gopackgo4 said:As for Aaron beating Nall out, that isnt really true. Aaron is obviously the future after Favre. So you have to make him the 2nd string.
P@ck66 said:Anubis said:True enough. However, I don't imagine the Pack sans Favre going through growing pains with A-Rod would generate the kinds of audiences the NFL seems to be shooting for this season.
Why not..? According to one, "knowledgeable", "fact-based", poster here...Favre is only good for 1-2 more wins a year anyway...for the Pack over Aaron I guess they're almost equal....
Didn't you know that..?
P@ck66 said:It's amazing what some people post here..isn't it?
tromadz said:-2006 Rodgers is probably closer to the 2006 Favre than you think, but still not there yet, he still has work to do, a lot.
tromadz said:no, I do belive A-rod has a lot of work to do. Its true.
How much work does it take to be able to have a 29 INT season?
tromadz said:not double talk at all. I said he has work to do to get to favres level, but he is CLOSER THAN YOU THINK.
Closer than you think = I said that because a lot of people think he is still the 97' Favre, which he isn't.
Zero2Cool said:all about da packers said:Zero2Cool said:You calling Brett a liar?
I don't think Brett is a liar. After rereading my post, I should have been a little more clear on my point. I meant that it is possible that Brett doesn't think the world of TT, and perhaps doesn't get along with TT in the best of ways. That doesn't mean he hates TT. I'm just saying that the point have been making about Favre not liking TT is sort of a "no $**t sherlock" type of thing, because the fact is that no two people are going to admire each other to death. Brett may not like certain things about TT, and vice versa, but I think it isn't right to say because of that "hate" Brett is twisting TT's tail.
I mean after all, if you hated and despised a guy like Brett does with TT (according to, why on earth would you even talk with him twice a week, at least, over the phone for the last couple of months?
Ahh I see now ... I trying to figure out why you were saying Brett hates TT or even that there is that possibility when Brett jus said for the umpteenth time that he gets along with him very well.
As you said they speak twice a week.
WinnipegPackFan said:I have re watched the video and I do not recall the "getting along GREAT" part. I recall him being polite and saying this has nothing to do with MM and TT.
I also recall him making it pretty clear that nothing has been done to improve this team to the point where it needs to be if it will be competitive.
Well, who, would be in charge of that ?
I also recall him hinting that FA is almost over.
Why would he say that ?
TT may be winning the media battle with you and a lot of fans right now but we will see how that ends up !!!
tromadz said:not double talk at all. I said he has work to do to get to favres level, but he is CLOSER THAN YOU THINK.
Closer than you think = I said that because a lot of people think he is still the 97' Favre, which he isn't.
Zero2Cool said:WinnipegPackFan said:I have re watched the video and I do not recall the "getting along GREAT" part. I recall him being polite and saying this has nothing to do with MM and TT.
I also recall him making it pretty clear that nothing has been done to improve this team to the point where it needs to be if it will be competitive.
Well, who, would be in charge of that ?
I also recall him hinting that FA is almost over.
Why would he say that ?
TT may be winning the media battle with you and a lot of fans right now but we will see how that ends up !!!
He was asked about his 'cut me' comment. Some of his reply was "Do I think they will cut me, no. " then added "do I have any hard feelings towards ted thompson or mike mccarthy, absolutely not, where that would ever come from I have no idea, I like both of them we have a great relationship, my decision is not base on Ted Thompson or Mike McCarthy"
I believe he hinted at FA being nearly over because it was his way of saying 'Ted get ur *** in gear' ...
Entire 13 Minute News Conf
His comments come at the end of the video. Specifically the final five minutes of it.
Greg C. said:This "conspiracy" involves so many people that I cannot believe there would be no leaks. But mostly I just don't think that Favre is the type to trick people. He's no actor. Did we not learn anything from "There's Something About Mary"?