - but otherwise you people need to get a better answer coming forth - remember, these two guys are relatively the same age - and I'd bet they're both in the same condition, medically & physically.... even now.

As for how I can drive up to Milwaukee and meet Gilbert Brown - someone please PM me with that info - because I "will" make it happen.

Right back at ya -----

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