the 6 weeks was just an arbitrary number I pulled out, point being, Rodgers was not perfect all year. nobody is. There were plenty of times in the first half of the season where the offense or the defense put each other in bad positions. Plenty of times where a receiver couldn't help out their QB and the QB didn't help out the receivers. Plenty of opportunities for the defense to get a stop where they didn't, but also opportunities the defense gave the offense and they did nothing with it.
This defense laid some giant ******* stinkers out there last year. They also had a few good games sprinkled in there and dealt with a gutting and constant rotation in the middle and back end of that defense.
I grow tired of this notion that the Packers are nothing but Rodgers. it cheapens every single thing there is to love about the team sport of football. Saying we should win a super bowl every year just because we have him also cheapens every last thing there is to winning a championship. Mostly said by people that probably never played at a championship level on any team at any level let alone the NFL .
There's no way for me to know that I shouldn't take your "6 weeks" comment for exactly the way that it read.
I agree that, very seldom, was the entire team clicking on all cylinders. That much is 100% true. But I also recall myself saying early in the year last year that the fact that Rodgers and the offense didn't get a lot of reps together in the preseason would have a huge impact, and that the team would probably start off slow offensively. And then when it happened, many were saying Rodgers was done, Rodgers needed to be benched/traded, etc. I was among a small group of people that said stay calm, that those comments would prove to be foolish.
Somehow we still went 4-2 in the first 6 games, despite Rodgers not playing at the level he is accustomed to. The defense played respectable in stretches during those 6 games. That's what great teams need to do to bail their QB out when he's going throw a tough stretch, either due to just flatout poor play, or due to rust.
I don't think anyone is suggesting that the Packers should win the Super Bowl every single year, but it is rather disappointing to have only had 1 Super Bowl appearance in the Rodgers era. And the biggest reason why there's only been one is due to the defense.
Not to beat a dead horse, but when you have Aaron Rodgers, a guy that has better overall playoff numbers than Tom Brady, across the board, there's no other way to look at the situation than to simply admit that Rodgers doesn't have enough. That's just the reality of the situation.
Sorry. Don't want to make this thread all about Rodgers, just wanted to get my response in.