I get it, they're making a bigger deal than it is. But assuming Rodgers knows MLF just came out of his presser talking about how much he liked the combined practice, it would be nice (especially after all of the drama last year) if he made it appear like he and MLF were in agreement, even if he hates them. He could have downplayed it to the effect of "oh they're fine as long as nobody gets hurt" or any degree of biting his tongue. It's just difficult not to read into even the minor things these days after everything that went down.
I know it is the climate these days, but people CAN have differing opinions about the same topic and STILL get along just fine. Maybe MLF wants to see how his schemes are going to work against an opposing defense and Rodgers still wants to work with his young guys in a new system.
It is all how you want to interpret it, it has to be exhausting for a guy like Rodgers, always under a microscope, to get everything that comes out of his mouth dissected and "wow he is snarky" no matter what
if he gave cliche answers like majority of athletes, he'd get picked apart for not speaking his mind and get told he isn't a leader if he just goes and gives the same old answer.