There are probably 4 or 5 game changing TE's in the league and none of them are available to the Packers right now (ie none of them are free agents) From what I have read there is no game changing TE available in the draft either. That certainly doesn't mean the Packers can't improve their TE situation some with a FA or draft pick but it does mean that even if they get a starter other than RR he isn't going to be that game changer that so many want. He isn't going to be that TE that makes defensive coordinators worry.
IMO the closest to that would be Ladarius Green and given what Allen signed for I'm guessing Green will get at least that much. If you want Ted to spend that much on him fine, I won't argue, I won't even disagree. I like LG, a lot. Its just that a signing of that caliber will come at a price. That price may be worth it (nice fence I am on here isn't it?)
I agree with several points on both sides of the argument. Sure, It would be nice and certainly an improvement to get that speedy big guy who could stretch the field. On the other hand I think the entire Packers offense had an off year last year and I fully expect them to bounce back. That includes RR. Now some will say "bounce back to what" and they will be right, he will never be that game changing top 5 TE that makes defenses sweat but IMO he doesn't need to be. There is a difference between what is needed and what would be nice?
I wouldn't be opposed to bringing in Green at all. I wouldn't be opposed to trading for Martellus Bennett if the price was right. Both would be instant upgrades to the starter position at TE. As for any other TE available to the Packers right now I don't see them as that instant upgrade automatic #1 TE. A guy that you could say "he will be our starting TE" A few I would consider would be Gresham, Davis, Josh Hill but I don't see them as automatic upgrades and clear #1s.
The bottom line is I would love a top 5 TE but there are none available and until one becomes available I think RR can be an adequate TE in our offense.
That last line reminds me of the Homer Simpson line when he had 2 bucks left to buy a Christmas tree "Isn't it sufficient"