Watching the Packers has always been entertainment to me. It is not entertaining, to me, whether sports/movies/TV, when the good guys lose. Why would I want subject myself to the pain of watching my favorites embarrass themselves, especially since the advent of recording? Do I watch my grandson's terrible sports teams, sure, because he cares that I care. Nobody connected with the Packers knows or cares who I am or whether or not I'm watching.
Despite the fact that they're not even near being mathematically out of it, I would question, given their current lineup and previous games, that they're in the midst of a playoff run. Also, the 'ridiculous' notation probably should have some sort of 'IMO' modifier.
As stated elsewhere, the definition of 'true fan' and how to tell when a person is one is also a personal opinion. I consider a true fan to be one who follows and maintains allegiance to a team through thick and thin; since the late '50s, I've seen plenty of both, and there's still only one team I hate to see lose.
Combining the above, I have not come close to quitting on this team, despite not being anxious to watch.