I don't know Cliff's history with this forum but if every forum banned posters for making things up as they went along, 90% of the posters in all forums would be banned. That is especially true in political forums.
The internet has become a tower of babble (sic).
Nice job!
Cliff was a banned member named chase. He terrorized the old NC forums a few years back, made his way here and then insulted the admin and his family.
He violated forum rules, 4 of them last time I checked. THE STAFF, and MORE IMPORTANTLY THE MEMBERS come here to engage in exciting debate, not put up with idiots that are abusive and only want a response.
You seem to have a problem with all the efforts the staff puts in. Let me tell you, you have no right to comment on something which you only have half the picture of what really went on. Do you really think the mods were chosen at random, or because the admin believed that we'd be able to help the forums? Cliff was banned for a lot of things, not just because he posted made up stuff.
With that said, who in the hell have you ever seen find a real newspaper, a real journalist, and then make a quote and attribute it to the journalist printing it in the said newspaper? One step further, when someone (zero2cool) took the effort to e-mail the journalist and get confirmation that no quote was ever such written by the said journalist, cliff creates a made up e-mail to credit the user.
If THAT is what you have come to known as common goings, then there is something really wrong with that.
I tolerated you calling me out, but you have no right to question the decisions that staff make when you only see at most half of the picture that led to the ban.