1st task as Mod
@Half Empty is go over every post and if off topic, delete or move.
As it should be.
I'm not trying to be an ***, truly.. but that is what you want. At least it appears you want it that way?
Not sure if you mean I want you to be an *** or I want something else.
We have over 200 posts a day, so if we don't catch something right away, we aren't doing the job you want us to?
Nope, it's when a series of posts that don't meet the standard of being on-topic build up over time.
Had some free time, so I deleted a few of your posts because they were off topic.
Feel free, as long as you do the same for everyone. I assume there is no way for me to see what I said in those posts? Not that I'd be upset, just curious.
I did to prove a point. That it's very hard to see every post that goes off topic. And how silly it can be to delete every post that is off topic
Dead horse, but I'm not talking about every post, I'm talking a long series of such.
We have a report button to help us see issues. So if you truly have an issue with threads going off topic and it isn't being deleted or moved, report it.
Can do. Just never much cared until it seemed (to me) that a double standard was being employed.
I can't guarantee we do what you want, but at least you know we will look into it
That's all I ask.