Terre Haute Cheesehead
Both offenses get the ball once....But who ever gets the most points after both has ball once, then they win.
if tied then they keep going like a regular game...
Baseball allows both sides to get a chance..And it is a FAR STRETCH---
Tied game in baseball...Go to top of 10th...visiting team hits 2 home runs in top of 10th....Game over..The pitcher shouldnt have given up those home runs.
But it isnt, they allow the other side a chance...
I have to agree with your perspective, LTF! Fire away and correct me if I am wrong, but to the best of my knowledge, in any professional sport where a ball or puck is used, BOTH team's offense handle the ball/puck in some form in OT. Jump balls and the drop of a hockey puck to start OT. "Last bats" in extra innings as mentioned in MLB. Tennis serves leading to volleys. Soccer OT's, etc. It baffles me as to WHY the most popular professional sport in the country chooses to implement an OT rule where a "coin flip" can quite possibly provide no opportunity for the opposing team which lost the coin flip to handle the ball. I've read people's sentiments as to how fatigued players are after four quarters of a grueling, hard hitting NFL game which no doubt, is true, but professional Hockey is just as brutal and tiring as football, yet, they play on (and yes, I realize there is a break before OT where there is none in the NFL which is a huge factor) with both teams offense almost always handling the puck in OT. The NFL is the only sport where this rule is implemented that could possibly deny a team to handle the ball and give them an equal opportunity to win. Yeah, and I get it....STOP the other team, get the ball and kick a FG. But I would be curious to know how many (if any) NFL teams won a coin toss in OT and elected to go on defense first. Is there a statistic to check that out? I would be interested to know. I didn't like the previous rule and I don't like the new one, either, but I respect everyone's opinion on both sides of this issue and understand their reasoning. Lose a coin flip and STOP the other team, but I still disagree. It's pointless for me to argue a rule that is already in place because it is what it is until it is modified once again (if ever) to provide an equal opportunity for both teams to handle the ball. I don't have a solution, but I like your idea, LTF! JMHO! Fire away!
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