The Final Lull....Key Dates As We Head Towards 2022 To Keep Eye On


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
So what? i don't mean to sound flippant, but really, so what? Yes, Rodgers is a major factor. But it's no different then when we used to have open season on rookie contracts. Nobody did anything until the big dominoes fell and then everyone was signed.

So what? That is the part I don't get. Rodgers decision influences the direction this team heads. If you think they will make the same moves, no matter what Rodgers does, I would disagree. If you think they will have a lot of time to negotiate and work on other players, based on Rodgers last minute decision, you are wrong.

I don't really understand how you can compare this to Free Agency with players coming off of their rookie deals. Rodgers is a future HOF QB and not a guy that you simply replace with the next best thing in Free Agency. Rodgers is already under contract, but that contract won't work for the Packers and if he refuses to rework his current contract, what then?

The distraction of Rodgers to the team right now is just a joke, they are literally hamstrung until Rodgers makes his decision. I have to admit, I stole "hamstrung" from Silverstein and this clip.

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Aug 19, 2021
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central coast california
So what? That is the part I don't get. Rodgers decision influences the direction this team heads. If you think they will make the same moves, no matter what Rodgers does, I would disagree. If you think they will have a lot of time to negotiate and work on other players, based on Rodgers last minute decision, you are wrong.

I don't really understand how you can compare this to Free Agency with players coming off of their rookie deals. Rodgers is a future HOF QB and not a guy that you simply replace with the next best thing in Free Agency. Rodgers is already under contract, but that contract won't work for the Packers and if he refuses to rework his current contract, what then?

The distraction of Rodgers to the team right now is just a joke, they are literally hamstrung until Rodgers makes his decision. I have to admit, I stole "hamstrung" from Silverstein and this clip.

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i think mondio is saying that there's really only three scenarios here: rodgers plays out this year of his contract, the packers trade rodgers, or rodgers retires. and the packers have already figured out what they will do under each scenario. that's not so hard. while it is true that it would be better for them to not do anything until they are sure which scenario is chosen, there are a few things that they need to do under any scenario, and those are the things that they are actively working on.


Dec 20, 2014
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I was talking about when they didn't have slotted rookie contracts and everyone would sit around and wait until the deadline approached and then some guys would sign and bam, everyone else behind them did to. But what didn't happen was teams had to wait and when someone signed then negotiate all these other contracts. They already had 98% of it done and worked out ahead of time.

Yes Rodgers influences things. But Rasul doesn't become more valuable or less. Campbell isn't signing for more or less. Davante is going to get guaranteed money and quite a bit. He won't care if it's a Rodgerless packers or Jacksonville or Denver with or without Rodgers.

They knew a year ago that this year was going to be restructure, retire or trade. If they entered the offseason with 1 plan in mind, they're fools. But they're not. I can't believe there is any way, they don't have every scenario mapped out with certain parameters as guidelines and they're ready to go.

I don't believe them when they say they've had no trade discussions. If Rodgers refuses to re-work his contract then he finally shows himself to be the giant *** everyone wants to believe he is forcing GB to gut the team to keep him, or cut him. But so far there is zero to suggest that. I don't foresee any other scenarios other than traded or retired and we know what those savings are, or the more likely that is he still in GB with a re-structured contract.

But while he's apparently deciding if he wants to play in GB or not according to the media, or maybe it's on the structure of the deal they're working out like is pretty normal up to deadlines how does that affect a guy like MVS? Rasul?

Almost always when a player gets to this point of the year with FA coming up, if there was no extension discussed during the season, they're going to test FA regardless. So if Rodgers inked a new deal yesterday i'm not so sure, you'd see all these guys signed today because now GB finally knows what's going on. I think it's far more likely GB has told a guy like Rasul's agent, this is where are value is. The word around the league every year is GB is very upfront in their negotiations and I haven't heard anything to suggest they've changed that approach. Some agents have said they didn't offer enough, not enough guaranteed etc, but they've pretty much all said, it was very transparent and upfront. Not a lot of funny business.

So, they have their value on Rasul and about the only thing I could see depending on Rodgers is some structure of the money, but not the money itself. I'm sure the guarantees are going to be about the same one way or the other and Rasul is either going to like it as the deadline approaches and realizes the Packers aren't going to give him more or he goes to FA when anything can happen. Some things like void years, workout bonus or signing bonus or some other accounting tricks might change some, but the guaranteed money isn't going to move hardly at all based on Rodgers, that's why I don't think HE is holding anything up.

I don't see all these players hanging on word on Rodgers. They don't like what's offered and are waiting. They're bluffing and waiting for the deadline to see if GB blinks or they have zero intention of staying in GB because the offer is too low or GB isn't offering them anything to stay anyway.


May 2, 2012
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If Rodgers tells Gute I’ll come back IF you keep Davante in house, that easily could mean we cannot offer a deal to a guy, maybe even two. There is grossly too many intertwined possibilities for the team to discuss any signings with certainty atm.


Dec 20, 2014
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If Rodgers tells Gute I’ll come back IF you keep Davante in house, that easily could mean we cannot offer a deal to a guy, maybe even two. There is grossly too many intertwined possibilities for the team to discuss any signings with certainty atm.
How many other teams have signed soon to be free agents in the past week?


May 2, 2012
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How many other teams have signed soon to be free agents in the past week?

There are no free agents presently, it is all discussions with your own. Lot of teams have announced releases, or planned cuts or extension discussions.


Oct 5, 2014
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I read that earlier today and didn't learn anything new. Its more of the same speculation. Aaron hasn't told us yet so that means he doesn't know. Maybe he does maybe he doesn't. The only thing that would make me think otherwise is if someone said "Aaron Rodgers told me he is completely torn" everything else is a rehash of the same old crap. Sources say... I really don't care what sources say I care what Aaron says.

There are no free agents presently, it is all discussions with your own. Lot of teams have announced releases, or planned cuts or extension discussions.
That's why he said soon to be. Guys like Douglas or Campbell who can still negotiate with the Packers (or the players in the same situation with their own teams.) No one is signing their own guys right now. They are waiting. Either until closer to the start of the new year or because the players have said no thanks I'll wait to see what I can get. These team have no one holding them back and yet they are not signing these guys so what makes you think the Packers would be making deals with their guys. I'd be willing to bet that Douglas and Campbell know pretty much exactly where the Packers stand with their interest as do pretty much all the players in the same situation around the league are with their respective teams. A few teams have announced moves but so have the Packers. None of them are really surprises. They could announce them last month or in 2 weeks and the outcomes would be the same.
As someone who doesn't like to wait until the fire is fully lit, to get something done, it is mind-boggling to me how some people like to wait until the last second to try and complete things. Especially, when many things depend on each thing to be completed. Are Gute and the Packers organization capable of making all decisions once Rodgers makes his? Sure, but I bet if you asked them what they would prefer, they would prefer to know well before any deadlines, giving them and other players time in which to negotiate.
that's the way it done. Most deals don't get done until the last few days. The thing is they do not have to wait until Rodgers lets them know to make all their decisions. They most likely have already made most them they just have to wait and see which ones to implement. You make it sound like when they get the phone call they are going to be "So Aaron has decided, now we can talk about what we are going to do with everyone else. They already know what they are going to do with everyone else no matter what Aaron decides.

How would you like being 1 of the many players that is waiting to know if they are going to be cut by the Packers, once Rodgers makes up his mind? Do you start looking for a new home? Are your kids going to be in a new school?

This is the one thing I would agree with. Had Rodgers let them know a month ago some of those players might know their fates already but its possible they do know their fates and nothing has been said publicly. Or its equally possible the Packers would still not have made any moves until the deadline gets closer.

Yet, reports from both Pete Dougherty and Tom Silverstein have stated that pretty much everything for the Packers is on hold until Rodgers makes his decision. The recent restructures on Clark and Bahk were necessary moves on core players, no matter what Rodgers does. I think what people are failing to grasp is that Rodgers decision 100% influences the direction in which the team will now head. Are they going all in for a shot at a SB with Rodgers or are they in rebuild with Love? Do you really think they will keep Cobb on a restructure if Rodgers is gone? Will they try to resign MVS, Campbell, Douglas if they suddenly find themselves in a rebuild? Even beyond their own group of players, are they putting feelers out to agents of FA's that they might be interested in their client, if Rodgers stays?

I think what might be our main bone of contention is not that things are on hold but the impact that it is having. There is no doubt that many of the moves the Packers will make are dependent on Rodgers decision. In that respect things are on hold. The actual decisions IMO have already been made and its just a waiting game. It is my contention however that the waiting, although it may be the hardest part, is not really a big deal. Its not holding anything of real importance back. Every move the Packers could have made if Aaron had given his decision a month ago can still be made if he gives his decision in a week. The delay will not have much of an impact on the Packers ability to make whatever moves they want to make just on the timing and at this time of the year no one is making those sorts of moves anyway. If Aaron would have made his decision a month ago we probably still wouldn't know what will happen to Douglas or Campbell or Cobb or Z or Crosby or any other player whose situation is up in the air.

So what? That is the part I don't get. Rodgers decision influences the direction this team heads. If you think they will make the same moves, no matter what Rodgers does, I would disagree. If you think they will have a lot of time to negotiate and work on other players, based on Rodgers last minute decision, you are wrong.

The distraction of Rodgers to the team right now is just a joke, they are literally hamstrung until Rodgers makes his decision. I have to admit, I stole "hamstrung" from Silverstein and this clip.

No they won't make the same moves no matter what he does but when he decides they already know what they will do. They won't have to negotiate and work on other players because that's already been done. I bet the Packers know to within a couple of million dollars what they have to work with in any scenario. The can negotiate with these numbers and be very close to what the actual numbers will be for each player. Lets assume for a minute that they want to keep Douglas and Campbell no matter what Rodgers does. Do you really think those two guys don't already have a tentative offer on the table? We can probably also assume that they have no interest in Cobb if Rodgers decides to move on. Do you really think they have not gone to him and said this is what we have in mind.

The bottom line, to me, is that they most likely have all their moves planned out and are just waiting for Rodgers to decide. Once he does those move will be implemented rather quickly because they have been discussed and possibly even agreed to by now. I just don't see the waiting as being a huge detriment. An inconvenience? Of course. I'm sure Gute and his staff would rather not have to work on 3 different scenarios but they have done whatever was necessary to carry out their jobs. They just had to work a little harder.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
You make it sound like when they get the phone call they are going to be "So Aaron has decided, now we can talk about what we are going to do with everyone else. They already know what they are going to do with everyone else no matter what Aaron decides.
Wrong interpretation of what I have said many times, but i don't expect you to remember what I say.

The Packers probably have a room full of white boards, with multiple scenarios and multiple moves on them, all stemming around "The Rodgers Decision". I picture 4 huge flow charts with the titles, "Trade", "Retire", "Restructure", "Play out current contract." These flowcharts can and most definitely have been worked on. Should they have had to pour so much time and effort into contingency planning centered around 1 player or would their time have been better spent doing other things, is a whole other aspect of this. The problem is this, as the time frame between the Rodgers decision being made and the start of the new league shrinks, it gives the Packers less time to complete each of the tasks under each scenario that follows the flowchart of his decision. Hell, Rodgers decision even effects the direction the Packers will probably take in the Draft.

I don't remember anytime that the Packers or any other team have been put into this situation by 1 player. I can't think of 1 player on the Packers or just about any other team that not just holds this much power over their team, but chose to use it. This is the time of year when GM's are making important decisions about the entire roster. Hammering out new deals with current players, potentially exiting players and then getting ready to target free agents from other teams that will fill holes. Meanwhile, the Packers front office sits by their phone, waiting for 1 man to call them, to tell them which direction he has decided to send the organization in.
Aug 16, 2014
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At this point it’s become apparent some people like to feel angst something like this can cause them? There is zero happening across the entire league this time of year and they choose to keep themselves on edge over it.

Any, I’m not acting like he’s a FA. One of my very fist posts on it said as much. He’s a Packer until I hear differently. And if I do hear differently, I’ll move on.
I respect you for trying to defend him it’s not your fault Mondio (nor Captain etc.. etc,.) Trust me I did the same thing several years ago also, but no more excuses with me he needs to fulfill his own promises and stop the games. He’s created his own untrustworthiness and you did zero to promote it.
My best guess is his buddy(s) wants to play the open Market (tamper) against the Packers and Rodgers is the overseer and thus stalling. This isn’t an episode of Big Brother
Some call it loyalty. I call it collusion

PS. Nobody wants to think someone is untrustworthy I don’t believe that. I think we want everyone to be trustworthy actually. Who arbitrarily wants those around them to be deceptive? I know I don’t I wish he’d grow up and surprise us for once!

So far in the past we have gotten rotten fruit..(or zero fruit presently) Thus we know a tree by its fruit. While that’s a monumental lesson it’s probably the easiest to humanly decipher. Even a dummy like me can check the quality of fruit produced. If this was a grocery store, I’m already looking elsewhere for my fruit! Lol
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Deleted member 6794

As mentioned before, all of you being up in arms about Rodgers not having publicly announced his decision need to relax.

For some perspective, since the Super Bowl has ended not a single veteran, who has played at least 100 snaps on either offense or defense, has officially re-signed with their team. NOT A SINGLE ONE!!!

In addition no team has officially put the franchise tag on a player.

The Packers know how much cap space they will have available no matter if Rodgers returns, gets traded or retires. Him supposedly not having made a decision doesn't hold up anything.

As a side note, while some of you have mentioned that, there's no way of Rodgers playing for the Packers next season without his contract being restructured. That will actually happen before March 16th, 4pm ET, if he remains with the team.

Deleted member 6794

Actually if you want to make the case for a player making it tougher for the Packers to plan ahead it might be smart to consider Adams' decision to be of utmost importance.

It makes a significant difference whether he will be franchise tagged, signed to a long-term deal or leaves in free agency.


Oct 5, 2014
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Wrong interpretation of what I have said many times, but i don't expect you to remember what I say.

The Packers probably have a room full of white boards, with multiple scenarios and multiple moves on them, all stemming around "The Rodgers Decision". I picture 4 huge flow charts with the titles, "Trade", "Retire", "Restructure", "Play out current contract." These flowcharts can and most definitely have been worked on. Should they have had to pour so much time and effort into contingency planning centered around 1 player or would their time have been better spent doing other things, is a whole other aspect of this. The problem is this, as the time frame between the Rodgers decision being made and the start of the new league shrinks, it gives the Packers less time to complete each of the tasks under each scenario that follows the flowchart of his decision. Hell, Rodgers decision even effects the direction the Packers will probably take in the Draft.

I don't remember anytime that the Packers or any other team have been put into this situation by 1 player. I can't think of 1 player on the Packers or just about any other team that not just holds this much power over their team, but chose to use it. This is the time of year when GM's are making important decisions about the entire roster. Hammering out new deals with current players, potentially exiting players and then getting ready to target free agents from other teams that will fill holes. Meanwhile, the Packers front office sits by their phone, waiting for 1 man to call them, to tell them which direction he has decided to send the organization in.emem
Believe me, I remember what you said, and as I and several others have maintained the lack of a decision from Rodgers has not prevented the Packers from from doing this. They can still do all of this. They just can't finalize anything. Well they probably could finalize some of them but as Captain pointed out no one is finalizing anything right now so why would the Packers be any different.

First you tell us you picture huge whiteboard with 4 huge flow charts and then you tell us they are sitting by the phone waiting for a phone call. To me one sounds like they have been very busy and the other sounds like they have been doing nothing.

I just don't see how decisions that have already been made will be severely delayed once Rodgers decides. My guess is that within Day or 2 of Rodgers making his intentions known all of the previously decided upon actions will be carried out and nothing will be any different than if he would have made up his mind the day after they lost to the 49ers. If he makes that decision at 10 pm on the 15th then yeah it might put them in a bind but if it comes in in the next week they will be fine.

I'm still waiting for an example of a move they could have made before that they won't be able to make now.

The only thing I agree with you on is that it would have been a lot easier on the staff had they known but that comes with the territory. As the Black Swan found out being a GM is a lot of work.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
I just don't see how decisions that have already been made will be severely delayed once Rodgers decides.
The only decisions that have already been made and completed are the ones not involving the scenarios of the "Rodgers Decision". The rest of what would be on these white boards are a mix of decisions and tasks. The results of each, effecting which direction the Packers go on the flow chart. Some of these are one way decisions, involving the Packers only. For instance: "Rodgers is being traded, we cut Cobb, instead of reworking his deal with him." Easy enough. Now if Rodgers wants to stay, the Cobb "decision" is no longer a one way decision. They would need to approach Randall and say "Aaron is staying, we want to rework your current contract and do this......are you on board?" We are now talking about a task that involves more decisions, decisions by people other than the Packer front office. I could list quite a few of these and they all involve time, pondering and negotiations, something Rodgers will have effectively pushed into a very tiny window of time to happen, due to him taking his own sweet time letting the Packers know what HE wants to do.

Again, this isn't a normal situation of a #1 CB deciding what he wants to do. This is a decision that ultimately puts the Packers on a path to be all in on winning now or a path of rebuilding for the future. It's a decision that will determine what a lot of other players are doing in 2022 and how the final roster for the Packers will look. Add to that mess is the complication of trying to wrestle with cap numbers, not knowing what Rodgers number will be and thus, what they will have to do to with other players.

I know some of you want to simplify this and say "no problem, Rodgers decides and the rest of the pieces fall into place in a mere day or 2." I highly doubt that is what happens. It might with some pieces, but others may already be off the table for that particular player or take negotiations into or past the Free agency period.

This reminds me of being told to plan a trip and not being told your destination. However, once you have all your plans worked out, your destination will be revealed to you a few nights before you have to leave.


Oct 5, 2014
Reaction score
The only decisions that have already been made and completed are the ones not involving the scenarios of the "Rodgers Decision". The rest of what would be on these white boards are a mix of decisions and tasks. The results of each, effecting which direction the Packers go on the flow chart. Some of these are one way decisions, involving the Packers only. For instance: "Rodgers is being traded, we cut Cobb, instead of reworking his deal with him." Easy enough. Now if Rodgers wants to stay, the Cobb "decision" is no longer a one way decision. They would need to approach Randall and say "Aaron is staying, we want to rework your current contract and do this......are you on board?" We are now talking about a task that involves more decisions, decisions by people other than the Packer front office. I could list quite a few of these and they all involve time, pondering and negotiations, something Rodgers will have effectively pushed into a very tiny window of time to happen, due to him taking his own sweet time letting the Packers know what HE wants to do.

Again, this isn't a normal situation of a #1 CB deciding what he wants to do. This is a decision that ultimately puts the Packers on a path to be all in on winning now or a path of rebuilding for the future. It's a decision that will determine what a lot of other players are doing in 2022 and how the final roster for the Packers will look. Add to that mess is the complication of trying to wrestle with cap numbers, not knowing what Rodgers number will be and thus, what they will have to do to with other players.

I know some of you want to simplify this and say "no problem, Rodgers decides and the rest of the pieces fall into place in a mere day or 2." I highly doubt that is what happens. It might with some pieces, but others may already be off the table for that particular player or take negotiations into or past the Free agency period.

This reminds me of being told to plan a trip and not being told your destination. However, once you have all your plans worked out, your destination will be revealed to you a few nights before you have to leave.

Made, or made and completed. Seems like you changed the rules a bit there. I've already said a lot of the decisions that have been made can not be completed until Rodgers decides. I just think the decisions that have been made have been discussed to the point that once he does decide it won't take long for the other pieces to fall into place.

So you don't think the Packers have approached Cobb and others to let them know what they are thinking? Its possible, maybe even likely they have discussed details of a possible restructure and Cobb already knows what he will do. I don't think the situation is such that the Packers get a call from Rodgers saying he is coming back and Gute says "OK, now that we know that we can go talk to Randall and see what he wants to do" I think the first news we will get (assuming he comes back) is not that Aaron is coming back but Aaron has signed an extension at which point all the other pertinent plans will already have been set in motion. It won't be Aaron saying "I'm coming back now lets go see what kind of deal we can work out."

Its more like you are told you have 3 possible destinations and you have a month to make plans for each one and a few nights before you leave you are told where you are going, after you have already made all the plans. All you have to do is confirm them.
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Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
Its more like you are told you have 3 possible destinations and you have a month to make plans for each one and a few nights before you leave you are told where you are going, after you have already made all the plans. All you have to do is confirm them.
There are actually 4 scenarios that the Packers are working through, but lets stick to this analogy. So yes, you just put planning in for 3-4 trips, only 1 which you will actually take. What a fricking waste of time, but I guess its worth it, since you have decided that this trip is really worth all the hassle of multiple planning scenarios as well as waiting. Now had you known your actual destination one month ahead, you could have booked the car, the flight, the Air BnB's/Hotels, etc. But you have that all on hold because if you aren't going there, why book something you can't cancel? Remember, you are on a capped budget. So a month goes by while you wait, do you think everyone else (car rental, hotel, etc.) you are dealing with in regards to your 3-4 potential destinations have penciled you in and those reservations will be waiting for you when you know your actual plans? Finally the call comes, you are going to the Isle of Arran off the west coast of Scotland! lets start making those calls to finalize the trip! Wait, what....the flight you wanted is full and the one remaining is a day later and twice as much!!? The 4 air BnB's you had picked out of 30, are all booked? Compact car instead of the Van you wanted for your family of 8? Suddenly you realize that you are close to your spending limit and you hadn't even thought about food. Looks like you are in for a chaotic week of scrambling to put that trip together and the final results, may reflect that.

I don't subscribe to JSM, but I have a feeling I know what Silverstein is saying in this article, I might just have to pay to read it. :)



Oct 5, 2014
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There are actually 4 scenarios that the Packers are working through, but lets stick to this analogy. So yes, you just put planning in for 3-4 trips, only 1 which you will actually take. What a fricking waste of time, but I guess its worth it, since you have decided that this trip is really worth all the hassle of multiple planning scenarios as well as waiting. Now had you known your actual destination one month ahead, you could have booked the car, the flight, the Air BnB's/Hotels, etc. But you have that all on hold because if you aren't going there, why book something you can't cancel? Remember, you are on a capped budget. So a month goes by while you wait, do you think everyone else (car rental, hotel, etc.) you are dealing with in regards to your 3-4 potential destinations have penciled you in and those reservations will be waiting for you when you know your actual plans? Finally the call comes, you are going to the Isle of Arran off the west coast of Scotland! lets start making those calls to finalize the trip! Wait, what....the flight you wanted is full and the one remaining is a day later and twice as much!!? The 4 air BnB's you had picked out of 30, are all booked? Compact car instead of the Van you wanted for your family of 8? Suddenly you realize that you are close to your spending limit and you hadn't even thought about food. Looks like you are in for a chaotic week of scrambling to put that trip together and the final results, may reflect that.

I don't subscribe to JSM, but I have a feeling I know what Silverstein is saying in this article, I might just have to pay to read it. :)

I'll save you the money. He's predicting doom and gloom.


Dec 20, 2015
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To me, my pessimistic look would be that Rodger's inaction is probably being used by him so he doesn't have to make a decision and he can deflect that someone else caused him to make his decision. "Oh, you signed Adams.. ok, I'll stay" "Oh, you cut XYZ, well, I don't think we can win". That or is 'torn' decision is because he is trying to reconcile with Woodley and she wants him to retire or be in Colorado, but he wants to be in GB.

I used to think that him retiring was the worst option, I think the worst option is being a lame duck QB with him playing out and then leaving. I'd rather just trade him and get assets rather than him leaving and getting a 3rd rounder. Allowing that to happen would be incredibly stupid.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
I used to think that him retiring was the worst option, I think the worst option is being a lame duck QB with him playing out and then leaving. I'd rather just trade him and get assets rather than him leaving and getting a 3rd rounder. Allowing that to happen would be incredibly stupid.
He would have to play out his current contract and then walk away in 2023, for the Packers to only get a potential 3rd round comp pick. That would be scenario #4 and least likely to happen.
Aug 16, 2014
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He would have to play out his current contract and then walk away in 2023, for the Packers to only get a potential 3rd round comp pick. That would be scenario #4 and least likely to happen.
Yeah I’ve seen that concept getting tossed around some. In that Somehow Rodgers forces the Packers to play him on his current contract, forces his way into camp and sucks us cap dry and leaves us penniless in draft resources.
I don’t see that as a likely alternative and l think the Packers would be better off calling Rodgers bluff and forcing a trade. There really wouldn’t be anything lost if he went full tilt jerk and retired. at least in comparison to that dark scenario.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
Yeah I’ve seen that concept getting tossed around some. In that Somehow Rodgers forces the Packers to play him on his current contract, forces his way into camp and sucks us cap dry and leaves us penniless in draft resources.
I don’t see that as a likely alternative and l think the Packers would be better off calling Rodgers bluff and forcing a trade. There really wouldn’t be anything lost if he went full tilt jerk and retired. at least in comparison to that dark scenario.
Yes, at least if he retires, the Packers don't have to pay this years salary and might be entitled to some of his guaranteed money back.
Aug 16, 2014
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Yes, at least if he retires, the Packers don't have to pay this years salary and might be entitled to some of his guaranteed money back.
True. I guess they’d lose the 3rd round comp? That’s reserved for FA contracts only I assume?


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
True. I guess they’d lose the 3rd round comp? That’s reserved for FA contracts only I assume?
Sort of yes. If the Packers cut Rodgers or Cobb or a Smith or.....they don't get anything in the plus column for 2023 comp picks. Now if Adams, MVS, Tonyan, etc....sign with a new team, they are free agents, whose contracts with the Packers expired and thus count towards calculating potential 2023 comp. picks.

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