whoa...it must be getting a little chilly in hell because I think we did just agree on something...
If the realisitic objective of the Packers was to win a superbowl in the next 3 years then I say keep Brett...but me and my pessimistic attitude don't see this happening because as you noted, TT is not a knee-jerk reaction type of GM, and this team has a lot of rebuilding to do.
So my retirment talk about Brett wasn't meant to be disrespectful, it's more influenced by what we've just discussed. If he wants a ring b4 retirement, GB probably isn't the place for him, and if the Packers want to find a long term (10-12 year ) qb replacement, then Brett's presence in GB slows that process.
With that said, in spite of my constant criticism, I do respect and enjoy watching Brett play in GB, so if he wants to come back, I'm fine with that...I just think it'd delay the process of getting to the SB for both parties involved (considering the cirucmstances...Brett's timeline, TT's caution, current state of the team, etc.)