To me that is the key. One reporter seemed to imply that WM was far more talkative and forthright in the past and something has changed. If that is the case I'd be curious to know what that was. Is he unhappy with the new leadership on defense? Does he feel slighted in some way? Is something going on in his personal life? Not that I need to know what is going on in his personal life but if something is going on at least it might explain it.
Funny this should come up now because on another forum I've just been involved in a discussion where I conveyed my dislike of the media but in this case I think Moss was a ****. Normally I like it when coaches or players get fed up with reporters but in this case I think he was totally in the wrong. Man , I can not believe I am sticking up for reporters. I think I am going to go back to bed. Who knows what else could go wrong today.
He was kind of a ****, but then at the same time Wilde was pushing him on too. Moss was obviously having a bad day. He didn't have a lot to say, and let's all be perfectly honest, there really isn't **** to say after these practices. No pads, no tackling, no nothing. Learn some plays and run around. This isn't even close to real football, there isn't a lot to say, but they want him to say something. He's having a bad day and not really wanting to give details on nothing, and really just WTF did Wilde think he was going to accomplish by asking his follow up? Seemed he was just trying to push him into responding with something he could use.
There's obviously something behind the scenes and whether or not it was just a bad day or something else that actually has some substance to it, do a better job at reporting. Go get some connections and find a way to get a story rather than goading someone in a press conference. Media and front office relations suck, must like every other relationship in America these days it seems.