I think it is very clear the Packers are desiring Love sit behind one of the best ever and learn. Whether that is 3, 4 or even 5 years none of us should claim to know it as fact, because to do so would just be ignorant (this is a broad statement not directed at anyone specifically.
On many boards he most definitely did, on other boards he didn't and on other boards he was drafted earlier than they had. I guess unless you were in the Green Bay virtual "war room" and know the Packer's board breakdown you can make such a claim. But it is very possibly he was the organization's say #15 best overall player in the draft...when he started falling past 20, then 21...they began seeing what they could do because he was a player that was not only of value but appeared to them as a level of player they should have no business getting where they did. *Remind everyone this is a thought process that is just as valid of a possibility as some of our own...I had Love as my personal #2 QB arguably over Herbert even...but I wouldn't have picked him, and had a early 2nd round grade personally on him. However, I'm not the Packers and they shouldn't follow my board LOL
Two questions, first is how do you define "far from done". I LOVE Aaron's ability and I argue he is the most skilled QB to play the game as of yet. However, it would take someone choosing to be blind to not have seen his performance dropping the last couple seasons. Now granted, his performance has to drop a lot to be an average quarterback, but most of us are old enough to know that father time catches up with everyone eventually and rarely is it a slowly cliff once stepped over. I can remember one minute being afraid of facing guys like Manning, Elway, Marino, Favre...the list goes on and one day you realize they are a shell of what once was. That cliff is coming for Brees and Brady soon I suspect...Rodgers soon after. Is that in a year....two....four....none of us know.
The second question is has the FO refused to build around him, or have they refused to build the way you want around him?
Just for the record, I was and still am critical of the Love pick in the perspective that it is not in anyway the direction I'd have went. However, the thought process of the why's or 'how comes' to the Love pick is easily identified or understood, despite my disagreement with it as being what I would deem the "right" decision and I'm 100% hopeful of his future because I do like him, just not the pick or process it took to do it.