It's a bit odd that a search does not turn up a discussion thread on MVS. Anyhow....
There's an interesing note in here;
De’Vante Bausby was solid in coverage in this game
matched up against some of the best receivers in the NFL."
"Some" implies more than one. Notwithstanding that bold implication, I liked MVS's upside quite a bit coming into this season, my breakout pick for 2019, while not expecting anything like 1,000 yards and 10 TDs, rather a solid #2. While that's still not realized, there are encouraging signs.
For what its worth, there are elements within PFF who seem to be quite high on MVS despite their 63.8 grade through three weeks.
From last year:
There was another one of those subjective PFF notes prior to week 3 which I can't find at the moment to the affect that MVS should not be abandoned as a fantasy pick, with good things on the way.
Now, they are getting a little gushy with this headline:
What I see is long speed, which Rodgers underthew and overthrew last season. Nailed it this time. Separation. Good hands. I noticed some bellyaching in these pages over contested balls in the Vikings game. Really? "Dud" a guy for having the ball knocked out of his hands in tight coverage against the sidelines? Sheesh.
Per Rodgers, to paraphrase, "last year he didn't know what he was doing," kinda expected coming out of South Forida (or just college football in general as things go with rookie WRs). The more he goes where he's expected to be the more he'll see the ball.
There's a reason the Packers walked through the free agency and the draft without spending capital at the position, penning in MVS for the perimenter. You are starting to see why in case you hadn't noticed already. His ceiling is TBD, but right now we should at least conclude that having MVS as the #2 beats the h*ll out of signing Antonio Brown.