The Aaron Rodgers performance thread

What's our main problem?

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Nov 9, 2018
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About freaking time! Now we can finally have a debate!
1. For someone who *claims* to have a "track record" to back up his claims ... you *seemingly* haven't done a whole lot of reading ... or research for that matter ... /boggle ...

- I'll humor you and give you the years:
2008 (probably you would say it doesn't count because this was Rodgers first year as starter, and I would agree with you on this year
2010 (yes, the Super Bowl Year ... - Yes Rodges won the Super Bowl MVP, however, The Pack also had a pretty good defense that season ...)
1. Considering I'm the one that's been going in depth most of the time when dissecting people's arguments, yours included, I don't see how you've drawn that conclusion that I don't read. But hey to each their own I suppose.

2. I've highlighted those years you mentioned. Because I was curious.
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2008 was Rodgers official start as The Packers starting QB, glad to see we're at LEAST ON the same page regarding that in which wasn't too bad in all honesty.

2010 based off what I'm seeing compared to his previous 2 years at the time, he wasn't too far off from how he was a year previously. Doesn't seem like an off year to me.

2015 The famous year where we ran the table. Compared to his stats at that point, this was certainly a dip in performance. I'll certainly give you that. But we did make the playoffs and made

2018 Outside of his start in 2008 , and even then I'd say this past season was Rodgers worse. 2017 he went down with an injury so that doesn't count.

So based off the years I'd say 2015 was the only time you could say Rodgers had a down year, as 2010 while Rodgers was better in 09, he certainly was in the same ballpark.

You are arguing semantics ... you very well know what "Throwing people under the bus" means ... but you still cling on to the arguement that Brady, Brees, Manning, and who ever does the same, when CLEARLY they don't ...
I didn't even bring up Brees, Brady, or Manning this time around, and brought up Big Ben! And you've yet to name a time and instance where Rodgers went up to the podium and blamed someone else. I'm not arguing semantics, you're simply not answering the question. So again. When has he done this, and towards whom?

*SIGH* ... I get tired of this ... - there are numerous posts about this subject, and quite frankly your child-like denial is getting stale ...
What was that about you saying about The Pot calling the kettle Black? It would be childish if I WAS in denial, but considering I've actually have gone through and made counter arguments, in which people have agreed to my way of thinking speaks for itself. I never shied away. I'm loving how you're sitting here relying on what was said on other posts, rather than give examples yourself. So I'll say with all those numerous posts you claim that were made, I've countered argued almost all of them. You can't sit here and deny that I haven't, otherwise you my friend haven't been paying much attention. You can get tired and dance around it all you want. It's not gonna change anything. There hasn't been one thing I haven't addressed during my time here. I've never shied away from a challenge to be proven wrong. If you can't bring up new points, then I'll simply have to assume it's something that I've already covered. Sorry but that's just how it goes man. Nothing childish about that. The only thing that's getting stale is your attempts at avoiding my questions.

I've never once stated otherwise ... I never said he *was* the problem ... however that he *is* a (big) part of the problem though ... - again you want to argue semantics ... not only with me, but with several other posters here as well ...
So that's your excuse now? I'm arguing semantics? Guys like you are making a big deal out of stuff like what former players have to say about Rodgers, and not being held accountable, when he is, and throwing people under the bus, which he hasn't. I have been on the record and said Rodgers gets a share of the blame for how this season went, based on his GAME. All this other stuff apparently wasn't too big of a deal as we were WINNING. Now all of a sudden these are problems. If it was as problematic as you guys claim then how have we been winning over the years? Heh. Semantics....Sure dude. Whatever you say.

I have a really difficult time believing *You* would want to be lead by a leader-type like Rodgers ... - Again there are numerous posts and (links to) articles on the boards about this subject, that it serves no point in reiterating them in this thread again ...
Dude with respect, you don't know me. Rodgers demands the best out of his players as it's demanded from him, and he typically delivers. Considering the same is asked out of me by my teammates, I certainly would rise to the challenge. Playing with a guy like Rodgers is once in a lifetime, and he maximizes players potential. Don't believe me, name one receiver that left The Packers and did well? I'm a grown *** man. I don't get shaken easily. My mother raised me to push myself past my limits and beyond. And since you're going to mention there are plenty threads and posts, I'll say the same in regards to me addressing them in all likeliness during my time here.

I think LTF very well know what I meant with my post here ... - as I know LTF (contrary to you) is more open-minded and thorough ... ;)

No, I didn't say I'd rather have a QB that throws ints instead of throwing the ball away ... - HOWEVER - I do want a QB that is willing to risk more to win and who TRUSTS his receivers to make a play (regardless if they don't or do) and regardless of who those receivers are ... OVER one who openly distrusts his receivers and is NOT willing to risk (his stats LOL) to win the game ...

Again, you seemingly want to argue semantics, instead of actually reading the post in the context to which it was posted ... - Kinda like Rodgers stats ...

You certainly love throwing the word "semantics" around don't you? Dude just because you used <Insert Heath Ledger voice> Very poor choice of words, doesn't mean I am not open minded. If that wasn't the case I wouldn't have challenged you the way I did to prove me wrong. Even longtimefan from what I saw was initially confused by that post so clearly I wasn't the only one taken aback by that. Perhaps you may want to use better choice of words next time.

As for risks goes, Rodgers isn't one to take unnecessary gambits unless he has to, and for the longest it's been working for us. And as I've said before trust takes time. I've said this numerous times now but I used Devante and Jordy as two good examples. It takes time to build trust. Fortunately I think we'll see a vast improvement going into next year.

I never claimed "gelling" and building a report with your receiver corps doesn't take time, however, using that excuse over and over again when so many other QBs around the league is in similar situations and STILL manage to produce is asinine ... - Bottomline ... when you are paid the big bucks, it's time to put up or go home ...

Again ... - Your lengthy response to my posts kinda illustrates my initial assessment pretty well ... - You're the kind of poster, who gets all riled up when someone disagrees with you:laugh:.

Have a good day ! (or evening) :rolleyes: :whistling:

Okay. For the sake of time and argument I'm gonna ask you to name another team that's had to rely on rookie recievers for the majority of the season, outside of one veteran receiver, that is in the post season right now? Trust is a two way street, and I never said the receivers were at fault. If you had read I addressed this and even said that is something Arodg needs to work on.

I make lengthy responses because I enjoy debating, and in cases like yourself I feel I need to be thorough as my points apparently go over your head. If I'm wrong, i'm wrong. Won't be the first and certainly won't be the last. I enjoy long debates because I enjoy this team and I love getting opinions, even if it's something I don't agree with. Anyone can easily throw their opinions out there, but that simply means that others are free to engage and criticize it if they don't necessarily agree with it. It'll be up to you to defend your points. I am way past the point where stuff on the internet riles me up. Do I get annoyed? Yes, but riled? Not so much.

That and it helps time go by faster at my job.


May 12, 2017
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up the road from jerrahworld
For Driver all he said was that he holds people accountable. You'll have to show me where Jones was being "politically correct" because nothing I've seen indicated that he was being political in regards to Arodg. If anything Jones has always been one that spoke positive about him. Please enlighten me on that regard.

And by holding him accountable what exactly do you mean? Him not owning up to his mistakes, and acknowledging that he's gotta play better because he's done that. So please enlighten me on how he isn't held accountable.

To answer your question: Yes I think he's EARNED the money he was given. I'm not gonna be turned away just because he had 1 bad year to HIS standards. I have no reason to believe this is going to be the trend going forward, unless you know something that I don't. By all means enlighten me.

Rodgers does share some responsibility in regards to his sacks this year, but being sacked 49 times speaks for itself. No way am I buying that it was all on him.

So I take it you know when Rodgers changes the play this season as opposed to what McCarthy called. And I getting so sick of using the prima donna label when I've asked time and time again to show me when Rodgers has blamed someone and so far no one has yet to give me an example. When has Rodgers blamed someone for the loss of a game like Big Ben did. I am STILL waiting for an answer. I give you guys prime examples and yet you guys STILL haven't given me an example when Rodgers threw blame at someone for a loss. You know why? B/c you can't find one. Rodgers has always put himself first at the podium. Please find me one that shows otherwise.
dude...everything you've asked for has been answered. at this point you're just trolling people. i'm done with ya.


Nov 9, 2018
Reaction score
dude...everything you've asked for has been answered. at this point you're just trolling people. i'm done with ya.
Really? Alright then. Can someone or one of the moderators please pull up an example where Rodgers blamed someone at the podium after a loss, thrown someone under the bus? B/c I sure as hell can't find one and despite claims that has no one seems to bring up an example of when this has happened.

I've already given a prime example of what I was looking for and yet I'm the one who's trolling. All I've asked was someone to give me an example of WHEN this happened and yet no one has as of yet.
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Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
About freaking time! Now we can finally have a debate!

1. Considering I'm the one that's been going in depth most of the time when dissecting people's arguments, yours included, I don't see how you've drawn that conclusion that I don't read. But hey to each their own I suppose.

2. I've highlighted those years you mentioned. Because I was curious.
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2008 was Rodgers official start as The Packers starting QB, glad to see we're at LEAST ON the same page regarding that in which wasn't too bad in all honesty.

2010 based off what I'm seeing compared to his previous 2 years at the time, he wasn't too far off from how he was a year previously. Doesn't seem like an off year to me.

2015 The famous year where we ran the table. Compared to his stats at that point, this was certainly a dip in performance. I'll certainly give you that. But we did make the playoffs and made

2018 Outside of his start in 2008 , and even then I'd say this past season was Rodgers worse. 2017 he went down with an injury so that doesn't count.

So based off the years I'd say 2015 was the only time you could say Rodgers had a down year, as 2010 while Rodgers was better in 09, he certainly was in the same ballpark.

I didn't even bring up Brees, Brady, or Manning this time around, and brought up Big Ben! And you've yet to name a time and instance where Rodgers went up to the podium and blamed someone else. I'm not arguing semantics, you're simply not answering the question. So again. When has he done this, and towards whom?

What was that about you saying about The Pot calling the kettle Black? It would be childish if I WAS in denial, but considering I've actually have gone through and made counter arguments, in which people have agreed to my way of thinking speaks for itself. I never shied away. I'm loving how you're sitting here relying on what was said on other posts, rather than give examples yourself. So I'll say with all those numerous posts you claim that were made, I've countered argued almost all of them. You can't sit here and deny that I haven't, otherwise you my friend haven't been paying much attention. You can get tired and dance around it all you want. It's not gonna change anything. There hasn't been one thing I haven't addressed during my time here. I've never shied away from a challenge to be proven wrong. If you can't bring up new points, then I'll simply have to assume it's something that I've already covered. Sorry but that's just how it goes man. Nothing childish about that. The only thing that's getting stale is your attempts at avoiding my questions.

So that's your excuse now? I'm arguing semantics? Guys like you are making a big deal out of stuff like what former players have to say about Rodgers, and not being held accountable, when he is, and throwing people under the bus, which he hasn't. I have been on the record and said Rodgers gets a share of the blame for how this season went, based on his GAME. All this other stuff apparently wasn't too big of a deal as we were WINNING. Now all of a sudden these are problems. If it was as problematic as you guys claim then how have we been winning over the years? Heh. Semantics....Sure dude. Whatever you say.

Dude with respect, you don't know me. Rodgers demands the best out of his players as it's demanded from him, and he typically delivers. Considering the same is asked out of me by my teammates, I certainly would rise to the challenge. Playing with a guy like Rodgers is once in a lifetime, and he maximizes players potential. Don't believe me, name one receiver that left The Packers and did well? I'm a grown *** man. I don't get shaken easily. My mother raised me to push myself past my limits and beyond. And since you're going to mention there are plenty threads and posts, I'll say the same in regards to me addressing them in all likeliness during my time here.

You certainly love throwing the word "semantics" around don't you? Dude just because you used <Insert Heath Ledger voice> Very poor choice of words, doesn't mean I am not open minded. If that wasn't the case I wouldn't have challenged you the way I did to prove me wrong. Even longtimefan from what I saw was initially confused by that post so clearly I wasn't the only one taken aback by that. Perhaps you may want to use better choice of words next time.

As for risks goes, Rodgers isn't one to take unnecessary gambits unless he has to, and for the longest it's been working for us. And as I've said before trust takes time. I've said this numerous times now but I used Devante and Jordy as two good examples. It takes time to build trust. Fortunately I think we'll see a vast improvement going into next year.

Okay. For the sake of time and argument I'm gonna ask you to name another team that's had to rely on rookie recievers for the majority of the season, outside of one veteran receiver, that is in the post season right now? Trust is a two way street, and I never said the receivers were at fault. If you had read I addressed this and even said that is something Arodg needs to work on.

I make lengthy responses because I enjoy debating, and in cases like yourself I feel I need to be thorough as my points apparently go over your head. If I'm wrong, i'm wrong. Won't be the first and certainly won't be the last. I enjoy long debates because I enjoy this team and I love getting opinions, even if it's something I don't agree with. Anyone can easily throw their opinions out there, but that simply means that others are free to engage and criticize it if they don't necessarily agree with it. It'll be up to you to defend your points. I am way past the point where stuff on the internet riles me up. Do I get annoyed? Yes, but riled? Not so much.

That and it helps time go by faster at my job.

Can I get you two a room? :coffee:


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
Madison, WI
Considering the way we've been going. Let's get our own show! :laugh:
Did you ever see the Sitcom "Work It"? Not many did, ABC canned it pretty quick.

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Deleted member 6794

Yeah that's why I always thought TT should have traded him to the Vikings for 2 first round picks at minimum, who knows they may have paid more. They let public relations get in the way of a smart football decision

The Vikings might have been ready to send a better draft pick the Packers way to acquire Favre but it would definitely not have been in th team's best interest to trade him within the division.

Well, according to PFF only 19.2% of all sacks happen within 2.5 seconds.

I see a player that was embraced by fans almost immediately, especially once he proved himself on the field. For the life of me I can't figure out an argument pointing to your notion that Rodgers had an uphill battle in Green Bay.

Rodgers was booed for stepping on the field at Family Night in 2008. He definitely had an uphill battle to win over Packers fans.

Maybe McCarthy was the issue from the onset.

That's definitely wrong as the Packers won a Super Bowl with McCarthy calling the plays and featured one of the highest scoring offenses for most of his tenure.

Favre threw a shitload of Ints, that is correct, however, Rodgers doesn't ... he just throws the ball away ... because throwing ints would hurt his ratings ... (I actually didn't think Rodgers to be a "Stat-padder", however seeing him play this season has made me seriously wonder if he isn't ...)

Pre-season + 14+ games should be more than enough to "Get chemistry" with your WR's ... - but this can be difficult if they don't trust each other or simply don't like each other ...

Rodgers throwing more interceptions would mostly hurt the team. Just take the one against the Bears in the end zone as an example, it would have definitely been better to just throw the ball away.

It takes most quarterbacks more than a season to build chemistry with rookie receivers. Yet both MVS and EQ finished within the top 15 among rookie receivers in receptions and yards.

I'll humor you and give you the years:
2008 (probably you would say it doesn't count because this was Rodgers first year as starter, and I would agree with you on this year
2010 (yes, the Super Bowl Year ... - Yes Rodges won the Super Bowl MVP, however, The Pack also had a pretty good defense that season ...)

I agree about Rodgers struggling in 2015 as well but he was pretty good for a first year starter in 2008 (his 28 touchdowns would be a rookie record). He ranked third in passer rating in 2010 and had probably the best game I've ever seen a quarterback play in Atlanta during the playoffs that year.

On the other hand Rodgers has thrown 16 touchdowns in those situations which ranked fourth this season.


Feb 8, 2017
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The Vikings might have been ready to send a better draft pick the Packers way to acquire Favre but it would definitely not have been in th team's best interest to trade him within the division.
True. I never held it against Favre that he went to the Vikings though. The Vikings were probably his best shot at a second ring, and if he wanted to stick it to the Packers some, so what? What kind of competitor would he have been if he hadn't wanted to prove the Packers wrong for letting him go?

There were other things he did I was less happy with, like giving other teams tips on how to beat us. But it was like a divorce, what was done in the heat of the moment is water under the bridge. I hold no grudge, although I know some do.


Mar 4, 2011
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Aaron Rodgers has possibly the best arm in the history of the game. Why does it seem like he can't win with ONLY his arm? Apparently he needs his feet in order to win too. A lot of people here blame his hamstring injury for the 2014 NFC-C loss. A lot of people here blame our offensive struggles this season on his knee never being 100%.


Oct 28, 2015
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I mean it wasn't bad and it wasn't the receivers fault. They definitely show promise. I'm pertaining it to Rodgers in particular, in which he clearly doesn't fully trust them. That's something he will need to work on, and I imagine that will improve as we go forward. :)

@Quientus I'm waiting! Put up or shut up time!
For the record ... I don’t think anybody owes you an explanation. You are free to disagree... but I don’t believe anyone is obligated to “shut up” if you are not convinced.

Deleted member 6794

Aaron Rodgers has possibly the best arm in the history of the game. Why does it seem like he can't win with ONLY his arm? Apparently he needs his feet in order to win too. A lot of people here blame his hamstring injury for the 2014 NFC-C loss. A lot of people here blame our offensive struggles this season on his knee never being 100%.

It was pretty obvious that Rodgers, even while having a great arm, needs proper foot work to throw an accurate ball on most attempts as well. It seems he didn't trust his knee to set his feet on many occasions though.


Dec 20, 2014
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Aaron Rodgers has possibly the best arm in the history of the game. Why does it seem like he can't win with ONLY his arm? Apparently he needs his feet in order to win too. A lot of people here blame his hamstring injury for the 2014 NFC-C loss. A lot of people here blame our offensive struggles this season on his knee never being 100%.
Do you know what muscle group is the first to fire when you go to throw a football or baseball? I'll give you a hint, they aren't in the torso or upper extremity


May 12, 2017
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up the road from jerrahworld
It was pretty obvious that Rodgers, even while having a great arm, needs proper foot work to throw an accurate ball on most attempts as well. It seems he didn't trust his knee to set his feet on many occasions though.
he should've kept wearing the brace then. that's what it's stabilize it. it takes a load off the knee...and the mind.


Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
he should've kept wearing the brace then. that's what it's stabilize it. it takes a load off the knee...and the mind.
There’s very little evidence that braces do anything for a knee that is cleared for play.


Apr 30, 2018
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I have said over and and over again that Rodgers shares a fair share of BLAME in regards to how this season went, but that was due to his PLAY ON THE FIELD. Everything else from his personality and whatnot has been more or less the same over the years and we've been winning football games. As for what might've caused this, oh I don't know, maybe it was factors such as:

1. Coming back from an injury the previous year in which he may or may not have recovered from (I've made the case that he sees phantoms)

2. O-line not being very good

3. Creating chemistry with new receivers which takes time

4. Getting injured AGAIN and in the first game of the season no less

How is it that hard? ONLY NOW it's suddenly starting to become an issue for some reason. After one bad year by HIS standards!

Oh and to those who DO NOT know the definition of Enable: give (someone or something) the authority or means to do something.

People say the organization is enabling Rodgers is not only short sighted but completely idiotic imo as I stated previous times as to why that isn't the case. Rodgers doesn't run the damn place.

On the field that is different b/c McCarthy has given Rodgers that freedom to do that as he Rodgers EARNED that trust, and has delivered more times than not. What confuses me (I said this before) is that we've been complaining about McCarthy's play calling for YEARS and now that we find out Rodgers on occasion changes the plays it's a freaking problem.

Do you want to know why I posted that video regarding The Steelers, it's because THAT is what PRIMA DONNAS looks like! Having multiple reports where you BLAME fellow teammates for your short comings as to why they lost. THAT IS THROWING SOMEONE UNDER THE BUS! When you have teammates that play with you CURRENTLY calling you out because you don't show up at practice, or because you throw a fit that things don't go your way, and requesting a trade because frictions are that bad between a player and a coach. What I find weird is that these "former players" happen to run their mouth AFTER they left GB. If it was that bad then why the hell didn't we hear about it when they were in the organization? Apparently Rodgers wasn't that bad as he is made out to be. Plus if we're honest outside of Woodson, what have they done outside of GB? And you know it's funny in spite all of these comments, have you noticed Rodgers has not said anything or responded to said comments? Hadn't gone on social media, hadn't said anything in press, nothing.

What I find funny is that people on here are saying how b/c Rodgers is the HIGHEST paid QB and that is what enabled him. If I recall Drew Brees became the highest paid QB once upon a time and missed the playoffs many times and yet no one made any drama about him or claimed he was enabled.

Tell me if we had won these games would anyone be ******** and complaining about all of these issues?

I get it! We're in unfamiliar territory as we've been enjoying success and now for the first time in a long time we are once again on the outside looking in and had a terrible season. This season was a wash and was a collective failure all around from the organization to the players on the field, Rodgers included. Based on his standards and what we've seen. Rodgers needs to play better. Unlike some of you, I'll give Rodgers the BOTD (Benefit of the doubt) for his off year. If this was a TREND. Then you would have me, but since it's not, forgive me if I don't take what some of you guys are saying seriously. We've been spoiled thanks to #12.
The problems with the Packers this year were systemic, hence the need for an overhaul starting with the HC. The decison(s) Murphy and Gluten make regarding the HC vacancy will go a long way to getting this team back as a perennial contender. But that’s just the start. Rodgers will be fine.


May 12, 2017
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up the road from jerrahworld
There’s very little evidence that braces do anything for a knee that is cleared for play.
common sense tells you that clearly can't be true...they restrict abnormal movement, add stability...but as i said they help the psyche too. i had an acl reconstruction.
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Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
common sense tells you that clearly can't be true...they restrict abnormal movement, add stability...but as i said they help the psyche too. i had an acl reconstruction.
Common sense also says old wives tales are often untrue. Anyway, some people don’t need a mental crutch and hate the physical limitations it puts on normal movement while providing zero decrease to injury probability.

Deleted member 6794

he should've kept wearing the brace then. that's what it's stabilize it. it takes a load off the knee...and the mind.

Rodgers wearing a knee brace wouldn't have prevented him for not trusting the knee though.


Jan 24, 2012
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Eden Prairie, MN
Pre-season + 14+ games should be more than enough to "Get chemistry" with your WR's ... - but this can be difficult if they don't trust each other or simply don't like each other ...

I think the issue with this was McCarthy didn't play Aaron in preseason, then after getting hurt in the first game, and didn't practice until what, week 8 or something like that? I think that really slowed the chemistry building down.

Deleted member 6794

I think the issue with this was McCarthy didn't play Aaron in preseason, then after getting hurt in the first game, and didn't practice until what, week 8 or something like that? I think that really slowed the chemistry building down.

The main issue is that most fans expect way too much out of rookie receivers, especially the ones having been selected on the third day of the draft.


Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
I think the issue with this was McCarthy didn't play Aaron in preseason, then after getting hurt in the first game, and didn't practice until what, week 8 or something like that? I think that really slowed the chemistry building down.

The main issue is that most fans expect way too much out of rookie receivers, especially the ones having been selected on the third day of the draft.

I think both are very valid and important reasons why things didn't go as well as hoped this year. Toss in the fact that there was 1 receiver that had any experience with the QB outside of this year on the field for much of it was also a big factor.

Sanguine camper

Jan 14, 2014
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If Rodgers is a "problem" then what is Spriggs or Cobb sitting in the hot tub, or only one veteren wr or a journeyman rg? I'll take 2 interceptions from my starting qb in any day of the week. Rodgers played the whole season with a injured left knee. He rarely transferred his weight onto that knee all season but still played extremely well. The udea that a new coach neefs to "fix" Rodgers is ludicrous. What he needs to do is fix the offense around him.


Mar 11, 2015
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Rodgers is the problem. If he didn't lead the team back against the bears, 49ers and Jets we would have the number 2 pick and three picks in top 34

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