Chatman had his chance and his day too, thanks to Sherman, probably more so than anyone punt returner ever in the league.
Chatman was signed to be a return man, (remember we had Driver Fergusen and Walker)he did that job very well for two years, he was then told that he would not make the team unless he proved he could be a reliable 4th receiver, everybody wrote him off then but he proved everyone wrong by not only becoming a solid #4, when all the injuries started popping up he proved he could be a legitimate option for Brett.
Chatman took every challenge given to him, and proved himself over and over again, I didn't see him quit(like Fergusen).
A successfull football TEAM does not have to be loaded with superstars, in fact most are not, but most successful teams have guys like Chatman who overacheive, guys who go out and fight for their jobs everyday, making themselves the best football player they can be.
I am just wondering what Brett is thinking?
Walker is a big question mark, will he return to his old form?
Fergesun proved he was all talk, he couldn't step up last year when his chance came.
Murphey looks like he is done.
Rod Gardner is a big question mark, he has never played up to his potential anywhere and is pretty much a head case.
That leaves us with Donald Driver.(give Brett 4 of him and we would be play-off bound every year)
Now Chatman is gone, how do these moves help make Brett decide to come back?
Chatman's contract could not have been that much, and after all we are one of the few teams with cap money, it just seems to me you don't let a guy go that has proved he can do the job when there are so many question marks right now at the receiver position.