This whole players shouldn't be able to play cause of a misdemenor charge is ridiculous. The NFL is a total meat market yet they try to put up this front on some of these issues to keep there fan base expanded.
ESPN is letting Donovan McNabb get on the air and talk football after two DUI's in the same year less then two years ago and one of them was an "Extreme DUI" yet I see no outrage with letting him have a significant role on a major network. He is actually reaching way more people and much more visible then a guy with a uniform on playing a game.
90 percent of these DUI and Domestic Violence cases are stupid anyways and this comes from a son of prosecutor. You got the guy who had a few beers and drove and blew .10 or the guy that got in a shoving match with his wife getting caught up in the legal system because of a few that recklessly drive drunk or that guy that physically abuses and tortures his wife. I don't condone violence or drinking and driving but these extreme cases that happen are gonna happen regardless of how strict a law someone makes. People will say "I never got a DUI" and really "they just never got caught" in most cases.
If people wanna watch "high character football" there is always the IVY league games. Also, I think it's hillarious that so many people think the Packers organization is so clinically clean as its not. There are coaches and players on the Packers that have been in trouble with the law and have had questionable character issues pop up.
You're exactly correct in the "I never got a DUI" thing. I remember a crazy statistic that the # of times people drive drunk before they get caught is around 80!
Then you know from being acquainted with the law that the court puts "Torts" in an entirely different category than say a standard DUI charge with zero personal injury. While I'm not condoning drinking and driving by any stretch and I fully understand the consequences it can lead to, it is a far lesser infringement than say.. beating a child, a man breaking a woman's jawbone, a punching out someone until they are unconscience and then pulling them into an elevator door with an attempt to inflict further bodily harm etc.. etc you get the point.
Those acts pass unconscionable criminal or civil thresholds that need to be taken very seriously because, similar to a DUI, there have been multiple similar infractions at an escalating rate that have never been reported. They rarely just altogether stop.
I'll pass on Daryl as a football player but I pray he gets help and recommits himself both physically and spiritually to conquering his demons.