DePack, These are not my opinions, these are Nunns, Bates, & TT's opinions. They have been quoted here more then once. They have been in the paper more then once. Yet posters here continue to post ideas and theories that completely disagree with documented quotes by the Packer brain trust. So you and others want to exchange lies and pipe dreams go ahead, Ryan has given me the ignore button. Feel free to ignore me.
Hammer, I would never personally attack another poster. I worked in the twin cities for 3 years and on average they are exetrememly well educated. But there were many situations where natives would continue to ignore the truth and live in a fantasy world. I could of used the anology of the people who still think the Confederacy won the civil war. But I thought the Minnesota anology applied. I was wrong about that I see now. I'll try to use better anologies in the future.