OK, I'll give it a shot.
Farmers, none of whom I personally know, produce the food without which (within reason) I'd starve. Hence, I certainly do thank farmers, in general. I'm also pretty sure that, if the current farmers decided not to produce my food any more, someone else would step in to produce (and sell) it. In addition to not knowing or caring who the farmers are, I rarely pay any attention to their plans for next year's crops. As they have already received payment for the food I eat, I'd say we're even.
Entertainers, including athletes, put forth a product I (sometimes) enjoy, but without which I could certainly survive. That product is also highly dependent upon my preference for and, hence, interest in, particular individuals. In return for that specific product I, either directly or indirectly, join with others of my kind to provide really high compensation to the entertainers. If I and the others choose to become upset with the providers (because they will no longer contribute to the flow of information that keeps us interested) and no longer contribute, we need to look elsewhere for entertainment and the players need to find real jobs.
I've used up the available space on my sheet, drawing charts and making notes, so I'll quit here. Bottom line, for me, is that there might be an analogy that works, but I don't think this is it.