I don't entirely agree with this... Aaron has struggle against 2 high zone. Maybe not as much, but I think it is a cause and effect case. If you have two great corners to lock down the outside why would you play zone? The better corners all play mostly man.... Sherman, Norman, Revis in his Prime, Deon... Its the fact you have the talent to support that type of defense.
Rodgers is the scheme is my point... You think he has no say? That he doesn't get input into the game plan, route running, and everything in possible in the offense? If not he needs to speak up, because you hear about Tom Brady consistently adding to gameplans minutes before game time. And if the front office is too stubborn to listen then yes, I would take that off him. But I really feel he is as much part of gameplanning as anyone.
Loaded? I guess that depends on your definition of "loaded". They were exceptional at stopping the run. But The DPOY was certainly hurt, and Rodgers played lights out. There is no doubting that. But the play I remember the most of that entire game was man to man... Jennings post on third down, and man to man Nelson for the his score down the sidelines. I'm sure they played zone but some of the best offensive plays in that game were made against man to man.
This I don't have much to say to... Besides, Woodson for all the love I have for him, is no Sherman, Revis, Sanders type. That wasn't how he played the game. And Al Harris wasn't better that is for sure. Woodson made his living on being in the right place at the right time. INT's, strip fumbles, blitzing, run stopping, and things like that. I don't think I would ever consider him a shutdown corner. I can't even count how many times those two got burnt on double moves and then decided to tackle the receiver to save a touchdown. One of my favorites of all time but I don't think that is a far comparison.