What do you REALLY think Rodgers would garner in a trade?

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Dec 15, 2021
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I think the point that I (and perhaps others) are trying to make is not that nobody pays attention to Rodgers or that the things he says has no impact on anything...but that at the same time the media does have a tendency to overstate the impact of this stuff and tends to want to make mountains out of molehills.

Just for a little thought exercise...

How much do you think a prospective team would've been willing to trade for Rodgers on January 9th, the day after we lost to the Lions?

How much do you think that same team would be willing to trade now?

While we are all obviously speculating and just guessing at the end of the day, I think it is awfully easy to say "Teams are going to be scared off" or "Now teams won't be willing to trade as much" when it's all rather nebulous and undefined. It's a lot harder to actually try and quantify it and firmly give a position like "Here's exactly what kind of impact Rodgers' statements will have had on any potential trade," you know?

Like for instance...let's say the Jets were willing to give up a 2023 1st, 2023 2nd, and a 2024 conditional 2nd that can become a 1st if he stays and plays for 2024. (Completely made up, of course, but go with it.)

And then Rodgers talks on McAfee a bit here and there and he tells everyone about his "darkness retreat" and this apparently causes some to "raise their eyebrows". Does this change the Jets' (hypothetical) offer in any meaningful way whatsoever? I have a hard time believing it does. So while I'm sure they've noticed (I suspect at this point any interested team probably has multiple interns assigned to watch and take detailed notes on Pat McAfee's Aaron Rodgers Tuesdays every week at this point, lol), I just seriously doubt that anything Rodgers has said in recent weeks has done anything to appreciably change any interested team's calculus on the matter. I would very confidently say that any impact to his trade-worth would almost certainly be more directly correlated to concerns about age, health, a middling 2022 season, contract situation, and so on - going into solitary darkness for a few days is surely a much, much, much smaller factor.

But, that's just my opinion. Still, I'm interested to hear from those of the opposite persuasion, although I do think it's important/valuable to state a specific position rather than just an undefined "it's going to have some kind of (negative) impact" without any qualifications or clarifications.

So, again with that in mind - open question for those who believe Rodgers' recent statements will negative impact his trade value...What sort of specific impact do you believe they will have had?


May 2, 2012
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If Aaron decides he wants to play in 2023 - and we are trading him - I don't think there is a single GM out there that their amount he is worth giving up has changed personally speaking...now one pivotal piece which may cause this to slide is if Rodgers says for sure 2023 is it, or if a team is told he will commit to two seasons....that is a bigger player than the "darkness retreat" and such......

I say this because if you're an owner or organization that doesn't put up with players him-hawing about whether they want to play or not want to play...come to OTAs possibly and such - those GMs already have their mind and thoughts made up.


Aug 26, 2008
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***** Gorda, FL
It seems Brady is actually the one who doesn't want to share the spotlight with Rodgers during his HOF induction.

Huh? Not share? I never got that impression after reading Brady's remarks about AR's future. TB was very complimentary towards Rodgers which doesn't surprise me. I always got the feeling they were always cordial towards each other.


Dec 15, 2021
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Yeah, that's more or less where I'm at...

First is that I think in general NFL employees or "representatives" are probably spending a lot less time paying attention to media coverage of Rodgers or whoever than the average fan is. Any team who is seriously considering trading for Rodgers will have already done their homework and are not going to be relying on the Pat McAfee show as a significant factor in swaying their decision one way or another.

And second is that the number of NFL employees who actually in a position to have any sort of significant/meaningful decision-making authority on a potential trade deal one way or another is probably a much, much smaller number than we expect. How many guys on any given team actually have a significant say in whether or not a trade goes down? You're probably talking about a half-dozen guys for most teams - your upper brass, your head coach, and maybe your coordinator(s) depending on player/position.

So 1.) team "reps" are probably paying a lot less attention to the media than you and I and 2.) the number of "reps" who ARE actually paying attention to the media AND have any sort of influence on the trade-process is probably a lot smaller than we may think.

Like the Jets for instance, say they are working out a trade for Rodgers and Salah says "I've got some reservations about that guy, don't know if he's a good fit and some of what he has said doesn't sit well with me." If that happens then MAYBE they call off the deal at the coach's request. But beyond that? If Woody Johnson decides he wants Rodgers then outside of something like that happening it probably goes through. If some mid-level coaching staff member or other unnamed "rep" voices their concern (or "raises their eyebrows") he probably tells them to kick rocks and know your role and that's that.

So I'm sure there are people paying attention and perhaps Peter King is right to say that there are some employees of some team who have "raised their eyebrows" about Rodgers' statements/behaviours but odds are that these unnamed "reps" almost certainly don't have any influence on the matter in the first place, so who cares?


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
While we are all obviously speculating and just guessing at the end of the day, I think it is awfully easy to say "Teams are going to be scared off" or "Now teams won't be willing to trade as much" when it's all rather nebulous and undefined. It's a lot harder to actually try and quantify it and firmly give a position like "Here's exactly what kind of impact Rodgers' statements will have had on any potential trade," you know?
While I agree with much of what you said and there is really no way to gauge just how big or little of an impact it has, its hard not to acknowledge that it can have an impact. Look around this forum and the NFL media, Rodgers is on a lot of peoples minds, in both a positive (potentially becoming their teams QB) and negative (Rodgers "stuff") light. The people making the decisions on trading for Rodgers don't live in a glass bubble, they are hearing and reading this stuff too and believe it or not, it effects their decision making as differently as it effects people in this forums opinion of him. Some care, some could care less.

At the end of the day, you and I aren't the ones writing the checks or sending draft picks to the Packers and if we were, I for one, would be reading everything and anything I could get my hands on, to make that big of a decision. I would be trying to sift through it all and not just looking for only 100% facts, but weighing just what kind of impact all of it will have on my team and players.

Last thing, for those who want to only believe what Rodgers says, you let me know if by him saying it, it means it is 100% accurate. Rodgers is a master game player and if you don't think he loves to f**ck with other peoples heads, then you haven't really followed his career.


Dec 20, 2014
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I think the point that I (and perhaps others) are trying to make is not that nobody pays attention to Rodgers or that the things he says has no impact on anything...but that at the same time the media does have a tendency to overstate the impact of this stuff and tends to want to make mountains out of molehills.

Just for a little thought exercise...

How much do you think a prospective team would've been willing to trade for Rodgers on January 9th, the day after we lost to the Lions?

How much do you think that same team would be willing to trade now?

While we are all obviously speculating and just guessing at the end of the day, I think it is awfully easy to say "Teams are going to be scared off" or "Now teams won't be willing to trade as much" when it's all rather nebulous and undefined. It's a lot harder to actually try and quantify it and firmly give a position like "Here's exactly what kind of impact Rodgers' statements will have had on any potential trade," you know?

Like for instance...let's say the Jets were willing to give up a 2023 1st, 2023 2nd, and a 2024 conditional 2nd that can become a 1st if he stays and plays for 2024. (Completely made up, of course, but go with it.)

And then Rodgers talks on McAfee a bit here and there and he tells everyone about his "darkness retreat" and this apparently causes some to "raise their eyebrows". Does this change the Jets' (hypothetical) offer in any meaningful way whatsoever? I have a hard time believing it does. So while I'm sure they've noticed (I suspect at this point any interested team probably has multiple interns assigned to watch and take detailed notes on Pat McAfee's Aaron Rodgers Tuesdays every week at this point, lol), I just seriously doubt that anything Rodgers has said in recent weeks has done anything to appreciably change any interested team's calculus on the matter. I would very confidently say that any impact to his trade-worth would almost certainly be more directly correlated to concerns about age, health, a middling 2022 season, contract situation, and so on - going into solitary darkness for a few days is surely a much, much, much smaller factor.

But, that's just my opinion. Still, I'm interested to hear from those of the opposite persuasion, although I do think it's important/valuable to state a specific position rather than just an undefined "it's going to have some kind of (negative) impact" without any qualifications or clarifications.

So, again with that in mind - open question for those who believe Rodgers' recent statements will negative impact his trade value...What sort of specific impact do you believe they will have had?
Pretty well said.
Thats kind of the point I was trying to make. Seriously, we're a year removed from a guy having over 20 counts of forcing himself sexually against women get traded for 3 first round picks and have 100M+ guaranteed in his pocket and people are acting like a guy who has never come close to displaying any behaviors like that and is still a good QB is causing harm by talking about darkness retreat.

You may as well have said, the guy eats pickles on banana sandwiches. I'm sure that would raise a lot of eyebrows too, and wouldn't have anything to do with what I think that player brings to the football field or how I value trying to keep or obtain a player like that.


Dec 20, 2014
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While I agree with much of what you said and there is really no way to gauge just how big or little of an impact it has, its hard not to acknowledge that it can have an impact. Look around this forum and the NFL media, Rodgers is on a lot of peoples minds, in both a positive (potentially becoming their teams QB) and negative (Rodgers "stuff") light. The people making the decisions on trading for Rodgers don't live in a glass bubble, they are hearing and reading this stuff too and believe it or not, it effects their decision making as differently as it effects people in this forums opinion of him. Some care, some could care less.

At the end of the day, you and I aren't the ones writing the checks or sending draft picks to the Packers and if we were, I for one, would be reading everything and anything I could get my hands on, to make that big of a decision. I would be trying to sift through it all and not just looking for only 100% facts, but weighing just what kind of impact all of it will have on my team and players.

Last thing, for those who want to only believe what Rodgers says, you let me know if by him saying it, it means it is 100% accurate. Rodgers is a master game player and if you don't think he loves to f**ck with other peoples heads, then you haven't really followed his career.
2 things. First I know Rodgers is messing with you guys. I can see it and have brought it up multiple times. He's told you multiple times not to believe everything you read and when that didn't work he just makes you dance and every year you fall for it.

2nd, there are ways to gauge it. Much of this stuff happened before GB cared so much they gave him 150 million dollars. other guys who've done far, far, far worse and recently so have been traded for a kings ransom and given massive sums of money on top of it. Plenty of hard proof to gauge how much impact we should expect a darkness retreat to have and to me it's pretty much none. and no, Peter King's spin on some "eyebrow raising" adds nothing to the conversation other than, no ****?


Dec 15, 2021
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While I agree with much of what you said and there is really no way to gauge just how big or little of an impact it has, its hard not to acknowledge that it can have an impact. Look around this forum and the NFL media, Rodgers is on a lot of peoples minds, in both a positive (potentially becoming their teams QB) and negative (Rodgers "stuff") light. The people making the decisions on trading for Rodgers don't live in a glass bubble, they are hearing and reading this stuff too and believe it or not, it effects their decision making as differently as it effects people in this forums opinion of him. Some care, some could care less.

At the end of the day, you and I aren't the ones writing the checks or sending draft picks to the Packers and if we were, I for one, would be reading everything and anything I could get my hands on, to make that big of a decision. I would be trying to sift through it all and not just looking for only 100% facts, but weighing just what kind of impact all of it will have on my team and players.

Last thing, for those who want to only believe what Rodgers says, you let me know if by him saying it, it means it is 100% accurate. Rodgers is a master game player and if you don't think he loves to f**ck with other peoples heads, then you haven't really followed his career.
Yes, I would largely agree with that too. I don't doubt teams are paying attention and doing their due diligence BUT at the same time that's probably coming through different channels than parsing Rodgers' McAfee interviews. And I don't doubt that Rodgers says things just to mess with people or keep them thrown off or whatnot, but he is also probably right in saying that there is a bit of a tendency to read more into what he says than is actually said or to make assumptions that ultimately are largely unfounded. I don't know if you watched his interview yesterday but he talked about how it was being reported his "retreat" would start on this past Monday. Where did that notion come from? I don't doubt for one minute that Rodgers often chooses to be a bit vague or even somewhat misleading or "veiled" in how he speaks but at the same time I also have to think that if "media" or whoever was constantly running with the things I say and twisting it into things I didn't mean or didn't say at all then I'd probably be tempted to try and throw them off the scent too, so to speak. But perhaps that is another topic entirely...

I guess my disagreement (if I can even call it as much) is with regards to the scope of it. As above...at the end of the day if Woody Johnson or Mark Davis or whoever got to the end of the season and decided Rodgers was "their guy" then I suspect there's nothing that Rodgers has said between now and then that would change that. And in the same way I would wager that whatever compensation the Jets or Raiders or whoever were willing to give up on January 9th is probably no more or less than it would be today (actually, in that sense if anything I would wager that the value of a Rodgers-trade would likely potentially go up in the coming weeks as the QB market begins to "dry up" and that will probably have more influence on Rodgers' trade value than his interviews would).


May 2, 2012
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To me I took his massive extension as at minimum as much of a thank you for being who he was for GB all these years as it was to keep him...maybe more. I knew it was for years he'd never see GB for...either by trade or retirement....which I'm pretty sure both GB and Rodgers knew as well.


Dec 15, 2021
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Pretty well said.
Thats kind of the point I was trying to make. Seriously, we're a year removed from a guy having over 20 counts of forcing himself sexually against women get traded for 3 first round picks and have 100M+ guaranteed in his pocket and people are acting like a guy who has never come close to displaying any behaviors like that and is still a good QB is causing harm by talking about darkness retreat.

You may as well have said, the guy eats pickles on banana sandwiches. I'm sure that would raise a lot of eyebrows too, and wouldn't have anything to do with what I think that player brings to the football field or how I value trying to keep or obtain a player like that.
Yeah, pretty much that. I'm not saying King's a liar or denying that it happened...but rather that I don't think there's any reason to assume that a.) "eyebrow raising" actually means anything significant and b.) those raising their eyebrows have any say in the matter anyways

So as I said before...until Mr. King can tell us precisely WHO those unnamed reps are/were...his "scoop" is ultimately pretty meaningless without that crucial information. For all we know the unnamed source(s) could be one of the Bears' equipment managers - you might be technically correct in calling that guy a "team rep" but at the same time the guy who polishes the helmets ultimately isn't going to have any say whatsoever in a deal, naturally.

Have to know who these concerned reps are before putting any stock in such reports, basically.


May 2, 2012
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NFL GM's eyebrows could raise to all the "noise" about Rodgers regardless of if they love him or not, desire him or not.

Shoot if I'm the Jets, I bet they'll set up a darkroom next to his locker if it makes him want to come win a SB


Dec 20, 2014
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NFL GM's eyebrows could raise to all the "noise" about Rodgers regardless of if they love him or not, desire him or not.

Shoot if I'm the Jets, I bet they'll set up a darkroom next to his locker if it makes him want to come win a SB
That might one up the custom golf Cart Bakhtiari gifted to Rodgers last year


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
I don't know if you watched his interview yesterday but he talked about how it was being reported his "retreat" would start on this past Monday
I did watch it and even Pat and Hawk seemed to think that his retreat was starting this past Monday. Rodgers is often intentionally vague/cryptic and that is part of the mind games that he so much enjoys playing. I have no doubt that his IQ is high and the man is brilliant, I just think he goes out of his way to play games with fans, the media and his own team. He went off on a rant about "fake news" and his inner circle being the only ones that know the truths about him and that Rapoport, Schefter and others outside his circle don't. He's probably right, all they know is what they get from talking with the Packers and other teams.

Rodgers does not like people poking around in his affairs, which is fine, but then stop baiting people into wanting to know. Stop acting like you don't want all the attention, when it appears that you love it. He is in a very high profile position, being paid millions, I would have respected the guy more had he just point blank said "I am a very private individual, so I will only answer questions pertaining to what I did on the field, what I do off the field, no comment."


Mar 8, 2021
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I must admit I did raise my left eyebrow when I heard about his darkness retreat. Then I raised my right eyebrow when I read that people thought Peter King reporting NFL personnel raising their eyebrows about it also could somehow have any effect on his trade value to the few teams that are interested in trading for him.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
I must admit I did raise my left eyebrow when I heard about his darkness retreat. Then I raised my right eyebrow when I read that people thought Peter King reporting NFL personnel raising their eyebrows about it also could somehow have any effect on his trade value to the few teams that are interested in trading for him.

People can say it "should" have no bearing on his trade value, but that is simply their opinion. Same as me saying "it might have a bearing...."

Bottom line, teams will use anything they can in negotiations. Why wouldn't they, if it gets them a lower price? So will all these things that we talk about be discussed in trade parameters? Probably, will they have a negative effect for the Packers? That is any ones guess.

I'm not trying to compare Rodgers to Antonio Brown in any way, but look at the varying opinions on that guy and what he did off the field. Some teams are willing to overlook "character flaws" and others are not.


Dec 15, 2021
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People can say it "should" have no bearing on his trade value, but that is simply their opinion. Same as me saying "it might have a bearing...."

Bottom line, teams will use anything they can in negotiations. Why wouldn't they, if it gets them a lower price? So will all these things that we talk about be discussed in trade parameters? Probably, will they have a negative effect for the Packers? That is any ones guess.

I'm not trying to compare Rodgers to Antonio Brown in any way, but look at the varying opinions on that guy and what he did off the field. Some teams are willing to overlook "character flaws" and others are not.
Probably the bigger takeaway here (for me, anyways) is that Rodgers, AB, Deshaun, etc goes to show that for most teams in most cases talent/skill/etc is by far priority #1 and teams are willing to overlook and/or put up with a LOT if they believe you are worth it.

If Nate Sudfeld says/does the same schtick as Rodgers he's almost certainly unemployed right now. If Josh Dobbs gets accused of ****** assault by 20+ people nobody's going to go anywhere near him with any sort of contract (and he's probably in jail). Dante Pettis puts up the same antics as AB and he gets laughed out of the league. And so on...you get the point.

So I think I would make an addendum of sorts. For me it's not that some teams will overlook character flaws and others won't. They all will...to some degree. It just becomes a question of when said "flaws" begin to outweigh the talent/production/potential/etc that the player brings. Antonio Brown, for instance, seems like we finally got to a point teams simply decided he was no longer worth the headache, what he brought to the team was not enough to outweigh the problems he caused. On the other hands, the Browns seemed to believe that what Deshaun could offer them on the field was enough to outweigh the headaches and drama (and of course "headaches and drama" is a colossal understatement and not meant to trivialize anyone/anything) off of the field.

So with Rodgers then it's pretty much just a question of whether or not his off-field stuff now represents enough of a hassle that teams now feel it outweighs his on-field performances. Frankly if they are only looking at last season then it probably does now, but at the same time I suspect any team interested in Rodgers is considering more than just last season. And in that sense if they are looking at 2022, 2021, 2020 Rodgers (etc.) they are probably more than happy to overlook his weird beliefs, shifty talk, "immunization" record, and all of that jazz. At this point I would wager that has not changed, either.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
Probably the bigger takeaway here (for me, anyways) is that Rodgers, AB, Deshaun, etc goes to show that for most teams in most cases talent/skill/etc is by far priority #1 and teams are willing to overlook and/or put up with a LOT if they believe you are worth it.

If Nate Sudfeld says/does the same schtick as Rodgers he's almost certainly unemployed right now. If Josh Dobbs gets accused of ****** assault by 20+ people nobody's going to go anywhere near him with any sort of contract (and he's probably in jail). Dante Pettis puts up the same antics as AB and he gets laughed out of the league. And so on...you get the point.

So I think I would make an addendum of sorts. For me it's not that some teams will overlook character flaws and others won't. They all will...to some degree. It just becomes a question of when said "flaws" begin to outweigh the talent/production/potential/etc that the player brings. Antonio Brown, for instance, seems like we finally got to a point teams simply decided he was no longer worth the headache, what he brought to the team was not enough to outweigh the problems he caused. On the other hands, the Browns seemed to believe that what Deshaun could offer them on the field was enough to outweigh the headaches and drama (and of course "headaches and drama" is a colossal understatement and not meant to trivialize anyone/anything) off of the field.

So with Rodgers then it's pretty much just a question of whether or not his off-field stuff now represents enough of a hassle that teams now feel it outweighs his on-field performances. Frankly if they are only looking at last season then it probably does now, but at the same time I suspect any team interested in Rodgers is considering more than just last season. And in that sense if they are looking at 2022, 2021, 2020 Rodgers (etc.) they are probably more than happy to overlook his weird beliefs, shifty talk, "immunization" record, and all of that jazz. At this point I would wager that has not changed, either.
Agree and I would just add, every team has a bottom line and that will differ from team to team. Just like us fans all have a "bottom line" of what we tolerated from players and it differs for each fan. All that said, if the market is small (1-2 teams) for a trade of Rodgers, those 2 teams will use those negatives in the trade compensation talks. Obviously, the biggest negative is his age and not wanting to commit to playing more than 1 year at a time. I often think to myself, "If Rodgers wasn't a Packer and they had a team that was just a quality QB away from winning it all, would I give up a lot for him?" I would probably pass, if it was much more than a mid first round pick and maybe a 3rd. But that is me.


Mar 11, 2014
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I did watch it and even Pat and Hawk seemed to think that his retreat was starting this past Monday. Rodgers is often intentionally vague/cryptic and that is part of the mind games that he so much enjoys playing. I have no doubt that his IQ is high and the man is brilliant, I just think he goes out of his way to play games with fans, the media and his own team. He went off on a rant about "fake news" and his inner circle being the only ones that know the truths about him and that Rapoport, Schefter and others outside his circle don't. He's probably right, all they know is what they get from talking with the Packers and other teams.

Rodgers does not like people poking around in his affairs, which is fine, but then stop baiting people into wanting to know. Stop acting like you don't want all the attention, when it appears that you love it. He is in a very high profile position, being paid millions, I would have respected the guy more had he just point blank said "I am a very private individual, so I will only answer questions pertaining to what I did on the field, what I do off the field, no comment."
Nah whenever I want my space and privacy I go on nationally sindcated radio program and make outrageous revelations - works every time

Deleted member 6794

I'm surprised that a forum like this even interests you, if like you said, you don't pay attention to media at all. I've seen more incorrect information in here, than I have seen in the media.

I agree there's a lot of wrong information posted around here but no one is making claims like the media has done over the past three years without being correct most of the time.

While I agree with you that much of the media has sadly shifted to clickbait articles and what I call "being first, is more important than being right", I do actually find some of the opinions and speculations valuable at times.

Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of stuff in the media I find interesting to read as well. I don't care about reports speculating based on having inside sources who always stay unanimous and end up being wrong most of the time. In addition I don't care about any of them spinning everything what Rodgers say in a negative way to fit their narrative on him.

I don't pay a ton of mind, weight wise, to the media...however when Gute, MLF or Rodgers actually speaks - I do 100% pay close attention to what they say and precisely how they say it.

I follow what they say as well but most of the stuff is basically of no importance at all.

Huh? Not share? I never got that impression after reading Brady's remarks about AR's future. TB was very complimentary towards Rodgers which doesn't surprise me. I always got the feeling they were always cordial towards each other.

I was only fooling around, spinning something Brady said in a negative way without any evidence to back it up.

The people making the decisions on trading for Rodgers don't live in a glass bubble, they are hearing and reading this stuff too and believe it or not, it effects their decision making as differently as it effects people in this forums opinion of him.

NFL executives, who are effected by what Rodgers says on the Pat McAfee show, should be out of a job on short notice.

To me I took his massive extension as at minimum as much of a thank you for being who he was for GB all these years as it was to keep him...maybe more.

Gutekunst should be fired immediately if that was his approach to Rodgers extension.

I did watch it and even Pat and Hawk seemed to think that his retreat was starting this past Monday. Rodgers is often intentionally vague/cryptic and that is part of the mind games that he so much enjoys playing. I have no doubt that his IQ is high and the man is brilliant, I just think he goes out of his way to play games with fans, the media and his own team. He went off on a rant about "fake news" and his inner circle being the only ones that know the truths about him and that Rapoport, Schefter and others outside his circle don't. He's probably right, all they know is what they get from talking with the Packers and other teams.

I've got news for you, if Rodgers doesn't want to tell the whole world when he's starting his retreat it's his right to do so. Just because you're supporting the team he plays for doesn't give you the right to know everything about his private life. The same is true for everyone working in the media as well. I get that they don't like it and make up for it by spinning everything he says in a negative way but I couldn't care less for it.

Bottom line, teams will use anything they can in negotiations. Why wouldn't they, if it gets them a lower price? So will all these things that we talk about be discussed in trade parameters? Probably, will they have a negative effect for the Packers? That is any ones guess.

Do you honestly believe that the Packers would accept a lesser offer because of Rodgers spending four days in a dark room? That's ludicrous.


May 2, 2012
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One question I have is are the Jets a QB away from the SB? I really don't know...

From the SB....that is way too large of a question. Were they simple above average QB play away from the playoffs ABSOLUTELY. Were they a QB away from being contenders, ABSOLUTELY.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
NFL executives, who are effected by what Rodgers says on the Pat McAfee show, should be out of a job on short notice.
So I am confused. You don't trust what the media puts out or "inside sources" and now you are saying that NFL Executives shouldn't pay any attention to what Rodgers actually says either?

So what do you rely on for information?


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
One question I have is are the Jets a QB away from the SB? I really don't know...
As long as THEY think so and are willing to be the top bidder for Rodgers, who's to question their logic? ;)

Many do think that the Jets have a very good defense and are really just a very good QB away from being a top team. That said, all it takes are a few injuries and those plans get derailed fast.
Aug 16, 2014
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Rodgers showed up for every single OTA practice until the 2021 offseason. Let's see how Mahomes feels about it when he's 37 years old.
Very good point. I can see that.
That said, we’re talking about a few dozen offseason practices and such, I don’t think it would’ve killed Rodgers he’s plenty fit in comparison with the leagues younger QB’s.
I don't think Rodgers not having decided if he wants to play for another season has any effect on his trade value. A team acquiring him will make sure that he will play for them next season before making a trade. Therefore it's a non-issue.
I see what your saying but you missed the point. You can’t make a player not retire. He’s got enough $$ he could walk away after 1 season and it wouldn’t even phase him financially. It’s a real concern. Although it’s only going to slightly affect his demand and the offset would be a contract that relieves the team of contractual suicide if he suddenly retired

Remember also what these retired players are making as game announcers post retirement. Can you imagine the potential contract $ Rodgers would make with a long term Network deal? His fan draw is going to be very significant well after playing.
It's a great story because the Chiefs ended up winning the Super Bowl but I highly doubt it was a huge factor in it. I wonder if it would have been brought up if they ended up losing in the playoffs though.
As for being a “huge factor”?
The Packers were 4 points from making the playoffs and you can try to convince me that preparation doesn’t matter, but I know better.

I do respect you for trying to defend #12. He gets a substantial amount of unnecessary attacks that are not fair. This isn’t one of them. Personally I want the best for him.
As an example I think he can process film in a dark room. If he gets sensitive we can transform his negatives there too! :roflmao:
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