In a way I'm sorry he won't be going there, because there's no way they're winning a Super Bowl with Rodgers. But it's entirely possible they finish higher in the division than we do.
I think one of the most important attributes of a championship quarterback is the ability to reliably execute an 8-10 down, 70 yard drive without making a single drive-killing mistake.
This is what set quarterbacks like Rodgers, Mahomes, Manning, Brady, Elway, Starr, Montana, Bradshaw, and Marino apart from so many others - once you put the ball in their hands with 3 minutes to go, it's entirely possible the defense was going to stop them, but they weren't going to screw it up with a mistake. They were going to force the defense to beat them.
This is what used to terrify defensive coordinators about Rodgers - the man was an ice-cold assassin. That quality alone was possibly the most dangerous aspect of Rodgers for almost 15 years. Every single season, he was a threat to reach the playoffs, and once he was in the playoffs, he was a threat to go all the way, because he rarely made mistakes. He was mentally capable of making the right decision on every down, and physically capable of making whatever play he needed to make.
That's no longer true. Too many times last season, his arm was not capable of making the play he needed to make, or his legs, or both. He could put together several flawless plays in a row, but too often, on the fifth play of the drive, or the sixth, or whatever, he couldn't get the ball where it needed to be as quickly as it needed to get there.
I just don't think he has it in him anymore to engineer 5 or 6 drives from one end of the field to the other in a single game without throwing a bad pass or making a bad decision because he's not able to make the one throw that needs to be made on that play. Especially not in a conference championship-level scenario, where he has a history of making terrible decisions under pressure even in his prime.
Seems like he should already know where. Is there another club that gives him as good a chance to win as the steelers? Although I admit I don't know anything about their pass protection ability. Maybe he wants to wait just because something might open up that gets him an even better chance to win.
They had what was considered a Top Ten O-line going into 24, but they had key injuries, and were ranked 14 by the end of the season.
If Rodgers wants his best chance to win another ring, he's an absolute fool if he doesn't jump all over the Steelers.