I don't know that words alone can be racist. Certainly they can be racially insensitive and some of them are used by racists but the words themselves are just words. Context is everything and I would say that using these words does not automatically makes a person racist.Seriously??? People have lost all perspective in today's society. People's looks and commenting on them is not racist, maybe insensitive depending on what is said but definitely not racist. Calling an Italian having a "big nose" is not racist, though I suspect some would say it is. Calling a polish descendent a "polak" is not racist (I am one). Get over this "wokeism" that has and continues to drive wedges between people simply because of thin skins and sadly, too many people have been taught that they are victims. What happened to mental toughness, ability to let "words, even though they may hurt" slide off ? Too much "powder puff sensitivity" leads to an inability to handle and deal with stress in our society. I have worked with chinese, japanese, vietnamese, mexicans, several latin Americans, blacks, native Americans, E. and W Europeans and Scandinavians; they are tough people and deal with these kinds of "remarks". Apologize, let it go and move on; this is ridiculous in our society today, we harp on what has happened, what someone says "that made us feel bad for a moment", seriously, there are more important issues in Life than someone suggesting another person has "slanted eyes" or many other similar comments.
I had to look at 10 different articles before I found one that actually printed the word DF used. Some simply called it a slur and others used a variation of "ch***y". It reminded of the Louis CK routine about the "n word"