The Aaron Rodgers performance thread

What's our main problem?

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Nov 9, 2018
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Your words.. injury isn't healed from last year and then new one this year.. That can be reasons why his play suffered.. Ie, takes some of 5he blame. Sucks but it's true.

Chemistry shouldn't be an issue last few weeks of the year

Oline.. I don't buy that.. We saw him dance around for ages.. It has been an issue but I would put that way down on the list

1. Did I not just say that was some factors as to why his play was affected? Also I could've sworn I said Rodgers wasn't blameless and that he gets a share of the blame for what happened on the field...I may be wrong though. me out here.

2. You and I both know that it takes a longer time to fully gel with receivers. Especially when they are rookies. We saw it with Devante and Jordy in their early years. It took more than one season for them to fully gel. You know better. Rodgers was definitely off his mark with some of his throws. I won't blame it on just the receivers. But clearly Rodgers doesn't have the trust in all of them just yet. That takes time to build. I definitely believe you'll see a vast improvement come next season. In both the chemistry between QB and WR.

3. And as mentioned, he had a bum leg for most the season. Plus he re injured it. Kinda hard to run on it wouldn't you agree?


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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1. Did I not just say that was some factors as to why his play was affected? Also I could've sworn I said Rodgers wasn't blameless and that he gets a share of the blame for what happened on the field...I may be wrong though. me out here.

2. You and I both know that it takes a longer time to fully gel with receivers. Especially when they are rookies. We saw it with Devante and Jordy in their early years. It took more than one season for them to fully gel. You know better. Rodgers was definitely off his mark with some of his throws. I won't blame it on just the receivers. But clearly Rodgers doesn't have the trust in all of them just yet. That takes time to build. I definitely believe you'll see a vast improvement come next season. In both the chemistry between QB and WR.

3. And as mentioned, he had a bum leg for most the season. Plus he re injured it. Kinda hard to run on it wouldn't you agree?

Sorry, read it wrong.

But I think the chemistry thing is little over blown this far in.. 1st half of season.. OK.. But not at end


Nov 9, 2018
Reaction score
Sorry, read it wrong.

But I think the chemistry thing is little over blown this far in.. 1st half of season.. OK.. But not at end
I mean it wasn't bad and it wasn't the receivers fault. They definitely show promise. I'm pertaining it to Rodgers in particular, in which he clearly doesn't fully trust them. That's something he will need to work on, and I imagine that will improve as we go forward. :)

@Quientus I'm waiting! Put up or shut up time!


Oct 9, 2009
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Denmark, Scandinavia
Alright then educate me. Tell me what year you're referring to. I'll wait. And for extra credit please tell me and highlight all the "white noise" that was said about him from the media outside and whatnot. Aaaaand go!

If you haven't seen Rodgers have a "down year" other than this past season ... that statement alone tells me you either aren't that old, or that you haven't really followed the Packers for any length of time ... - that or you just skim posts before you reply ....

As for the "Diva behaviour" ... - again ... this isn't something new about Rodgers ... It's been noticed for the first time quite some years ago ... - use search and you can see just how far back ...

Yelling at teammates/getting in their faces during games (in "The heat of battle") is NOT throwing people under the bus ... !!! - Yes it might be filmed, however it doesn't equate to throwing ppl under the bus ...

Callling out your teammates/coaches whoever, at a press conference AFTER a game, however, IS throwing some one under the bus !!!

Do you honestly think anyone ACTIVELY playing for the Packers would say anything negative about one of their captains to the public ? (aside from Rodgers that is ?)

Rodgers leadership skills have practically been questioned since 2012 ...

Favre had almost a decade with ****** O-Lines and mediocre receivers, however, you didn't see the same attitude from him that you see from Rodgers ... - Favre threw a shitload of Ints, that is correct, however, Rodgers doesn't ... he just throws the ball away ... because throwing ints would hurt his ratings ... (I actually didn't think Rodgers to be a "Stat-padder", however seeing him play this season has made me seriously wonder if he isn't ...)

Pre-season + 14+ games should be more than enough to "Get chemistry" with your WR's ... - but this can be difficult if they don't trust each other or simply don't like each other ...


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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I don't think throwing the ball away is padding his stats.

Throwing and int will give the opp prob better field position .. That's why he throws away


Oct 12, 2011
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Dixon, IL
I don't think throwing the ball away is padding his stats.

Throwing and int will give the opp prob better field position .. That's why he throws away

Giving up an INT isn't an automatic outcome whereas throwing away and ending the down is. I get the rationale for throwing away and more often than not it's probably the correct call. I would like to see him willing to gamble a little and give his receivers an opportunity to make a play though. Not to a Brett level, but some of those situations where an int essentially = a punt. I do think he's aware of his INT ratio and will sometimes choose to throw away at the expense of trying to make a play because of it.


Oct 9, 2009
Reaction score
Denmark, Scandinavia
I don't think throwing the ball away is padding his stats.

Throwing and int will give the opp prob better field position .. That's why he throws away

Favre didn't care about stats (other than the longevity stat) ... - As you very well know LTF - having followed the Packers for as many years as you have, one of the reasons Favre threw so many ints, was among other, with the game on the line, more often than not, regardless of who his receivers were, Favre would still take the shot, and throw, in hopes of his receivers being able to make the catch ...- Whereas when it comes to Rodgers, if his "main man" isn't open, he will probable toss it away instead ... because he doesn't trust (or want to?) his other receivers ... - and the big issue with this is his demeanor and behaviour on the field in those situations ...

Rodgers has NEVER seemed like he wanted to use "**** and dunk" to get yardage ... - Ever since 2009, Rodgers has been looking for the medium to long play over anything else, and if there wasn't and open receiver, he would throw it away or get sacked ... Ironically ... IF Rodgers would use his check downs more often and TRUST his receivers a little bit more - taking "a little" more risk and trust his receivers to make a play, I have little doubt we would be seeing a whole different season outcome ...


Nov 9, 2018
Reaction score
If you haven't seen Rodgers have a "down year" other than this past season ... that statement alone tells me you either aren't that old, or that you haven't really followed the Packers for any length of time ... - that or you just skim posts before you reply ....

As for the "Diva behaviour" ... - again ... this isn't something new about Rodgers ... It's been noticed for the first time quite some years ago ... - use search and you can see just how far back ...

Yelling at teammates/getting in their faces during games (in "The heat of battle") is NOT throwing people under the bus ... !!! - Yes it might be filmed, however it doesn't equate to throwing ppl under the bus ...

Callling out your teammates/coaches whoever, at a press conference AFTER a game, however, IS throwing some one under the bus !!!

Do you honestly think anyone ACTIVELY playing for the Packers would say anything negative about one of their captains to the public ? (aside from Rodgers that is ?)

Rodgers leadership skills have practically been questioned since 2012 ...

Favre had almost a decade with ****** O-Lines and mediocre receivers, however, you didn't see the same attitude from him that you see from Rodgers ... - Favre threw a shitload of Ints, that is correct, however, Rodgers doesn't ... he just throws the ball away ... because throwing ints would hurt his ratings ... (I actually didn't think Rodgers to be a "Stat-padder", however seeing him play this season has made me seriously wonder if he isn't ...)

Pre-season + 14+ games should be more than enough to "Get chemistry" with your WR's ... - but this can be difficult if they don't trust each other or simply don't like each other ...
*Sips drink*

1. Basically what you just told me in your first sentence is either I cannot or I am too lazy to back up my points in regards to any solid evidence to back up my claim in regards to Rodgers having multiple down years. Again show me. Don't tell me. And based off my track record here and considering how I've taken the time to literally counter every point you've made (and others) in the past one argument at a time, yeah forgive me if I'm rolling eyes in regards to not taking that comment seriously. Now again please educate me and SHOW ME another year in which Rodgers had an off year comparable to this one. I'll even humor you, it DOESN'T have to be a year in which we failed to make the playoffs, like we did this year.

As for the "Diva behaviour" ... - again ... this isn't something new about Rodgers ... It's been noticed for the first time quite some years ago ... - use search and you can see just how far back ...

2. Again educate me. About every single point that was made whether it was players, or what was reported, I've already addressed and countered argued. If you're not gonna back up your arguments by not bringing any examples, then I'll have no choice not to take you seriously with all due respect. I think the same can be said for others.

Yelling at teammates/getting in their faces during games (in "The heat of battle") is NOT throwing people under the bus ... !!! - Yes it might be filmed, however it doesn't equate to throwing ppl under the bus ...

3. Now I KNOW I asked you this question more than once and you've never answered. When has Rodgers ever done that after a game? I've been waiting for you to answer this awhile back under the Prima Donna thread and you've YET to provide an example. Show me evidence, otherwise stop.

Do you honestly think anyone ACTIVELY playing for the Packers would say anything negative about one of their captains to the public ? (aside from Rodgers that is ?)

4. Apparently if he is such a problem I don't see why they wouldn't. Unless of course he ISN'T as bad as people are making him out to be. Matter of fact there has been players that has come to his defense if anything.

Rodgers leadership skills have practically been questioned since 2012 ...

5. I've already addressed the leadership thing over and over, just because Rodgers leads differently from others, that doesn't mean he isn't leading. Otherwise how would he lead them to victories and comebacks? That requires leadership. Just because he doesn't fit your mold in what a leader does or should be, that to me sounds like a personal problem.

Favre had almost a decade with ****** O-Lines and mediocre receivers, however, you didn't see the same attitude from him that you see from Rodgers ... - Favre threw a shitload of Ints, that is correct, however, Rodgers doesn't ... he just throws the ball away ... because throwing ints would hurt his ratings ... (I actually didn't think Rodgers to be a "Stat-padder", however seeing him play this season has made me seriously wonder if he isn't ...)

Ladies and gentlemen I would like to direct your attention to the sentence in which I've bolded, because I COULD be wrong as to how one should interpret this.

So let me get this straight. If I understand you right, you'd rather have a QB throw ints instead of throwing the ball away? @PackerfaninCarolina @longtimefan am I reading this correctly?

Pre-season + 14+ games should be more than enough to "Get chemistry" with your WR's ... - but this can be difficult if they don't trust each other or simply don't like each other ...

Again chemistry takes more than one season to fully gel. Take Devante for example. I recall how he and Rodgers weren't on the same page originally. Matter of fact it took 2 seasons before he came into his own. Don't believe me look at the stud and duds threads from back then. Same for Jordy, him and Rodgers didn't gel right off the bat. It took time.

Honestly I am not sure what to say at this point because I'm speechless in regards to that point you were trying to make with Favre with the ints thing and whatnot. We're done here. Thanks for the laugh.
Last edited:

I asked LT to delete my acct

*Sips drink*

1. Basically what you just told me in your first sentence is either I cannot or I am too lazy to back up my points in regards to any solid evidence to back up my claim in regards to Rodgers having multiple down years. Again show me. Don't tell me. And based off my track record here and considering how I've taken the time to literally counter every point you've made in the past one argument at a time, yeah forgive me if I'm rolling eyes in regards to not taking that comment seriously. Now again please educate me and SHOW ME another year in which Rodgers had an off year comparable to this one. I'll even humor you, it DOESN'T have to be a year in which we failed to make the playoffs, like we did this year.

2. Again educate me. About every single point that was made whether it was players, or what was reported, I've already addressed and countered argued. If you're not gonna back up your arguments by not bringing any examples, then I'll have no choice not to take you seriously with all due respect. I think the same can be said for others.

3. Now I KNOW I asked you this question more than once and you've never answered. When has Rodgers ever done that after a game? I've been waiting for you to answer this awhile back under the Prima Donna thread and you've YET to provide an example. Show me evidence, otherwise stop.

4. Apparently if he is such a problem I don't see why they wouldn't. Unless of course he ISN'T as bad as people are making him out to be. Matter of fact there has been players that has come to his defense if anything.

5. I've already addressed the leadership thing over and over, just because Rodgers leads differently from others, that doesn't mean he isn't leading. Otherwise how would he lead them to victories and comebacks? That requires leadership. Just because he doesn't fit your mold in what a leader does or should be, that to me sounds like a personal problem.


Ladies and gentlemen I would like to direct your attention to the sentence in which I've bolded, because I COULD be wrong as to how one should interpret this.

So let me get this straight. If I understand you right, you'd rather have a QB throw ints instead of throwing the ball away? @PackerfaninCarolina @longtimefan am I reading this correctly?

If so then here is my response. :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

Again chemistry takes more than one season to fully gel. Take Devante for example. I recall how he and Rodgers weren't on the same page originally. Matter of fact it took 2 seasons before he came into his own. Don't believe me look at the stud and duds threads from back then. Same for Jordy, him and Rodgers didn't gel right off the bat. It took time.

Honestly I am not sure what to say at this point because I'm speechless in regards to that point you were trying to make with Favre with the ints thing and whatnot. We're done here. Thanks for the laugh.

Basically if you don't agree with his argument that is fine. Trying to belittle him is NOT fine. Use the ignore feature.


Nov 9, 2018
Reaction score
Basically if you don't agree with his argument that is fine. Trying to belittle him is NOT fine. Use the ignore feature.
Alright fair enough. I admit I was a little excessive in which how I reacted regarding the Int vs throwing away thing. That is the only part where I can see I was belittling him. That and the ending. Everything else was fair game for the sake of debate.

I asked LT to delete my acct

Alright fair enough. I admit I was a little excessive in which how I reacted regarding the Int vs throwing away thing. That is the only part where I can see I was belittling him. That and the ending. Everything else was fair game for the sake of debate.

That's fine, just knock off the belittling and it's fine. He IS entitled to an opinion.


May 12, 2017
Reaction score
up the road from jerrahworld
And back with the Prima Donna nonsense again. Every 2-3 pages people can't help themselves but through the word around.

I can't even take what you said seriously considering you included James Jones and Donald Driver in the same group as Finely and Jennings in regards to their opinion of Rodgers. James Jones has said nothing negative in regards to Rodgers and neither did Driver. May want to brush up on your facts.

If they "enabled" him as you said wouldn't they have kept his QB coach, and Jordy Nelson? Plus in the past Rodgers has voiced his opinion in keeping players that they didn't bother to keep. Case in point Jared Cook. And I'm sorry are you implying that Rodgers didn't EARN the money he was given this passed year? Because if you're saying making him the highest paid QB is a problem based off what he's done, and in truth this was an off year but when you factor in the injury and the oline, the fact that he has new players he has to create chemistry with, then forgive me if I don't take your soliloquy serious.

I swear it's like some people's memory here are short term or they don't bother to read. SMH. All it take is one off year and we're ready to hang the guy after him spoiling us for years. Like I said before we truly don't deserve someone like him. SMH,

*jones and driver have made comments but they've been politically correct about it as lewis was.
*they've enabled his not holding him accountable. in fact they doubled down by extending him when they did and for the $ they did.
*do you think he was worth $33.5m this year? wait...of course you do. i say no he wasn't. he should have played under his last contract this year. do you think they'd still offer that after this year? i've asked that a couple of times of people and haven't got an answer yet. extending him this season was insane.
*as for the o-line...both pff and espn graded the Packers o-line as the best in pass blocking. it was Rodgers waiting for the big play instead of getting first downs. and this isn't the first year he's done that. it started getting bad in 15-16.
*as for the wonder the young WR's, and noobs like Graham and Jones, weren't on the same page as Rodgers. they practice MM's game plan all week then game day comes and Rodgers goes rogue and starts playing street ball. how can he get comfortable with guys when he does that?
*and yes he's a prima donna. he thinks he's unaccountable. he blames everyone but himself.

i don't think that genie can be put back into the bottle and i don't think it matters who they hire. only Rodgers can fix this and that's with a complete change of attitude.


Oct 9, 2009
Reaction score
Denmark, Scandinavia
*Sips drink*

1. Basically what you just told me in your first sentence is either I cannot or I am too lazy to back up my points in regards to any solid evidence to back up my claim in regards to Rodgers having multiple down years. Again show me. Don't tell me. And based off my track record here and considering how I've taken the time to literally counter every point you've made in the past one argument at a time, yeah forgive me if I'm rolling eyes in regards to not taking that comment seriously. Now again please educate me and SHOW ME another year in which Rodgers had an off year comparable to this one. I'll even humor you, it DOESN'T have to be a year in which we failed to make the playoffs, like we did this year.

1. For someone who *claims* to have a "track record" to back up his claims ... you *seemingly* haven't done a whole lot of reading ... or research for that matter ... /boggle ...

- I'll humor you and give you the years:
2008 (probably you would say it doesn't count because this was Rodgers first year as starter, and I would agree with you on this year
2010 (yes, the Super Bowl Year ... - Yes Rodges won the Super Bowl MVP, however, The Pack also had a pretty good defense that season ...)

and I'm not even going to mention some of his performances in the play offs ...
- So Yes, the 2018 season isn't the only season where Rodgers was "off" - Again ... this only shows and supports what I've been saying ... You *seemingly* can't be "bothered" ... or even follow the team you claim you do closely ... LOL

2. Again educate me. About every single point that was made whether it was players, or what was reported, I've already addressed and countered argued. If you're not gonna back up your arguments by not bringing any examples, then I'll have no choice not to take you seriously with all due respect. I think the same can be said for others.

You are arguing semantics ... you very well know what "Throwing people under the bus" means ... but you still cling on to the arguement that Brady, Brees, Manning, and who ever does the same, when CLEARLY they don't ...

3. Now I KNOW I asked you this question more than once and you've never answered. When has Rodgers ever done that after a game? I've been waiting for you to answer this awhile back under the Prima Donna thread and you've YET to provide an example. Show me evidence, otherwise stop.

*SIGH* ... I get tired of this ... - there are numerous posts about this subject, and quite frankly your child-like denial is getting stale ...

4. Apparently if he is such a problem I don't see why they wouldn't. Unless of course he ISN'T as bad as people are making him out to be. Matter of fact there has been players that has come to his defense if anything.

I've never once stated otherwise ... I never said he *was* the problem ... however that he *is* a (big) part of the problem though ... - again you want to argue semantics ... not only with me, but with several other posters here as well ...

5. I've already addressed the leadership thing over and over, just because Rodgers leads differently from others, that doesn't mean he isn't leading. Otherwise how would he lead them to victories and comebacks? That requires leadership. Just because he doesn't fit your mold in what a leader does or should be, that to me sounds like a personal problem.

I have a really difficult time believing *You* would want to be lead by a leader-type like Rodgers ... - Again there are numerous posts and (links to) articles on the boards about this subject, that it serves no point in reiterating them in this thread again ...


Ladies and gentlemen I would like to direct your attention to the sentence in which I've bolded, because I COULD be wrong as to how one should interpret this.

So let me get this straight. If I understand you right, you'd rather have a QB throw ints instead of throwing the ball away? @PackerfaninCarolina @longtimefan am I reading this correctly?

If so then here is my response. :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:

I think LTF very well know what I meant with my post here ... - as I know LTF (contrary to you) is more open-minded and thorough ... ;)

No, I didn't say I'd rather have a QB that throws ints instead of throwing the ball away ... - HOWEVER - I do want a QB that is willing to risk more to win and who TRUSTS his receivers to make a play (regardless if they don't or do) and regardless of who those receivers are ... OVER one who openly distrusts his receivers and is NOT willing to risk (his stats LOL) to win the game ...

Again, you seemingly want to argue semantics, instead of actually reading the post in the context to which it was posted ... - Kinda like Rodgers stats ...

Again chemistry takes more than one season to fully gel. Take Devante for example. I recall how he and Rodgers weren't on the same page originally. Matter of fact it took 2 seasons before he came into his own. Don't believe me look at the stud and duds threads from back then. Same for Jordy, him and Rodgers didn't gel right off the bat. It took time.

Honestly I am not sure what to say at this point because I'm speechless in regards to that point you were trying to make with Favre with the ints thing and whatnot. We're done here. Thanks for the laugh.

I never claimed "gelling" and building a report with your receiver corps doesn't take time, however, using that excuse over and over again when so many other QBs around the league is in similar situations and STILL manage to produce is asinine ... - Bottomline ... when you are paid the big bucks, it's time to put up or go home ...

Again ... - Your lengthy response to my posts kinda illustrates my initial assessment pretty well ... - You're the kind of poster, who gets all riled up when someone disagrees with you:laugh:.

Have a good day ! (or evening) :rolleyes: :whistling:


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
So let me get this straight. If I understand you right, you'd rather have a QB throw ints instead of throwing the ball away? @PackerfaninCarolina @longtimefan am I reading this correctly?

I can't put words in his mouth. I would say neither taking sacks and going 3 and out nor throwing picks is good. Personally it seems like like I saw Rodgers particularly down in the red zone trying to tell his guys to get moving, come back to him, finish their routes or whatever. Basically the offense as a whole had a lot of breakdowns, and while Rodgers was a part of it, I think where we differ with a few of the knockers is that he isn't the cause of it. There's a million problems that happened, most of which I point the finger at TT (maybe Gute a little though he couldn't fix everything in one season) for. McCarthy also played a bit of a role, and then losing veterans, seeing rookie WRs have to do more than you would usually expect and ... You could go on and on.

Now if Rodgers doesn't start getting back to being more consistent with using shorter passes to setup deep ones or being quicker about getting plays off this year, the next or whenever like he used to, and this assumes we get the personnel to do so, then perhaps I might buy more of the argument that he lost it. But as of now, this is not a team that has star receivers 5 deep plus a 6-6 TE nightmare matchup the way we did several years ago. I say fix what we got Rodgers trying to operate the offense with before assuming he's all broken.


Nov 9, 2018
Reaction score
*jones and driver have made comments but they've been politically correct about it as lewis was.
*they've enabled his not holding him accountable. in fact they doubled down by extending him when they did and for the $ they did.
*do you think he was worth $33.5m this year? wait...of course you do. i say no he wasn't. he should have played under his last contract this year. do you think they'd still offer that after this year? i've asked that a couple of times of people and haven't got an answer yet. extending him this season was insane.
*as for the o-line...both pff and espn graded the Packers o-line as the best in pass blocking. it was Rodgers waiting for the big play instead of getting first downs. and this isn't the first year he's done that. it started getting bad in 15-16.
*as for the wonder the young WR's, and noobs like Graham and Jones, weren't on the same page as Rodgers. they practice MM's game plan all week then game day comes and Rodgers goes rogue and starts playing street ball. how can he get comfortable with guys when he does that?
*and yes he's a prima donna. he thinks he's unaccountable. he blames everyone but himself.

i don't think that genie can be put back into the bottle and i don't think it matters who they hire. only Rodgers can fix this and that's with a complete change of attitude.

For Driver all he said was that he holds people accountable. You'll have to show me where Jones was being "politically correct" because nothing I've seen indicated that he was being political in regards to Arodg. If anything Jones has always been one that spoke positive about him. Please enlighten me on that regard.

And by holding him accountable what exactly do you mean? Him not owning up to his mistakes, and acknowledging that he's gotta play better because he's done that. So please enlighten me on how he isn't held accountable.

To answer your question: Yes I think he's EARNED the money he was given. I'm not gonna be turned away just because he had 1 bad year to HIS standards. I have no reason to believe this is going to be the trend going forward, unless you know something that I don't. By all means enlighten me.

Rodgers does share some responsibility in regards to his sacks this year, but being sacked 49 times speaks for itself. No way am I buying that it was all on him.

So I take it you know when Rodgers changes the play this season as opposed to what McCarthy called. And I getting so sick of using the prima donna label when I've asked time and time again to show me when Rodgers has blamed someone and so far no one has yet to give me an example. When has Rodgers blamed someone for the loss of a game like Big Ben did. I am STILL waiting for an answer. I give you guys prime examples and yet you guys STILL haven't given me an example when Rodgers threw blame at someone for a loss. You know why? B/c you can't find one. Rodgers has always put himself first at the podium. Please find me one that shows otherwise.


Oct 9, 2009
Reaction score
Denmark, Scandinavia
I can't put words in his mouth. I would say neither taking sacks and going 3 and out nor throwing picks is good. Personally it seems like like I saw Rodgers particularly down in the red zone trying to tell his guys to get moving, come back to him, finish their routes or whatever. Basically the offense as a whole had a lot of breakdowns, and while Rodgers was a part of it, I think where we differ with a few of the knockers is that he isn't the cause of it. There's a million problems that happened, most of which I point the finger at TT (maybe Gute a little though he couldn't fix everything in one season) for. McCarthy also played a bit of a role, and then losing veterans, seeing rookie WRs have to do more than you would usually expect and ... You could go on and on.

Now if Rodgers doesn't start getting back to being more consistent with using shorter passes to setup deep ones or being quicker about getting plays off this year, the next or whenever like he used to, and this assumes we get the personnel to do so, then perhaps I might buy more of the argument that he lost it. But as of now, this is not a team that has star receivers 5 deep plus a 6-6 TE nightmare matchup the way we did several years ago. I say fix what we got Rodgers trying to operate the offense with before assuming he's all broken.

It would help a whole lot if Rodgers would actually play the cards with what is dealt, instead of wanting to play like he has a flush+ hand ... lol

i.e. if your overall receiver talent is better utilized using "**** and dunk" and what not, then you go with that and what the defenses are giving you, instead of always wanting to go deep ...

I asked LT to delete my acct

1. For someone who *claims* to have a "track record" to back up his claims ... you *seemingly* haven't done a whole lot of reading ... or research for that matter ... /boggle ...

- I'll humor you and give you the years:
2008 (probably you would say it doesn't count because this was Rodgers first year as starter, and I would agree with you on this year
2010 (yes, the Super Bowl Year ... - Yes Rodges won the Super Bowl MVP, however, The Pack also had a pretty good defense that season ...)

and I'm not even going to mention some of his performances in the play offs ...
- So Yes, the 2018 season isn't the only season where Rodgers was "off" - Again ... this only shows and supports what I've been saying ... You *seemingly* can't be "bothered" ... or even follow the team you claim you do closely ... LOL

You are arguing semantics ... you very well know what "Throwing people under the bus" means ... but you still cling on to the arguement that Brady, Brees, Manning, and who ever does the same, when CLEARLY they don't ...

*SIGH* ... I get tired of this ... - there are numerous posts about this subject, and quite frankly your child-like denial is getting stale ...

I've never once stated otherwise ... I never said he *was* the problem ... however that he *is* a (big) part of the problem though ... - again you want to argue semantics ... not only with me, but with several other posters here as well ...

I have a really difficult time believing *You* would want to be lead by a leader-type like Rodgers ... - Again there are numerous posts and (links to) articles on the boards about this subject, that it serves no point in reiterating them in this thread again ...

I think LTF very well know what I meant with my post here ... - as I know LTF (contrary to you) is more open-minded and thorough ... ;)

No, I didn't say I'd rather have a QB that throws ints instead of throwing the ball away ... - HOWEVER - I do want a QB that is willing to risk more to win and who TRUSTS his receivers to make a play (regardless if they don't or do) and regardless of who those receivers are ... OVER one who openly distrusts his receivers and is NOT willing to risk (his stats LOL) to win the game ...

Again, you seemingly want to argue semantics, instead of actually reading the post in the context to which it was posted ... - Kinda like Rodgers stats ...

I never claimed "gelling" and building a report with your receiver corps doesn't take time, however, using that excuse over and over again when so many other QBs around the league is in similar situations and STILL manage to produce is asinine ... - Bottomline ... when you are paid the big bucks, it's time to put up or go home ...

Again ... - Your lengthy response to my posts kinda illustrates my initial assessment pretty well ... - You're the kind of poster, who gets all riled up when someone disagrees with you:laugh:.

Have a good day ! (or evening) :rolleyes: :whistling:

And my comment to Do7 applies to you too. Please keep it civil or use ignore. Thank you gentlemen.


Sep 30, 2013
Reaction score
It would help a whole lot if Rodgers would actually play the cards with what is dealt, instead of wanting to play like he has a flush+ hand ... lol

i.e. if your overall receiver talent is better utilized using "**** and dunk" and what not, then you go with that and what the defenses are giving you, instead of always wanting to go deep ...

This is in essence more or less what I said. Problem is this last year much most of our short passes saw the DB smother the guy right away or didn't consistently turn into chunk plays. Short passes need to be able to bait defenders up to where the WRs can use either double moves or other fakes to burn the DBs deep, and unfortunately the cards Rodgers was dealt showed a lot of defect in that area.


Oct 9, 2009
Reaction score
Denmark, Scandinavia
For Driver all he said was that he holds people accountable. You'll have to show me where Jones was being "politically correct" because nothing I've seen indicated that he was being political in regards to Arodg. If anything Jones has always been one that spoke positive about him. Please enlighten me on that regard.

And by holding him accountable what exactly do you mean? Him not owning up to his mistakes, and acknowledging that he's gotta play better because he's done that. So please enlighten me on how he isn't held accountable.

To answer your question: Yes I think he's EARNED the money he was given. I'm not gonna be turned away just because he had 1 bad year to HIS standards. I have no reason to believe this is going to be the trend going forward, unless you know something that I don't. By all means enlighten me.

Rodgers does share some responsibility in regards to his sacks this year, but being sacked 49 times speaks for itself. No way am I buying that it was all on him.

So I take it you know when Rodgers changes the play this season as opposed to what McCarthy called. And I getting so sick of using the prima donna label when I've asked time and time again to show me when Rodgers has blamed someone and so far no one has yet to give me an example. When has Rodgers blamed someone for the loss of a game like Big Ben did. I am STILL waiting for an answer. I give you guys prime examples and yet you guys STILL haven't given me an example when Rodgers threw blame at someone for a loss. You know why? B/c you can't find one. Rodgers has always put himself first at the podium. Please find me one that shows otherwise.

What kool-aid are you drinking or what are you sniffing ?


There are quite a few more, but then again ... - Then *you* *might* actually have to do some reading ... :whistling:

Aaron ... Is that you ?


Feb 8, 2017
Reaction score
in the past Rodgers has voiced his opinion in keeping players that they didn't bother to keep. Case in point Jared Cook.
I'm thinking maybe they should have listened to him.

Favre didn't care about stats (other than the longevity stat)
I do recall a lot of people accusing Favre of throwing at the one yard line in order to pad his count of TD passes. I never thought those accusations were warranted, but he was being accused of it.

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