Last season TT rolled the dice on a guy with a long history of concussions, potentially promising second-year guys (including Rollins), plus a slew of undrafted and undeveloped FAs. It turned out to be an ugly dog contest, unfortunately.
This year TT is rolling the dice on the unproven rookie King and the two formerly promising second-year DBs, Rollins included, who flopped miserably last season along with their not-at-all-ready backups. Add a once-again Packer who was not even considered to be a keeper by TT in the past, plus even more UDFA projects for the coaching staff to toy with and you have 2017.
Breaking that down, after falling seriously behind the power curve at CB last season TT is building on last year's "success" by adding a rookie, a retread, and (again) the all-to-familiar pattern of unproven UDFA projects to inevitably fill the back-end of his rosters. Last season they couldn't be counted on to deliver the kind of performances that earn championships. Was this a result of so-so talent evaluation or of a flawed basic team-building concept that may be in need of some fine-tuning? Maybe both? Either way the accountability for them belongs to TT and the measure of his success deserves to be compared to the current leader in the GM category. I suppose coaching could also be held accountable but few former Packers excel in other places, so that's probably not something to hang one's hat on.
Maybe TT gets luckier and the DB group turns things around relatively quickly -- like this season, hopefully. Plus, a few of those UDFA projects and once promising draft picks could play well enough for this team to finish with a championship. Maybe one or two will seemingly come out of nowhere and play at a very unexpectedly high level.
Despite all that I've stated above, and until proven otherwise, I am optimistic that the team can succeed, including the CB group. But based upon TT's history of relying heavily -- maybe too heavily -- on unproven, non-veteran players to backfill the roster it's a guarded optimism on my part.
And then there's also the pass rush, long-snapper, punter/holder, and RBs to consider.