I can just imagine the **** storm if McCarthy had gone for two and they didn't make it.
Could you imagine the recognition he would be getting if he won... And was proven that he did it for the right reasons. Game changer.
Time for yet another apology?
I would say when the context fits it's ok... But I do understand your point.
He really did throw something out there that was completely untrue (example the packers rezone scoring TD percentage is low. Which by league standard it was slightly below average. But still much higher than the chances of scoring any type of points from a neutral starting position.)
I sure am glad that mathematicians and statisticians aren't the ones coaching or playing the game because we would spend every Monday talking about why the "human element" of the decision at that moment was left out.
Here is a funny little tidbit from a friend of mine... Not related to this completely but interesting none-the-less. A friend of mine is currently working on getting a doctorate in statistical psychology. The "human element" that you speak of isn't actually real unsolvable part of life. It is regarded in science as a statement used to describe a set of actions that we don't fully understand yet.
Her current project has her working on being able to statistically analyze a person's genes, previous experiences, and personality types in order to basically predict all of their future actions. With enough knowledge it is possible to determine what every person will do in every situation given a choice.
This is a HUGE funding project from corporate america. Billions of dollars go into researching how certain group dynamics work together in order to get the most production with the people they have their disposal. So knowing when someone will challenge authority, or work harder to prove themselves, the odds of certain 5 people coming up with the best possible answer, and the personality types it takes to create the most successful group.
The thing about humans is one day everything we do will be predicable using statistical analyses and by researching past behaviors . We are a product of who we are (genes) and the experiences that we have had over our lives (the people we meet and keep close, good things and bad). Emotions can be quantified just like anything else.
I have told her flat out, that I hate the concept... I don't want a life were someone can predict my choices for me. Knows my moves before I do them. But speaking in complete science. It is possible and it will happen at some point. We really aren't as "unpredictable" as we think.