A Jordan Love Contract


Apr 30, 2018
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That punter has had more positive effect on our team than just about every player on offense so…. I still love the pick, but hind sight is 20/20 and if trade them all for a center.
If Bahktiari can limp thru a physical I’d give him a shot.
Anyone know where Bahktiari is? Did he find a team?


Apr 30, 2018
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You can have them if you’re willing to overpay like I am right now
I think you can get a player you really want by overpaying in FA. Once the season has started, especially in the first two weeks, overpaying in either $$$ or draft picks is just not gonna work. No one will be willing to deal. And even if it were possible, it wouldn't be a good idea to give up limited draft capital in a trade. Those almost always favor the team getting the picks.

So be patient Caleb. The Bears thought pretty highly of the OL to start the season. They've started slow. I'm no Bear fan, but I just don't see a need to panic now. Once Williams learns how to play the game at this level, he has a lot of weapons. And considering the high failure rate for QBs who go straight from college to starting (CJ Stroud aside), it's just gonna take time for Williams to acclimate. Yeah his numbers aren't great after two games, but it looks to me like he's a smart guy who will adjust.

I just hope he doesn't adjust too well. ;)


Apr 30, 2018
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He is not presently playing for anyone.
Thanks Ty. Yeah pretty much what I expected, or we would have read about it.

Really a shame what happened to him. I know a lot of people are pissed because he had just signed a massive contract, but that knee was/is truly cursed, and he certainly didn't choose to tear his ACL. Some of the best years of his career were lost to that injury and subsequent injuries, surgeries - rinse and repeat. And it is all but certain his playing days are over. And he had the best people working on that knee. Just a bummer all the way around.


May 2, 2012
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Thanks Ty. Yeah pretty much what I expected, or we would have read about it.

Really a shame what happened to him. I know a lot of people are pissed because he had just signed a massive contract, but that knee was/is truly cursed, and he certainly didn't choose to tear his ACL. Some of the best years of his career were lost to that injury and subsequent injuries, surgeries - rinse and repeat. And it is all but certain his playing days are over. And he had the best people working on that knee. Just a bummer all the way around.

I guarantee you though that man if Rasheed went down and GB called, would come and if he could pass physical, and swelling wouldn't get him - he 100% would be one of our best lineman in games still....

Calebs Revenge

Mar 21, 2024
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I think you can get a player you really want by overpaying in FA. Once the season has started, especially in the first two weeks, overpaying in either $$$ or draft picks is just not gonna work. No one will be willing to deal. And even if it were possible, it wouldn't be a good idea to give up limited draft capital in a trade. Those almost always favor the team getting the picks.

So be patient Caleb. The Bears thought pretty highly of the OL to start the season. They've started slow. I'm no Bear fan, but I just don't see a need to panic now. Once Williams learns how to play the game at this level, he has a lot of weapons. And considering the high failure rate for QBs who go straight from college to starting (CJ Stroud aside), it's just gonna take time for Williams to acclimate. Yeah his numbers aren't great after two games, but it looks to me like he's a smart guy who will adjust.

I just hope he doesn't adjust too well. ;)
Very true and I do agree that it’s very early for any team to throw in the towel and start selling off good offensive lineman but teams like Carolina the Giants maybe the Browns and others that in a week or two might really realize their season is over and then be willing to trade, I know we will overpay, but still be willing to part with a good offensive lineman.


Apr 30, 2018
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Very true and I do agree that it’s very early for any team to throw in the towel and start selling off good offensive lineman but teams like Carolina the Giants maybe the Browns and others that in a week or two might really realize their season is over and then be willing to trade, I know we will overpay, but still be willing to part with a good offensive lineman.
That's a valid point. If the OL is still underperforming after week 4, this could be an option.


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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I still think we can win the division.
I said the Super Bowl against the Jets would be my absolute, The Lord is going to take me to heaven the day after the Super Bowl, outcome.
The dream scenario would be to beat Green Bay in the NFC title game and then beat Aaron Rodgers and the Jets in the Super Bowl.
I never said that it was likely or even a remote possibility…… hence the going to heaven afterwards comment bc it would be “this is your reward for having to go in the ground the next day” type ishh.

When the Cubs came back from down 3 to 1 in the World Series in 16’, yeah I drove a little slower and was a little more careful the week afterwards ;)’.

He was only here 3 weeks and didn't paint nails


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Apr 30, 2018
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He was only here 3 weeks and didn't paint nails
Ouch! LOL. Don't know where you found this but it's pretty funny. And Caleb, c'mom man. No one here really knows who will win the conference, or even thinks much about the possibility at this point.


Apr 6, 2012
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I kinda got the opposite read, or maybe similar to Tyni - admittedly he is/was in a lot of super high pressure situations, but early on it looks like he's not processing the game quickly enough. Any pressure coming and he's going to his checkdown or - worse - defaulting to "schoolyard" ball.

The kid is insanely gifted, no doubt (although his deep ball is suspect, to say the least). And being able to improvise and outwit guys playing on the fly is not a bad quality to have BUT there's a big difference between being able to improvise and make magic happen when you're the most talented/gifted guy on the field - it's another thing when everyone you're playing against is just about as talented as you are (or as good/better than the best opponents you faced in college). It's one thing to be *able* to improvise and play off-script football - some of the most magical/memorable plays from guys like Rodgers, Mahomes, Allen, etc have come when they've had to go off-script and pull a rabbit out of their hat. But it's another thing when it feels like your default is to fall back on your improvisation, etc. Obviously two games is far, FAR to early to make any big assessment, but I think it's at least something to keep an eye on, a topic of concern...

What I do think is readily apparent however is just how important "situation" is as a predictor of a young player's success. I mean, look at us and Chicago right now. I have my gripes about our OL from time to time, but there are few who would argue we have a worse OL than Chicago. And on the flip side...I like our young WRs, but almost any neutral observer would say Chicago has a better WR room than we do. AND it's not at all controversial to say that Williams was universally regarded as a better prospect than Love coming out of college, and that one isn't particularly close (and that's not shading Love, just is what it is). But Love got to sit and learn for a few years and wasn't asked to save the franchise from day one, either.

All that to say: Give me a "lesser" graded QB prospect and "lesser" weapons on offense and let him develop for a few seasons behind a solid OL - and that guy will almost always be better set for success than the "generational" prospect who's surrounded by elite weapons but is asked to start day one behind a flimsy OL.I understand that organizations want to win now. But when are they going to learn that it's better overall to have a rookie QB sit at least for a year before bring thrust into the mix right away. Rarely do you see a rookie QB who is ready from the get go.

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