As for all Social Media ... this site excepted, I don't do any social media. No FB ... definitely no "X" ... and whatever else is out there.
You're not missing much these days. My wife and I own some pretty large message boards (used to be a hobby for her), and they're just a curse. Hate 'em, especially the largest one. That one's gone as soon as we get close enough to the right offer, and good damned riddance. Too much political crap.
I do value Facebook, because it's a really great way to keep in regular contact with friends going back as far as the early 60s, and share what's happening in our lives... plus, of course, cat videos.
I had a presence on Twitter for several years, and it was very useful for professional networking and making new contacts. It wasn't that big of an account (fewer than 10,000 followers), but I enjoyed it and got good results from it.
When Elon bought it, that was the end. It's nothing but a 120-decibel scsreaming match, all politics all the time. I just can't be around that and still think straight. It's not even about which side you like and which side you don't; it's just the constant shouting and insults by
both sides. I get as sick of the people who agree with as me I do the people who don't; I just don't want to be in the middle of that crap.
I don't understand why so many people do... why so many people aren't happy unless they're enraged at somebody...
Wife comes at me with her phone going "You have to see this..." I cross my index fingers at her.