IF the NFL Cancels 2020 Season - What would it look like?

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This is one of those situations where unwarranted optimism is not a harmless exercise. It will kill more people, make economic conditions even worse, and pile all that much more debt on top of debt.

It's best to listen to experts and politicians that quote and defer to experts. It's best not to listen to politicians and media commentators who make stuff up. Or the age old question, "How often does somebody have to be wrong in the face of the facts before you stop listening to them?"
Aug 16, 2014
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Just remember it's an election year here in the U.S. I don't even believe the media anymore, it's quite clear to me they are using this tragedy as a motive to win an election, which is by itself a tragic.

We could just start the 2021 season with the SB and get it out of the way.. kinda like this pandemic ;)

Then we need to do another study of the suicide rate in relation to the NFL shutdown, because that may be our next pandemic if they stop the NFL :cry:

melvin dangerr

In it to Win it All
Sep 9, 2012
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ST Croix VI
Let the teams play with no crowds when it’s a home game hire stadium staff, ( Or bring them back from layoff) to set up loud speaks with the sound of screaming fans) it’s generic but what the heck! These are different times...


Aug 17, 2013
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Western Wisconsin
read this on a fb post

While it’s not the only disease in circulation, it’s the only disease cause massive economical hardships to many people and businesses. If people cared more about their community and how their behavior affects others, we could get a handle on this disease. Unfortunately, this country has turned into a “it doesn’t affect me so I don’t care” mentality.

It's not the disease that's causing hardship, it's the overblown panic over the disease, put forth by the democrat party and the mainstream media.

Neither the dems nor the media are interested in solutions to the problem, they are only interested in ginning up as much fear and chaos as they can, while poo-pooing promising treatments and pushing to continue the shutdown for a year or more, all in the interest of getting a democrat elected president in November.

Just listen to the questions asked at the daily briefings. They aren't interested in solving the problem, they're interested in trying (and failing) to make Trump out to be the bad guy, at the expense of Joe Six-pack and his economic future.


Feb 9, 2011
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Madison, WI
although sometimes I wonder, if this thing is as contagious as they say, if we're just delaying the inevitable. There may come a time when we all end up getting exposed, and find out if we get to survive or not. I hope it doesn't come to that, but it might.

The expectation is that we all likely will get it, it's just about controlling the rate. If 100% of the population that will show symptoms gets it at the same time, we'd overwhelm our hospitals immediately. We have a lower, per-capita bed count than Italy.

Rather than 50,000 on day one, we're better served at 1,000 per week for 50 weeks. (Numbers completely made up and arbitrary.)


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
It's not the disease that's causing hardship, it's the overblown panic over the disease, put forth by the democrat party and the mainstream media.

Neither the dems nor the media are interested in solutions to the problem, they are only interested in ginning up as much fear and chaos as they can, while poo-pooing promising treatments and pushing to continue the shutdown for a year or more, all in the interest of getting a democrat elected president in November.

Just listen to the questions asked at the daily briefings. They aren't interested in solving the problem, they're interested in trying (and failing) to make Trump out to be the bad guy, at the expense of Joe Six-pack and his economic future.

This is almost pointless to respond to, but here goes. My response is going to be very basic, since that seems to be what you operate off of.

Please give your explanation to the families and friends of the 88,088 people that have already died from this and then be prepared to give your wonderful speech to the next 100,000 or so families who lose loved ones. Also, I believe that the millions of other people around the world that have been effected by COVID-19 should be let in on your brilliant insight. This must be a World wide conspiracy! People all around the globe are making up facts to scare us all, just to get #45 out of office. Seriously dude, I have seen some take this situation rather lightly, but you are now the new holder of the most uninformed ***wipe trophy....Do you only write fiction or do you try to mix in dark humor too, because this has equal parts of both.
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Aug 1, 2016
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It's not the disease that's causing hardship, it's the overblown panic over the disease, put forth by the democrat party and the mainstream media.

Neither the dems nor the media are interested in solutions to the problem, they are only interested in ginning up as much fear and chaos as they can, while poo-pooing promising treatments and pushing to continue the shutdown for a year or more, all in the interest of getting a democrat elected president in November.

Just listen to the questions asked at the daily briefings. They aren't interested in solving the problem, they're interested in trying (and failing) to make Trump out to be the bad guy, at the expense of Joe Six-pack and his economic future.

Yea this thread will be getting locked in no time.

Quality post my dude. I admire your courage to flaunt such stupidity


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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It's not the disease that's causing hardship, it's the overblown panic over the disease, put forth by the democrat party and the mainstream media.

Neither the dems nor the media are interested in solutions to the problem, they are only interested in ginning up as much fear and chaos as they can, while poo-pooing promising treatments and pushing to continue the shutdown for a year or more, all in the interest of getting a democrat elected president in November.

Just listen to the questions asked at the daily briefings. They aren't interested in solving the problem, they're interested in trying (and failing) to make Trump out to be the bad guy, at the expense of Joe Six-pack and his economic future.
You jumped the shark with that


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
You jumped the shark with that

Well put. I seriously had to check the date of his post...twice! Then I wondered if maybe he typed that up in January, fell asleep watching the WWE, just woke back up and clicked "Post Reply" as another episode of The Jerry Springer show came on.


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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Let's try to remain civil and mature if debating this

The min it turns it's locked


Feb 8, 2017
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I agree with puddler on one thing: The media and the politicians (on both sides) are most definitely playing politics with the virus issue. Some are just dabbling, some are much more blatant about it. But the politics are still being played, which is not something I want to see with an issue like this. This should be a bipartisan issue and we should be pulling together, not apart.


It's not the disease that's causing hardship, it's the overblown panic over the disease, put forth by the democrat party and the mainstream media.

Neither the dems nor the media are interested in solutions to the problem, they are only interested in ginning up as much fear and chaos as they can, while poo-pooing promising treatments and pushing to continue the shutdown for a year or more, all in the interest of getting a democrat elected president in November.

Just listen to the questions asked at the daily briefings. They aren't interested in solving the problem, they're interested in trying (and failing) to make Trump out to be the bad guy, at the expense of Joe Six-pack and his economic future.
You need to get up to date on your talking points. At the very least, when Fox fires an anchor for calling this a Democratic impeachment hoax, you should know you gotta pivot.


Knock it off with them negative waves
Sep 29, 2013
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If the season is cancelled there are implications well beyond football as that would indicate we are still dealing with COVID-19 as an ongoing threat. I am hoping for a full season but if the season is shortened then it is possible opening weekend could be as late as November 22 for an 8 week regular season. Playoffs would be January 17, 24, 31, and the SB played Feb 7 as currently scheduled. No in season bye week and no week off before the SB. I would also guess that 8 teams per conference would be in the playoffs much like the strike shortened 1982 season.


Aug 26, 2008
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***** Gorda, FL
I agree with puddler on one thing: The media and the politicians (on both sides) are most definitely playing politics with the virus issue. Some are just dabbling, some are much more blatant about it. But the politics are still being played, which is not something I want to see with an issue like this. This should be a bipartisan issue and we should be pulling together, not apart.

Yes, both sides are acting like idiots. I'm not surprised seeing how poisonous politics was before all of this. But we can't be sequestered indefinitely or the economic and societal consequences could take years to heal. I'm hearing there are several therapies and drugs being explored to treat this virus to hold us over until a vaccine is developed. This could be the godsend to enable us to return to something close to normal.


I'm hearing there are several therapies and drugs being explored to treat this virus to hold us over until a vaccine is developed. This could be the godsend to enable us to return to something close to normal.
Prospective treatments are purely anecdotal and unproven. Anecdotes are worthless. In a double-blind drug trail it is not uncommon for 5 - 10% of those treated with a placebo to show improvement on par with those actually receiving the drug. Giving somebody in one instance or another some unproven drug on a wing and prayer and seeing them recover means nothing, except to that person perhaps. Without a controlled study, which takes a good deal of time, you may kill more people than you save based on those anecdotes.

When I hear, "I'm hearing", it reminds me of somebody's favorite catch phrase, a guy who is currently embarassing himself daily on TV in the face of a situation that resists "alternate facts".

The answer toward moving back to normal is to develop a test for the anti-toxin which will determine which people have had the virus, recovered or never exhibited symptons, and are now a very low risk of contagion. That test does not exist, but Fauci said it could be as soon as a week away. In addition, you could also test people who have not exhibited symptoms to see if they are not carrying the virus and let them return to work under controlled circumstances since they could subsequently pick it up and return to work with it.

Millions of people need to be tested weekly. This Administration needs to get on their horse and get the testing regime blown out big time, or should I say "bigly".


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
When I hear, "I'm hearing", it reminds me of somebody's favorite catch phrase, a guy who is currently embarassing himself daily on TV in the face of a situation that resists "alternate facts".

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

Now that #45 has stated and acknowledged that had "we" not made all these important decisions surrounding social distancing, 2.2+ Million people might have died, instead of what they hope to be only 100,000 or so in the U.S. It is going to be very difficult to all of a sudden spin this into "we need to get back to normal", if that definition of "normal" is risking the unknown, ie the potential of phase 2 being the same or worse than Phase 1. While its great to spin this into a "my decisions saved lives", your future decisions are still important, so keep looking how you got here and listen to the experts that helped you get here.

Although I do agree that both political parties have used this situation in an overly and unnecessary (at times) politicized way, when you are on the decision end of many things that influence outcomes, you better be prepared to defend your actions, past and future.


Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

Now that #45 has stated and acknowledged that had "we" not made all these important decisions surrounding social distancing, 2.2+ Million people might have died, instead of what they hope to be only 100,000 or so in the U.S. It is going to be very difficult to all of a sudden spin this into "we need to get back to normal", if that definition of "normal" is risking the unknown, ie the potential of phase 2 being the same or worse than Phase 1. While its great to spin this into a "my decisions saved lives", your future decisions are still important, so keep looking how you got here and listen to the experts that helped you get here.

Although I do agree that both political parties have used this situation in an overly and unnecessary (at times) politicized way, when you are on the decision end of many things that influence outcomes, you better be prepared to defend your actions, past and future.
You know, a few weeks ago when Mr. Expert was proclaiming, "we are not shipping clerks" and then "we are not purchasing clerks", proclaiming the free market as the way to distribute medical equipment and supplies because, to paraphrase, "that's who we are", as he refused to implement the War Powers Act and get control of the supply chain, not that they would have a clue how to do that which would have been a factor. I predicted right here in these pages that would result in that stuff going to first-in orders or to the highest bidder, not where it was needed. That was the easiest call in the world.

I could go on and on about how this is a case study in how ideology (and some less kind characterizations) can morph into clusterf*ck.
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I think serious conversations can be had, but these are sensitive times unfortunately, and not a lot of people practice restraint.
Yes, we should all take our cues from Trump's twitter account as the model of restraint. Sheesh.


...another exercise that isn't difficult, how long can you shut down the global economy and not expect serious consequences?
We're already there. As I noted weeks ago, the grand economic policy objective is to avoid a cascading debt crisis on top of a medical crisis.

The $2.2 trillion in fiscal injections is just a start. 500,000 requests for small business loans has already swamped the Treasury. There will be trillions more in relief funds before it is over. Behind businesses requesting loans, small and large, are their leveraged balance sheets. Loans (which will become handouts for some under certain conditions) are needed to pay prior loans and other obligations. And you can take that down to the household level where $600 weekly unemployment checks are supposed to cover rents and mortgages. Landlords, perhaps more than anybody, have loans to pay.

Before this crisis even started there was a short term liquidity issue where banks were pulling back on short term lending to fellow banks and businesses, a lack of the essential grease for the day-to-day economic machinery, which happened to be the canary in the coal mine for the financial crisis. The Fed recently stepped in, starting last August, with lending facilities and backstopping money market funds. At the same time they were cutting interest rates in the face of slowing growth. Trump's "greatest economy ever" claim was always ridiculous, more so as it was looking pretty shaky going into this crisis.


See that first $500 billion increase from August in the above chart? That was the short term liquidity facilities. Now, during this pandemic, the Fed exploded the balance sheet by nearly $2 trillion to sop up primarily government debt from the relief package to keep interest rates low (more debt crisis containment). Now they are going to be buying another $2 trillion, including for the first time in history corporate bonds, fallen angels no less, low investment grade BBBs that have fallen to junk on downgrades during this crisis. The Democrats are pressing the Fed to add municipal bonds to their balance sheet to help keep those entities afloat, another first. There's nothing worse than people and businessness struggling to cover their debts while interest rates are going up.

The Fed's ability to buy debt is limitless. However, the more debt they monetize, the riskier the inflation outlook will be coming out of this mess. Further, by statute, the Fed is not allowed to lose money on their balance sheet. That's why they have always bought Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities with an implicit Federal guarantee and held them to maturity. Now they're buying junk bonds? We could have the first instance in Fed history of loan on their balance sheet going into default. King Dollar is not a categorical imperative.

No matter what, it's hard to see a V bottom recovery as people and businesses catch up on paying their bills. It's more like a climb out of the mud. There could be stagflation if enough businesses bite the dust constraining supply capacity.

Given the amounts of money thrown at this thing and the debt sopped up by the Fed in so short of time, the financial crisis is starting to look like a walk in the park. Back then a "paltry" $1 trillion bailout package was a matter for prolonged and agonized debate. Now it's $2 trillion at the drop of a hat, with more to come. The Fed took 4 years to add nearly $4 tillion to their balance sheet in recovery mode into 2014. That's going to happen now in a matter of weeks.

Pardon the interruption. Resume normal programming, how football fits into the picture. Start with it being an idle distraction. It will come back sooner or later.
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Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
We're already there. As I noted weeks ago, the grand economic policy objective is to avoid a cascading debt crisis on top of a medical crisis.

Might want to check the quoting of me on this one, that doesn't sound like something I would write, sounds more like a Mondioism.


Dec 20, 2014
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It may have been, but it should be a question every single person over the age of 15 should be asking themselves and trying to find the answers for or at least protect themselves and those they are responsible for from what is coming. The serious consequences on a societal level have not even begun to show themselves, though cascade of events has already been set in motion.
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