Gilbert Brown


Apr 16, 2005
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De pere, Wi.
The time has passed Gilbert by. We, Packer fans thank him for great effort he put forth when his was playing for Packer during those great winning seasons of yester year. The injuries especially that serious shoulder injury, his age and probably his physical condition after being out of football for a few years prevent him from coming back in the eyes of HCs & GMs of NFL teams. Look forward to see Gilbert Brown on Lambeau Field as Packer Alumnus during Packer's annual Packer Alumnae game. Certainly not playing. Let give this topic a rest. Gilbert is retired ,should and will stay retired.


Dec 9, 2004
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Toronto, Ontario
IPB, we're obviously talking about 2 different things. You're bloviating on about the way Gilbert was cut in 2003 and I'm talking about why he's not playing in Green Bay, or anywhere else in the NFL, in 2005.

I didn't like that Gilbert wasn't allowed to come back and say goodbye to the Packer faithful. I have no idea why this was the case but it's totally irrelevant to the question of whether Gilbert should still be playing. Mike Sherman cut Gilbert and 31 other teams, again with more knowledgeable football people than either you or I, passed on him and continue to pass on him despite the fact that he, in his prime, was a 350 pound run-stuffer - which, in case you haven't noticed, are extremely rare. Do you think Mike Sherman is so well respected around the NFL that his word with respect to Gilbert is gospel or determinative? The answer of course is no. Those 31 other temas passed for a reason i.e. he can't play anymore. That's the bottom line.

I also find your comment that you ""were to test Gravedigger against Gravy Jackson on the scrimmage line and both were just coming off six game stints in real season play - I would take Gilbert Brown, right now" pretty interesting. You must have been invited to his private workouts because that's the only way to make that analysis. I guess being the president of your own fan club affords you some preferential treatment by ex-Packers.

Gilbert was a warrior and was one of my favourite Packers, but bringing him back now makes no sense. I also think it's pretty easy to say he'd play for free given that due to his 11 years of service in the NFL he has to make at least $750,000.


Apr 16, 2005
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De pere, Wi.
Retiredgrandpa--says:" could never understand why Big Gil hasn't been given the respect he deserves from the Packers even if he's not a player. It seems to me that Butler has not been treated well either. Both have been total Packers all these years and have been treated as non-existant now. Shameful." unquote---- Gilbert Brown & LeRoy Bultler have been treated with the same respect as any other player in Packer history. They are all invited to all Packer alumae functions. Butler has performed some non paid coaching advisary work with Packer secondary during the summer. He has a guest column in Packer official website He is seen at Packer football games. Just because the Packers don't offer a position with the team some fans have said Butler should be offered a paid coaching position with the Packer or in the case of Gilbert Brown a playing position when the franchise feel Gilbert is & should be retired. That is not disrespecting the player. There are players that never know when to retire and have embarrassed themselves on field by trying play pass their time.


Dec 15, 2004
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Lambeau Midwest
Quite the opposite, TOP - quite the opposite - people everywhere go outta there way to diminish the effort(s) I make all the time concerning our Club. It's that way no matter where you go... The polarization of the political landscape apparently make it so... So, let's not jump to some conclusion on that score... You'll just insult yourself in the trying....

Given the scenario I spoke of, both you and PWT make it a point to avoid what "might" have happened. I understand you consider it a no-brainer about how all of these other teams are avoiding him - and after two years, it probably is... too late now. Gilbert Brown is a big man who can hold his own - and truth be known.... one wonders if anyone at all would be giving Gravy another look-see had Sherman stuck to protocol and dismissed him, the way he did Gravedigger (which he did not).

If we have the personnel this year, I would let Grady Jackson go, immediately. The better teams have walked right over him this year and he hasn't stopped the run, like his mouth suggests he could do.... We've lost several games because they weren't stopping the run, straight up the middle. I look straight at Grady on that one....

In the end, Gilbert does deserve a better remembrence(sp) - Honouring the big guy is certainly a responsibility that Mike Sherman needs to fulfill.


Dec 9, 2004
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Toronto, Ontario
IPBprez said:
Quite the opposite, TOP - quite the opposite - people everywhere go outta there way to diminish the effort(s) I make all the time concerning our Club. It's that way no matter where you go... The polarization of the political landscape apparently make it so... So, let's not jump to some conclusion on that score... You'll just insult yourself in the trying....

This is wholly incoherent. I'm not sure how you make the analysis of Gilbert vs. Grady without seeing his workouts (and from what I know of you, which isn't much, your status as president would be the only way to see it I would have thought). I have no idea what the polarization of the political landscape has to do with anything relating to Gilbert Brown but based on some of your Kool-Aid posts, I'd think that you and I are probably pretty close to one another politically speaking. I'm not insulting myself in any way shape or form.

IPBprez said:
Given the scenario I spoke of, both you and PWT make it a point to avoid what "might" have happened. I understand you consider it a no-brainer about how all of these other teams are avoiding him - and after two years, it probably is... too late now. Gilbert Brown is a big man who can hold his own - and truth be known.... one wonders if anyone at all would be giving Gravy another look-see had Sherman stuck to protocol and dismissed him, the way he did Gravedigger (which he did not).

I have no comment on this paragraph as it's speculation. I stand by my assertion that 350 pound run stuffers do not stay out of the NFL for long if they're still able to play as I'm sure you stand by yours that the way Mike Sherman dismissed Gilbert is the reason he's out of the league. We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

IPBprez said:
If we have the personnel this year, I would let Grady Jackson go, immediately. The better teams have walked right over him this year and he hasn't stopped the run, like his mouth suggests he could do.... We've lost several games because they weren't stopping the run, straight up the middle. I look straight at Grady on that one....

I think the breakdown in stopping the run has generally been the responsibility of the LBs this year. Teams haven't been able to run up the middle, they've been able to bounce runs outside because KGB gets too far up the field and the LBs are slow in scraping to the hole. Grady has played pretty well IMO.

IPBprez said:
In the end, Gilbert does deserve a better remembrence(sp) - Honouring the big guy is certainly a responsibility that Mike Sherman needs to fulfill.

Agreed though if Sherman is unwilling TT or Harlan needs to step up and see that this happens.


Apr 16, 2005
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De pere, Wi.
I have seen many, many players come & go here in Green Bay. So far I have not seen Gilbert Brown treated any different than any other. If anybody has seen a creditable news source saying anything differently, I'll be glad to change my mind. He will probably be inducted into Packer Hall of Fame in appropriate length of time (probably five years) although I haven't heard anything about this. I have heard nothing about Gilbert Brown not being allowed in the locker room to say goodbye to his fellow team mates. I can't post to that. The only thing, I can say is that Gilbert had a bad shoulder injury and caused him problems doing his job and his age & physically conditioning was against him. I can't recall any big discussion at the time about Packers releasing Gilbert . Pro football is a business , a big business and can be a a cruel one at times. . The eager young players come in every year and try to take the veteran player's job. Also in this era of salary cap, many players who are valuable to their team are released for one reason, high salaries which are unfriendly to the salary cap. Many players will complain about this in public after their release and feel the team should have given them, the big contract they desired. Then the player finds another team if they can, to pay him the big bucks. Green Bay have some players who have been released to the great disappointment of the player because on medical reason. Tim Lewis & Sterling Sharpe were released because the medical staff thought their medical conditions would might cause permanent damage to their spines, if they continued in Pro football. Both did not received this news very well. They wanted to come back and were willing to take chance of permanent paralysis, just to play. But Packers retired them due to their medical reasons. Sterling Sharpe was quite vocal about his displeasure about being released due to medical reasons. Both player sought further medical opinions. They both never played football again. Tim Lewis is an Assistant coach for the New York Giant and is mentioned to have a good chance to become a head coach in the NFL soon. He was a great defensive Cb and very likeable man who had a brief career caused uncureable medical condition. Sterling Sharpe found a career being a sports commentator on network TV and I think his contract wasn't renewed this year. Brian Noble, excellant ex Packer linebacker has spoken many times to his forced retirement because of knee injuries. if allowed he would come back now to play again,Because of his knee he can no longer do some things as simple as play golf. His love of football was so great and sound of 60,000 Packer fans cheering for him when entered Lambeau Field was so addictive, he would have come back and play despite the health risk to him. Such is the mentality of some Pro football players.

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