Racism? LOL Now it's racism's fault that made most people feel offended or angered at Kaep's protesting of the national anthem? I had a feeling it would go in that direction. Since we are all speculating it could be argued that Kaep had his own racist agenda. Speaking of which, you know who I respect in times of adversity? Jesse Owens who saluted America on the podium during the medals ceremony. Now that is a guy with integrity and salutes a country where he lived in where he was treated so badly but had the integrity and sportsmanship to get up there and salute.
I guess it's the irony of having the freedom of speech to whine, protest, complain, etc at work about something even if you make millions.
I didn't say most. I said 30%.
Anyway, I think you missed the point. He wasn't protesting the national anthem. He was protesting
during the national anthem.
As with Elliot, what K. was protesting happened to be on tape, and the tape don't lie.
You can disagree if you like, but you first have to understand what you are disagreeing with.
Whether it's K. taking a knee, Smith and Carlos raising the black power salute in 1968, or somebody burning a flag or raising it upside down in the Vietnam protests, they are not protesting the anthem, the flag or against the country unless they happen to be revolutionaries espousing government overthrow. Of course nowadays that's the of white militias..
In these examples the individuals are are protesting against powers that have, in their opinion, corrupted the meaning of those symbols through injustice.
So, in that light, carry on.