Zero2Cool said:Bruce said:Is he not entitled to approach this multi-billion dollar business with some self advocacy and looking out for his and his family's well being?
You're a smart guy, well knowledged and yet you have the audacity to state hsi familys well being? Give me a break! Who the hell needs over 1,000,000 dollars annually to support their family? You show me that family and I'll show you a family who needs to get an accountant.
Aside from that statement, Javon does deserve an increase, not to SUPPORT HIS FAMILY but because he's earned it. I would say let the man play this year see how he performs the first half of the season and if its right where he left off, throw some coin at the man, make him happy. Or as some see it, make it so he can support his family. Cuz you know his great great grandchildren shouldn't have to work at all because Pappy Javon was a talented WR!
I like Javon always have except when he hired Drew, then I began to question his antics and comments. He made some immature statements, but **** who's perfect? He in my opinion learned from his mistakes, canned Drew shidphace and from what I know is busting his *** to get back in to camp for the Packers. THE PACKERS!
Zero2Cool said:Give me a break! Who the hell needs over 1,000,000 dollars annually to support their family? You show me that family and I'll show you a family who needs to get an accountant.
CaliforniaCheez said:Zero2Cool said:Give me a break! Who the hell needs over 1,000,000 dollars annually to support their family? You show me that family and I'll show you a family who needs to get an accountant.
You have not dated California women, have you.
4packgirl said:"one play & my career could be over" may be absolutely true but the same can be said about many different careers - factory workers, fishermen, fire fighters, police officers, truck drivers...the list could go on & on. these guys get paid EXTREMELY well & CHOOSE to take that risk everytime they get on the field. walker's seen many players get hurt over the years & i don't think his own injury was some great epiphany for him either. while i enjoy the game of football immensely, these are just regular guys with a God given talent, they are NOT Gods themselves & shouldn't be treated as such - imho!
Bruce said:CaliforniaCheez said:Zero2Cool said:Give me a break! Who the hell needs over 1,000,000 dollars annually to support their family? You show me that family and I'll show you a family who needs to get an accountant.
You have not dated California women, have you.
LOLI married one -- and you are correct. Thank God I have done pretty well in life. :wink:
all about da packers said:I have to respectfully disagree with both Bruce and Z2C. I feel Walker has not done enough to warrant a raise...yet. He had one GREAT season, but what else? I know he had a good end to the 2003 season, but that isn't merit for a new mega-million dollar contract that J-Walk wants. I would say that if Walker does have a good year next year, then perhaps around week 15 we get the extension done, so it doesn't interefere with any postseason preperation (I THINK THE PACK WILL MAKE IT BACK TO PLAYOFFS!). I know Walker is smart enough to not say something like "I need to feed my family, which I can't do on more than half a million I make", but I feel he needs to show he is back to full strength and there to stay in order to get the new deal he wants, although he has not yet completly earned.
all about da packers said:I have to respectfully disagree with both Bruce and Z2C. I feel Walker has not done enough to warrant a raise...yet. He had one GREAT season, but what else? I know he had a good end to the 2003 season, but that isn't merit for a new mega-million dollar contract that J-Walk wants. I would say that if Walker does have a good year next year, then perhaps around week 15 we get the extension done, so it doesn't interefere with any postseason preperation (I THINK THE PACK WILL MAKE IT BACK TO PLAYOFFS!). I know Walker is smart enough to not say something like "I need to feed my family, which I can't do on more than half a million I make", but I feel he needs to show he is back to full strength and there to stay in order to get the new deal he wants, although he has not yet completly earned.
all about da packers said:I have to respectfully disagree with both Bruce and Z2C. I feel Walker has not done enough to warrant a raise...yet. He had one GREAT season, but what else? I know he had a good end to the 2003 season, but that isn't merit for a new mega-million dollar contract that J-Walk wants. I feel he needs to show he is back to full strength and there to stay in order to get the new deal he wants, although he has not yet completly earned.
CaliforniaCheez said:all about da packers said:I have to respectfully disagree with both Bruce and Z2C. I feel Walker has not done enough to warrant a raise...yet. He had one GREAT season, but what else? I know he had a good end to the 2003 season, but that isn't merit for a new mega-million dollar contract that J-Walk wants. I feel he needs to show he is back to full strength and there to stay in order to get the new deal he wants, although he has not yet completly earned.
Well said. Since 2002 when a first and a second round pick were spent on Walker the guy has had only one good year and that because in 04 both Driver and Ferguson missed time with injuries.
For his 4 year career he has had:
18 starts, 157 catches, 2444 yards receiving 22 touchdowns.
Averaging 4.5 starts a season, 39 catches a season, 607.5 yards a season, 5.5 touchdowns a season.
The Press Gazette today says he had a Wonderlic score of 7.
It's time to go in a new direction and build for the future. Get a contributor instead.
P@ck66 said:Here's a scenario for ya'..
Walker comes back in '06 and lights up the league like he did in '04 and turns around and tells TT and Packers f*** y** for '07...because they took a "horses' ***" attitude and didn't make any overtures to retain him....
i can't believe some of the attitudes on this if anyone asks for just compensation from the Packers people rip into them because it should just be an honor to play in GB....
that is just ridiculous....
and Z2C...c'mon...$500k a year...for 5 years...
Why doesn't anyone mention what the "owners" are making off of this game...everyone loves to saddle it on the players....Look to the owners...C'mon..these people give their lives to this game..!