There is still moves available to create space.
The clear and obvious one being cutting Lane Taylor. However, there is always the surprise of cutting Linsley.
We could extend Number 69 now, and push a little bit of his current hit forward into future years, free up a little bit. We could adjust Linsley's contract if keeping him, and push a small amount down the line as well.
We're pretty sure we hit on P & Z Smith as well, so we could tweak their big contracts to push a few mil down the road as well, but I believe they're already decently backloaded.
Wondering how it would play out to extend Clark right away to drop his current year's hit, while taking a gigantic hit later. If we're going to keep him into the future, if we can pull it off to benefit this year, we might as well extend him now. His cap hit is going to be huge in the future either way.
I suppose it all sort of depends how much teams are expecting the cap to jump next year. Next offseason is going to be even tougher.
The current roster is looking pretty bare, so we're going to have to do something in order to resign a couple more of our own guys. If we choose to let the rest of them walk, then we're going to have the youngest team in the league and no "proven" depth.
In before someone proves everything I said wrong. I'm no expert.