Trading for a much is too much...


May 2, 2012
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I know everyone is now, if you weren't already, willing to admit Gute likely ought to do something to rectify the kicker situation.

HOWEVER, as many know those on the streets are limited BUT would you support the concept of trading for a kicker?

Here we sit in a TOUGH division where every team is at worst 4-2...we've only lost a game our QB got hurt in the final drive on and to a tough Vikings team where we made numerous turnovers in ruining drives...our defense is climbing the ranks of being potentially special in numerous metrics and when Love is firing this team has been MONEY.

Only two players really jump to me as a trade worthy option...

Nick Folk (Titans) - This one is a combination of a guy who is on the back three holes of his career (40) but has been a well above average kicker and is having an excellent 2024 campaign on a team that is a terrible 1-4 and just a loss or two away from this season being a fruitless endeavor. He is also in his final year of a contract.

Eddy Pineiro (Panthers) - Another guy having an excellent 2024, has been quite the solid kicker typically in his shorter career (four years), final year of his contract on a TERRIBLE team. He actually may be the only good thing happening in Carolina right now.

Now what exactly is a fair price for a trading for a kicker....could one of our bottom tier type WRs (Heath or Melton) perhaps grab one? My guess is only Titans would be interested as their whole group is older than 30+ essentially except for Burks...would you say yes to any of the deals below:

Titans get Malike Heath + 6th Rounder and we get Folk?
Titans get 5th Rounder and we get Folk and 7th rounder back?
Titans get 4th rounder and we get Folk and 6th rounder back?

I don't really know what I'm willing to give up for Pineiro is young enough your likely trading and planning on off season extending IF he is successful here too....

Just an exercise of thought...


Feb 9, 2011
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Madison, WI
Between the two, I would think getting Folk would be easier. The Titans are looking at a lost season and anything we'd offer would better than a possible comp pick in the future. I would, however, be wary of offering too much. In 2025, he might just hit a wall and be done. At the same time, Titans know we're desperate for a kicker.

As far as Pineiro, I can't see it. Kickers do last quite a while. Why would they part with a guy who probably has 10 more years of good play left in him?


Jun 11, 2012
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Between the two, I would think getting Folk would be easier. The Titans are looking at a lost season and anything we'd offer would better than a possible comp pick in the future. I would, however, be wary of offering too much. In 2025, he might just hit a wall and be done. At the same time, Titans know we're desperate for a kicker.

As far as Pineiro, I can't see it. Kickers do last quite a while. Why would they part with a guy who probably has 10 more years of good play left in him?
When the Lions were rather tame they held onto Jason Hanson for a VERY long time.
Aug 16, 2014
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My answer is no. Not unless it doesn’t include a player like Malik. I think he’d fetch an easy 5th Rounder or possibly a 4th Rounder. I’m not giving up equivalent of 4th+6th packaged.

Now not being difficulty. In the correct scenario or the right guy I might swap our 6th for 7th or a 6th straight up..maybe.

I still think we should bring in this kid. He's a 4th year NFL Kicker so he’s not a green pea. Cost? A bag of peanuts (unsalted). 75% chance he’s an upgrade and I’m talking tomorrow. He’s not a Huge leg (53 long) but likely Crosby Range (55) but he’s much more accurate in mid range Kicks than Narveson.
Riley is basically automatic inside <40
40/42 (95%)

40-49 career 84%
50+ 50%

3/3 FG postseason 100%
6/6 XPM postseason 100%
Reminds me of a younger version of Crosby at 20% the cost.

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Fiber deprived old guy.
Dec 10, 2004
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Oshkosh, WI
How about the kid that was kicking for Arizona? He's a "temp" and the Packers did have him in camp at the same time as #44....and selected #44


Dec 20, 2015
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Folk was traded to Titans in 2023 for a 7th in 2025 so, not trading anything of value for a kicker. Sure as heck isn't going to be a 4th. No. Just no.

Narveson is frustrating right now, but I think he can figure it out. Maybe if he was spraying the ball everyone on misses/makes I'd have a different opinion, but seems like one position on the field is his achille's heel right now.


Jun 11, 2012
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My answer is no. Not unless it doesn’t include a player like Malik. I think he’d fetch an easy 5th Rounder or possibly a 4th Rounder. I’m not giving up equivalent of 4th+6th packaged.

Now not being difficulty. In the correct scenario or the right guy I might swap our 6th for 7th or a 6th straight up..maybe.

I still think we should bring in this kid. He's a 4th year NFL Kicker so he’s not a green pea. Cost? A bag of peanuts (unsalted). 75% chance he’s an upgrade and I’m talking tomorrow. He’s not a Huge leg (53 long) but likely Crosby Range (55) but he’s much more accurate in mid range Kicks than Narveson.
Riley is basically automatic inside <40
40/42 (95%)

40-49 career 84%
50+ 50%

3/3 FG postseason 100%
6/6 XPM postseason 100%
Reminds me of a younger version of Crosby at 20% the cost.

I am glad I am not a GM.
Aug 16, 2014
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I seriously believe had Narveson missed that 2nd FG he was gone. I’m not sure if he knew how close it was but the fan base would’ve went wild. That last Kick literally gave him 1 more game. He needs to put together 2 consecutive games minimum without a miss. I’m not talking a stab at a 57 yarder guys miss those, but a makeable 41, 44, 48 yarder etc. he’d better go perfect Sunday or he’ll be ran out on scrap tarred and feathered.


Jun 11, 2012
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I seriously believe had Narveson missed that 2nd FG he was gone. I’m not sure if he knew how close it was but the fan base would’ve went wild. That last Kick literally gave him 1 more game. He needs to put together 2 consecutive games minimum without a miss. I’m not talking a stab at a 57 yarder guys miss those, but a makeable 41, 44, 48 yarder etc. he’d better go perfect Sunday or he’ll be ran out on scrap tarred and feathered.
Some years you get less attempts. Some more. And in September and October you have to hit these. They do not get easier in November and December unless you play indoors or in a mild clime.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
As I said in the Narveson thread, I am done with the kid. He now looks lost and worried, a 4-2 team needs a better kicker.

At this point, I think there are some options for the Packers. Whether it is trading a 6th or 7th rounder for a proven kicker or just grabbing Ryland or Wright, I think you automatically improve over Narveson.

I would add Daniel Carlson (currently a Raider) to the list of possible trades.

If I was a betting man.....Chad Ryland, Riley Patterson or Matthew Wright are the Packers next kicker(s).


Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
As I said in the Narveson thread, I am done with the kid. He now looks lost and worried, a 4-2 team needs a better kicker.

At this point, I think there are some options for the Packers. Whether it is trading a 6th or 7th rounder for a proven kicker or just grabbing Ryland or Wright, I think you automatically improve over Narveson.

I would add Daniel Carlson (currently a Raider) to the list of possible trades.

If I was a betting man.....Chad Ryland, Riley Patterson or Matthew Wright are the Packers next kicker(s).
When you look at it we had a shot at winning our 2 losses if he hits a few of those misses.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
When you look at it we had a shot at winning our 2 losses if he hits a few of those misses.
Yup and when you get into Dec/Jan. those are misses you can't afford to have. MLF came out and said that Narveson is still their kicker, but on a short leash. Whether Gute agrees with that, we will see. I honestly don't know what changes things for Narveson and his confidence right now, hitting 5-6 40+ yarders in a row?


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
I'm hoping that Malik is our backup again next year.
120% agree with THIS!

He is still on his rookie deal through 2025, the Packers would be absolutely F'ing nuts to part with him right now. They have nobody to back up Love.

Now if someone offers them a late 1st or 2nd rounder come March, I might consider it. :D


Oct 5, 2014
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Folk was traded to Titans in 2023 for a 7th in 2025 so, not trading anything of value for a kicker. Sure as heck isn't going to be a 4th. No. Just no.

Narveson is frustrating right now, but I think he can figure it out. Maybe if he was spraying the ball everyone on misses/makes I'd have a different opinion, but seems like one position on the field is his achille's heel right now.
Unless we can talk Jerry into dealing Brandon Aubrey.


Jul 3, 2014
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Northern IL
I'd feel great about signing McManus. 81.1% on '23 FG attempts, 30 for 37 (5 of the misses 50yds+) and perfect on XPA's. Is a 10yr vet who has seen it all brefore.


Nov 10, 2021
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Brandon McManus is an 81% FG kicker with a pretty good leg beyond 45 "at high altitude." How good in a place like GB? Also, a loose cannon of sorts, who comes with baggage.

But, he is experienced, and until he implodes, which he could, he might be worth taking because he does have a strong leg.

If I'm the Packers, since he isn't involved in any court actions at this time, I might take the plunge.


Oct 5, 2014
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I didn't have McManus on my bingo card, but Welcome Veteran kicker! But don't unpack, just yet.
Honestly in another thread talking about kickers where I brought up Randy Bullock was available I was thinking about putting McManus in there but I wasn't sure if the ****** assault charges were still an issue. McManus has a strong leg and he's kicked in crappy weather in Denver all in all I think it's a pretty good signing. We just couldn't keep rolling with nervous and and I just don't see any young guys out there worth bringing in.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
Honestly in another thread talking about kickers where I brought up Randy Bullock was available I was thinking about putting McManus in there but I wasn't sure if the ****** assault charges were still an issue. McManus has a strong leg and he's kicked in crappy weather in Denver all in all I think it's a pretty good signing. We just couldn't keep rolling with nervous and and I just don't see any young guys out there worth bringing in.

Yeah we talked about him and his "Mile High Club and Kicking".

Doesn't seem like the outstanding citizen that the Packers normally hire. Either that us how desperate they are or the charges aren't sticking.

Thirteen Below

Jan 15, 2022
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As I said in the Narveson thread, I am done with the kid. He now looks lost and worried, a 4-2 team needs a better kicker.
"Lost and worried". Yeah, exactly that.

I keep remembering the look on his face immediately after he made that second field goal the other day. The whole team was piling on him, crowding around and high-fiving him, big grins, congratulating him and supporting him, and he looked as though his wife just left him for his best friend and took the dog with her.

He just looked dead inside. When I saw that, first thing I thought was that all these misses have gotten so far inside his head there's no getting them out anymore. Not in one week's time, and that's all you get once the season is underway.

I'll build on something I think you mentioned in another thread, about him constantly worrying that if he shanks one, he's on the first train outta town the next day. That's where he is at now, and even if he has 3 or 4 good games, first time he misses I'd be worried he'd start panicking again. He's so traumatized now, he may be on pins and needles the entire season even if he did start playing better. That's not a state of mind where you want your kicker to be.

I honestly don't know what changes things for Narveson and his confidence right now, hitting 5-6 40+ yarders in a row?
Not just his confidence, but what about ours? And the team? And the coaches and GM? Even if he'd suddenly started banging 'em right down the middle, how many weeks or even months before we and the team really felt fully confident in him?

Even if he turned into an 85% kicker, he'd still miss one every few weeks, and every time he did, how many of us would be rolling our eyes and saying, "here we go again." And personally, I'd still be nervous come January, no matter how good the next 10 games were.
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