No he didn't, thats the way you chose to perceive it. That's not how I understood it because, that statement is obviously an opinion to anyone who uses common could anyone know that? Thus we deduce it is his what? Say it with me O-P-I-N-I-O-N
it's not the issue of was it in fact, a fact, or an opinion. Fact probably wasn't the right word to use, at least not how many are taking it. We all know it was his opinion, he attempted to state as a fact, something that is true.
when you make definitive statements, they're usually then followed by good supporting evidence or has generally already been accepted as fact. Ie, "do you know what happens when I let go of this ball, it's going to drop" I believe most of us are on Earth, and have enough experience with gravity, it wouldn't need any further explanation.
we could all accept that I think. and then if I said, "but do you know will make it go up? if I climb this ladder first, and let it go"
I'm still making a definitive statement, and unless I have some good and compelling facts to back it up, I"m sure we'd all agree it's ********. But that doesn't change that I'm stating it as if it WILL happen because i'm claiming it is true.
I'm making a definitive statement that something is true.
anyway, everyone is hung up on fact vs opinion, is it a stretch to say whatever you perceive that statement as, it was pretty much "baloney"?